  • Jun 8, 2020

    if there were no police

    there would be no private property

    people could be murdered at will without repercussion

    there would be no food because no one would pay for it

    everyone would steal

    eventually the entire society would crumble into nothingness

    i'm not the biggest fan of some cops

    some are good, some are bad

    but without them people would be murdered constantly

    we wouldn't have elections

    eventually a despot would take control

    take all the guns

    and brutally rule the land with military force.

    bodycams verifiably change police behavior.

    There would still be law enforcement, just a community based model

  • Jun 8, 2020
    2 replies

    Defunding the police is stupid

    It will lower the bracket of those who can be officers

    Increase funding for MORE TRAINING but DECREASE armaments and weaponry..

    Police don't need SMG's and snipers

    I would defund their weaponry so much they would be carrying these:

  • Jun 8, 2020
    1 reply

    As far as I can see, this is still happening with police existing. The only difference is that the police protect the attackers when they're inevitably found 'not guilty' by all-white juries.

    Reformation of police would be to eliminate this issue tho no? Not just change the hands of the oppresors

  • Jun 8, 2020
    Abandoned Account

    I would defund their weaponry so much they would be carrying these:

  • Nuja 🫶🏾
    Jun 8, 2020
    1 reply

    I’ve said my piece in this before.

    I’m conflicted. In theory yes I’m all for it. Police are useful for Jack s***.

    1. They don’t/can’t do anything about modern issues that are a growing problem. They literally don’t do ANYTHING about cyber crimes and we live in a growing digital age. if anything funds need to be more allocated to that. Serving as mod/co admin on both sites the amount of s*** I’ve had to deal with where getting law enforcement involved might have sufficed best but I didn’t/couldn’t because they are absolutely f***ing useless in this regard.

    2. They don’t do s*** about domestic cases. They’ll usually give women the run around and do nothing to actually help them, often siding with the abusers too because they are that themselves (shocker)

    3. If you have deal with a break in or any type of robbery they show up with a note pad but never actually follow up, they don’t actually do anything

    4. Reporting a rape to the police? Do I even have to speak on this one....

    So what do the police actually do besides harass, beat on and kill POC?

  • Nuja 🫶🏾
    Jun 8, 2020

    A lot of the counter arguments itt are void. Police do nothing about half of these things as is unless it’s a POC

  • Jun 8, 2020
    1 reply
    Abandoned Account

    I would defund their weaponry so much they would be carrying these:

    They should only carry handguns, rifles are unnecessary 99% of the time, so only a select few should carry them.

    They also need more combat techniques and training for firearms while under stress, this way they'll function better in high stress situations

  • Nuja 🫶🏾
    Jun 8, 2020

    Just realized Dan is OP i don’t need to explain point 1 to him lol

  • Jun 8, 2020

    I’m on team #DefundThePolice

  • Jun 8, 2020
    1 reply

    They should only carry handguns, rifles are unnecessary 99% of the time, so only a select few should carry them.

    They also need more combat techniques and training for firearms while under stress, this way they'll function better in high stress situations

    I like that.

  • Jun 8, 2020

    if there were no police

    there would be no private property

    people could be murdered at will without repercussion

    there would be no food because no one would pay for it

    everyone would steal

    eventually the entire society would crumble into nothingness

    i'm not the biggest fan of some cops

    some are good, some are bad

    but without them people would be murdered constantly

    we wouldn't have elections

    eventually a despot would take control

    take all the guns

    and brutally rule the land with military force.

    bodycams verifiably change police behavior.

    Do your research man. When I read the headline, I thought anarchy. And this is coming from a black man.

    It doesn't mean lawlessness. It means that a lot of money would go towards helping the root of problems instead of attacking the result of the problem.

    Biden recently said something stupid, "shoot the leg instead of the heart". How about you figure out why the problem started in the first place? Maybe NO force would be needed if more attention was addressed earlier in the problem.

    There would still be an arbitrator, just more attention addressed to other areas. Also, the major point is that the system was made with prejudice and oppression of specific people in mind. A redesign and maybe a new approach will help it. Maybe it'll work in some areas and maybe the same rules won't apply in other areas. When they say abolish, it doesn't mean "every man for himself". In places like Japan, it's illegal to have a gun and I believe their police don't carry guns.

    Think on this.

  • Jun 8, 2020
    1 reply

    Reformation of police would be to eliminate this issue tho no? Not just change the hands of the oppresors

    Police are still police; their job is to use violence to enforce the will of the state. As long as the state continues to legislate various laws that asymmetrically effect black people, then any 'reform' will be nothing but lip service.

    I'm saying, let black communities, white communities, communities that have mixed populations -- let them decide the law and democratically elect people from that community to enforce them in a way that is harmonious to the culture of that area.

