  • Jun 8, 2020

    Straight embarrassing.

    There is not one western country, not even those with extremely low serious crime rates such as Switzerland and Norway that doesn't have a tax payer funded police.

    Yet people are suggesting USA with the amount of violent crime should be the place to test this out. See how many more George Zimmerman cases you would create by doing so. And thats just to begin with.


    Yeah, I have no idea what these clowns are talking about.

    You want to abolish the police? In present day America? A country, like many others, with a history of bigotry intrinsically tied to some of its institutions? Where that bigotry manifests from large institutions to even small interactions? Where many of those bigots are actively armed? You want to abolish the police force?

    The people saying this have a very narrow minded view of the world and are really smoking off the luxuries of living in a first world industrialized western nation.

    One of the many reasons American police suck is because American citizens are awful and go into the force with preconceived biases. Same as the medical field, where black women's pain is perceived differently.

  • Jun 8, 2020
    1 reply

    Ill give it a fair watch. I agree with some type of cleaning, but completely removing feels like stretch

    It's not completely removing.

  • Jun 8, 2020
    1 reply

    Getting rid of police is STUPID, by then you'll have NO CHOICE but to carry and TRAIN with a firearm for your own safety no matter how you look it at.

    Too bad kids and the elderly can't do that

  • Shy

    It's not completely removing.

    Okay gotcha. Sorry, if i came off like a d*** head ❤

  • Jun 8, 2020
    The Man

    Read this. It lists some good points but does fail to mention how we rid the world of rapists and pedophiles since that’s more of a psychological issue than a need to survive issue. We would still need somebody contact in case of a violent crime imo.

    Advancing people with education and employment should rid the world of crimes like theft, robbery and hopefully gang shootings in general thus lessening the need for police. But do we want to get rid of them completely?

    What I think is that we dramatically defund, demilitarize and change their roles and basically only use them on a necessity basis rather than the first people we call. I do not agree with eliminating prisons in this scenario since we will need them for the violent criminals.

    Some perspective as well:

    Chicago in 2018 alone spent 118 million taxpayer dollars on police misconduct lawsuits, where else could that money have gone?

    I will listen and respect all different viewpoints and won’t insult people that disagree with my main point like other users in this section. If there’s already a thread with this topic please merge ty.

    Edit this video into OP:

    The video starts at the idea of "defunding the police" and what it means.

  • Jun 8, 2020

    Straight embarrassing.

    There is not one western country, not even those with extremely low serious crime rates such as Switzerland and Norway that doesn't have a tax payer funded police.

    Yet people are suggesting USA with the amount of violent crime should be the place to test this out. See how many more George Zimmerman cases you would create by doing so. And thats just to begin with.


    Watch the video where I set it to start. ~5 mins of your time.

  • Jun 8, 2020
    2 replies

    the end goal is to abolish the police in its current form and have some type of citizen watch essentially. though obviously it's not happening anytime soon lmao, at-least not successfully. the short term goal should be to heavily defund and hold them more accountable but even then its not gonna happen unless there's more protests.

    even then if we're gonna talk about it deeper we also have to talk about the police in relation to capitalism and how they're basically property protectors instead of protecting society as a whole, and thats a whole different convo

  • Jun 8, 2020

    Getting rid of police is STUPID, by then you'll have NO CHOICE but to carry and TRAIN with a firearm for your own safety no matter how you look it at.

    Too bad kids and the elderly can't do that

    Yeah fr, if anything the stress drills and a lengthy training program would be good.

    Actively filtering police cadets via extensive background checks.

    Community Review boards with some level of oversight from the Fed.

    Demilitarizing police.

    Creating an even more extensive and maybe even bothersome process(To disincentivize its use) of justifying use of deadly force.
    Etc etc

    You want to mitigate the amount of s***ty people that go into the police force and higher levels of governance. You want to increase standards for police and make sure they're rigorously vetted repeatedly throughout their employment.

    Abolishing them in a country of 300 million is the most SoHo NYer s*** I've ever heard.

  • Jun 8, 2020

    the end goal is to abolish the police in its current form and have some type of citizen watch essentially. though obviously it's not happening anytime soon lmao, at-least not successfully. the short term goal should be to heavily defund and hold them more accountable but even then its not gonna happen unless there's more protests.

    even then if we're gonna talk about it deeper we also have to talk about the police in relation to capitalism and how they're basically property protectors instead of protecting society as a whole, and thats a whole different convo

    Good post

  • Jun 8, 2020
    1 reply

    Straight embarrassing.

    There is not one western country, not even those with extremely low serious crime rates such as Switzerland and Norway that doesn't have a tax payer funded police.

    Yet people are suggesting USA with the amount of violent crime should be the place to test this out. See how many more George Zimmerman cases you would create by doing so. And thats just to begin with.


    Just last week I saw on my local news some guy was involved in a shootout on the highway for accidentally cutting off another driver.. And that's with the risk of police and prison..

