How about we just get rid of the guns for f***s sake
Cuz criminals will always find ways to get them leaving the public unprotected
Or even worse, leaving only the government armed and a populace primed for authoritarian rule
edit: check out the website for that if you can. also not saying you personally, but ppl need to not fall into the traps that orgs like 8cantwait are proposing
Abolish. Policing needs to be returned to individual communities that define what is and is not acceptable in harmony with their own culture and values -- not just what the white bourgeoisie statesmen have decided.
So I can get hung for walking my dog on the wrong side of the road while traveling? I'll pass
Education and training should be #1 priority
How do you expect someone who barely passed HS to be a police officer and memorize basically the same amount of laws and guidelines a lawyer is supposed to
This seems reasonable. Im not sure if it's true that dumb cops are the ones doing dumb s***..but I'd imagine its likely and at the very least doesn't help
in ny state every school has a state mandated school resource officer. that means even in the middle of nowhere every school has a police officer.
if there were no police
there would be no private property
people could be murdered at will without repercussion
there would be no food because no one would pay for it
everyone would steal
eventually the entire society would crumble into nothingness
i'm not the biggest fan of some cops
some are good, some are bad
but without them people would be murdered constantly
we wouldn't have elections
eventually a despot would take control
take all the guns
and brutally rule the land with military force.
bodycams verifiably change police behavior.
yes let the gated communities police themselves so instead of Karen calling 911 on your black ass she just kills you with her legally registered gun
if there were no police
there would be no private property
people could be murdered at will without repercussion
there would be no food because no one would pay for it
everyone would steal
eventually the entire society would crumble into nothingness
i'm not the biggest fan of some cops
some are good, some are bad
but without them people would be murdered constantly
we wouldn't have elections
eventually a despot would take control
take all the guns
and brutally rule the land with military force.
bodycams verifiably change police behavior.
the future that leftists want 😡
the future that leftists want 😡
They want that? That's horrible. Can you link it?
if there were no police
there would be no private property
people could be murdered at will without repercussion
there would be no food because no one would pay for it
everyone would steal
eventually the entire society would crumble into nothingness
i'm not the biggest fan of some cops
some are good, some are bad
but without them people would be murdered constantly
we wouldn't have elections
eventually a despot would take control
take all the guns
and brutally rule the land with military force.
bodycams verifiably change police behavior.
“without repercussion”
What are you on man, got the ninja turtle rat agreeing with you, that’s an L
“without repercussion”
What are you on man, got the ninja turtle rat agreeing with you, that’s an L
Man said ninja turtles rat
“without repercussion”
What are you on man, got the ninja turtle rat agreeing with you, that’s an L
no police means no consequences
ppl could slit each other's throats and keep it moving
that's what you want?
no police means no consequences
ppl could slit each other's throats and keep it moving
that's what you want?
Humanity existed before police
Humanity existed before police
anarchy chaos mob rule
people being murdered in the streets
yes you're right
whoever has the sharpest spear wins
anarchy chaos mob rule
people being murdered in the streets
yes you're right
whoever has the sharpest spear wins
So before this man:
Inventor of "Police"
That's how life was? Have any proof?
abolish is a big word and way too big an immediate step in my opinion. I think the more obvious answer is to reform. I feel like there are pretty obvious answers on what needs to be done to fix them.
So I can get hung for walking my dog on the wrong side of the road while traveling? I'll pass
As far as I can see, this is still happening with police existing. The only difference is that the police protect the attackers when they're inevitably found 'not guilty' by all-white juries.
if there were no police
there would be no private property
people could be murdered at will without repercussion
there would be no food because no one would pay for it
everyone would steal
eventually the entire society would crumble into nothingness
i'm not the biggest fan of some cops
some are good, some are bad
but without them people would be murdered constantly
we wouldn't have elections
eventually a despot would take control
take all the guns
and brutally rule the land with military force.
bodycams verifiably change police behavior.
😂😂😂discman thinks once we abolish the police, there wont be an alternative for community protection🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