    Shook white cops from some suburb, enforcing laws made by a centralized white government, in neighborhoods that do not agree with the laws or the policing methods, is the reason why this s*** happens. Let people that are personally accountable to the community do the job.

  • Jun 8, 2020
    2 replies

    I want the police to be completely removed so people can see how much of a dumb f***ing idea that is for themselves.

  • Jun 8, 2020
    Abandoned Account

    I like that.

    Just ONE of the many ways the army and military does is by having you run a certain distance to tire you out when get your heart rate up and breathing intensified.

    Then they'll have you draw as quickly as possible and shoot as fast AND as accurate as possible.

    They do this until your draw speed and accuracy increases to a satisfactory level.

    People are often surprised how much they improve after a while of doing this and a number of other stress drills.

    Basically training under stress is the key to able bodied level headed cop who WON'T over react.

  • Jun 8, 2020
    1 reply

    I want the police to be completely removed so people can see how much of a dumb f***ing idea that is for themselves.

    Research the topic before you speak on it. People like you who see a headline and judge are the reason why racism and prejudice exists.

  • Jun 8, 2020
    1 reply

    Research the topic before you speak on it. People like you who see a headline and judge are the reason why racism and prejudice exists.

    I cannot believe someone is this dense lmao. Shut up. Something is not trur just cuz u have a wet revolution dream about it .

    I dont think people realize how f***ed society is lol. People will eat each other alive.

  • Jun 8, 2020

    Abolishing the police in America would be a terrible idea.

  • Jun 8, 2020
    1 reply
    · edited

    I cannot believe someone is this dense lmao. Shut up. Something is not trur just cuz u have a wet revolution dream about it .

    I dont think people realize how f***ed society is lol. People will eat each other alive.

    Says the person who spoke on the topic doing zero reading.

  • Jun 8, 2020

    If cops where trained under stress and did stress drills and the like.

    Castille would still be alive today, the cop over reacted like a p****, just one of many cases.

  • Jun 8, 2020
    4 replies

    I want the police to be completely removed so people can see how much of a dumb f***ing idea that is for themselves.

    Straight embarrassing.

    There is not one western country, not even those with extremely low serious crime rates such as Switzerland and Norway that doesn't have a tax payer funded police.

    Yet people are suggesting USA with the amount of violent crime should be the place to test this out. See how many more George Zimmerman cases you would create by doing so. And thats just to begin with.


  • Jun 8, 2020
    1 reply

    Says the person who spoke on the topic doing zero reading.

    What should i read bro? Do you want to remove police completely? Explain.

  • Jun 8, 2020

    I’ve said my piece in this before.

    I’m conflicted. In theory yes I’m all for it. Police are useful for Jack s***.

    1. They don’t/can’t do anything about modern issues that are a growing problem. They literally don’t do ANYTHING about cyber crimes and we live in a growing digital age. if anything funds need to be more allocated to that. Serving as mod/co admin on both sites the amount of s*** I’ve had to deal with where getting law enforcement involved might have sufficed best but I didn’t/couldn’t because they are absolutely f***ing useless in this regard.

    2. They don’t do s*** about domestic cases. They’ll usually give women the run around and do nothing to actually help them, often siding with the abusers too because they are that themselves (shocker)

    3. If you have deal with a break in or any type of robbery they show up with a note pad but never actually follow up, they don’t actually do anything

    4. Reporting a rape to the police? Do I even have to speak on this one....

    So what do the police actually do besides harass, beat on and kill POC?

    what's holding you back? all very valid points but you left out where you are conflicted, just curious

  • Jun 8, 2020
    1 reply

    What should i read bro? Do you want to remove police completely? Explain.

    I edited the video to start at the point you're asking, the dude shares your argument and the rest addresses his points.

    Actually, OP needs to edit this video in. Just to educate and inform people.

  • KEYS

    Straight embarrassing.

    There is not one western country, not even those with extremely low serious crime rates such as Switzerland and Norway that doesn't have a tax payer funded police.

    Yet people are suggesting USA with the amount of violent crime should be the place to test this out. See how many more George Zimmerman cases you would create by doing so. And thats just to begin with.


    People have been living in such a safe bubble in the us they have lost all common sense.

    All fun an games and everyone wants to replace cops with social workers until its ur family thats being hurt.

  • Jun 8, 2020
    1 reply
    · edited

    I edited the video to start at the point you're asking, the dude shares your argument and the rest addresses his points.

    Actually, OP needs to edit this video in. Just to educate and inform people.

    Ill give it a fair watch. I agree with some type of cleaning, but completely removing feels like stretch