    Now just imagine when we "abolish" the police the type of mischief people are gonna get into :oblivious:

  • Jun 8, 2020
    1 reply

    the end goal is to abolish the police in its current form and have some type of citizen watch essentially. though obviously it's not happening anytime soon lmao, at-least not successfully. the short term goal should be to heavily defund and hold them more accountable but even then its not gonna happen unless there's more protests.

    even then if we're gonna talk about it deeper we also have to talk about the police in relation to capitalism and how they're basically property protectors instead of protecting society as a whole, and thats a whole different convo

    A Citizen's watch would literally just be Police and is exactly just as bad and how we got George Zimmerman gunning some kid down in the street

    It's also why we get two civvies taking it upon themselves to hunt a jogging black man and gun him down in the street.

    American's need to really look at their population before talking about utopias

  • Jun 8, 2020
    1 reply

    Just last week I saw on my local news some guy was involved in a shootout on the highway for accidentally cutting off another driver.. And that's with the risk of police and prison..

    Now just imagine when we "abolish" the police the type of mischief people are gonna get into :oblivious:

    its almost as if police and prison are not successful deterrents of crime.

  • Jun 8, 2020
    2 replies

    It’s very obvious the people who don’t read up on things and just read the title

  • Jun 8, 2020
    1 reply

    A Citizen's watch would literally just be Police and is exactly just as bad and how we got George Zimmerman gunning some kid down in the street

    It's also why we get two civvies taking it upon themselves to hunt a jogging black man and gun him down in the street.

    American's need to really look at their population before talking about utopias

    lmao no. the problem with the police in function is that essentially they can get away with more s*** due to police unions and the fact that they hold a higher power over normal citizens (even higher than firefighters and paramedics). by taking these away, they can be held more accountable instead of letting police get away with almost everything.

  • Jun 8, 2020
    The Man

    It’s very obvious the people who don’t read up on things and just read the title

    there are just so so many reading and resource lists being circulated rn. people who want to have an opinion on this have no excuse for not educating themselves.

  • Jun 8, 2020
    1 reply

    lmao no. the problem with the police in function is that essentially they can get away with more s*** due to police unions and the fact that they hold a higher power over normal citizens (even higher than firefighters and paramedics). by taking these away, they can be held more accountable instead of letting police get away with almost everything.

    Yeah, and you can do that without actually abolishing the police.

  • Jun 8, 2020

    Defund, reform.
    How many cases have you heard of the National Guard attacking people? Or secret service attacking people?
    Now what about cops? In just these last ten days?
    They need a better hiring process and mental evaluation process. Also they need the same three strikes policies civilians have. They shouldn’t be above the law. They should be equal. The police union either needs to be reformed or abolished

  • Jun 8, 2020
    1 reply

    Yeah, and you can do that without actually abolishing the police.

    not really lol. the problem with police is that they're enabled by the state and capitalism in general. notice that they're more property laws and laws agains the homeless than laws about rape. the system enables it and even trying to get rid of police unions will take longer than just getting rid of police completely. thats why im saying that we need to have a talk about getting rid of capitalism completely before getting rid of the police, and why its a long term goal, idk why you're assuming people want this to happen overnight.

    also the state has tried to make police "accountable" through slapping body cams on them and it hasn't done jack s***. if that wasn't a wake up call that it's not gonna work then idk what to tell you

  • Jun 8, 2020
    1 reply

    its almost as if police and prison are not successful deterrents of crime.

    They need mental health and trauma experts imo

  • Jun 8, 2020
    1 reply

    They need mental health and trauma experts imo

    yes so abolish the police

  • Jun 8, 2020
    1 reply

    not really lol. the problem with police is that they're enabled by the state and capitalism in general. notice that they're more property laws and laws agains the homeless than laws about rape. the system enables it and even trying to get rid of police unions will take longer than just getting rid of police completely. thats why im saying that we need to have a talk about getting rid of capitalism completely before getting rid of the police, and why its a long term goal, idk why you're assuming people want this to happen overnight.

    also the state has tried to make police "accountable" through slapping body cams on them and it hasn't done jack s***. if that wasn't a wake up call that it's not gonna work then idk what to tell you

    A Citizen's Watch would literally be enabled by the state and capitalism.

    Two civvies shot Ahmaud Arbery because they thought a black man was stilling from an under construction home.

    George Zimmerman thought a black teen was causing trouble in a gated community.

    White people consistently call the cops on individuals hanging around their communities. I've even had this happen to me.

    What is your point.

    You're making a difference without a distinction.

    Getting rid of capitalism doesn't solve preconceived biases that individuals have. You can have a white ethnostate without capitalism. I can subjugate women, without capitalism.

    You need to stop scapegoating capitalism for every single problem.

    Some people like private property, some people don't desire to directly share the proceeds of their labor with other people. I know Doctors who aren't in favor of UHC. I know people who desire a meritocratic state where everyone pulls themselves up by their boot straps.

    Some people are bad people.

    Body cam's aren't the be all, end all of making police accountable.

    A Citizen's Watch would go through the same pitfalls as a police would since you're sourcing these people from the same community. You're also making a new environment for a toxic culture to fester.

    You're not actually doing much besides theory crafting a utopian society where social strain is solved, thus eliminating most criminal activities while some novel group of homebound community guardians exist for sparse outbreaks of crime.

  • Jun 8, 2020
    1 reply

    yes so abolish the police

    Out of curiosity do/did you live in a poverty stricken area ?

  • Jun 8, 2020

    Remove, reform and replace

    Agreed. Police officers need to go through much longer training and mental evaluations before they are handed a weapon.