Idk if 100% gone is the key but LAPD do not need 3billi bruh. Limit their funding to like 100m a year
How much would those savings help take their thousands of homeless off the streets?
La gives their police dept 3 billion a year, maybe start there
Defund the police and use that money to help improve impoverished neighborhoods therefore decreasing crime and the need for police?
It’s not that hard. We would need a new institution for traffic control and then legalize d****. Thats pretty much it
How much would those savings help take their thousands of homeless off the streets?
put that money into black neighborhoods that have been s*** on for decades and give those people opportunity and resources they can use to better themselves. more money into school and programs that help kids get proper education equal to white neighborhoods
i really would be on board if there was a single replacement idea that worked
nothing here or anywhere i've seen has come up with a realistic alternative that wouldn't be laughed at by most officials. Pushing for something like this with no specific plan is gonna get us nowhere and then we'll be back in outrage when the next video drops
From where? If food is running out where you getting food from?
lirl lesson 7 of ktt is never argue with synop
dude thinks the world is a utopia with infinite resources where everyone's life could be a fairytale movie as long as we use the power of friendship and love
No to abolishing the police. No to getting rid of prison. They just need some touching up.
i really would be on board if there was a single replacement idea that worked
nothing here or anywhere i've seen has come up with a realistic alternative that wouldn't be laughed at by most officials. Pushing for something like this with no specific plan is gonna get us nowhere and then we'll be back in outrage when the next video drops
and what about the areas that have pushed towards actually replacing police officers with community oriented treatment approaches and seen success?
lirl lesson 7 of ktt is never argue with synop
dude thinks the world is a utopia with infinite resources where everyone's life could be a fairytale movie as long as we use the power of friendship and love
You're the most dense idiot to ever grace the internet in all honestly. It actually is kinda funny you're talking about infinite resources when you cape for rich people and capitalism every chance you get on here and that whole ideology is one that completely glosses over the fact that you can't have infinite growth on a planet of finite resources.
but what can we expect from a guy who has pretended to be asian, greek, white (while really being puerto rican) and advocated for the genocide of muslims
No to abolishing the police. No to getting rid of prison. They just need some touching up.
They need a new canvas
Starting with the requirement of a college degree to become one
They need a new canvas
Starting with the requirement of a college degree to become one
people with college degrees would ever become police officers at sufficient rates lol it's a dangerous (or at last can be depending on locale) blue-collar like profession
They need a new canvas
Starting with the requirement of a college degree to become one
We're gonna have to raise the pay then. No way anyone is going to college for 4 years to then put their life on the line daily for a cop salary rn
I agree they def need a lot more training and vetting. Police officer shouldn't be a backup plan for someone who dropped out and got their GED
They need a new canvas
Starting with the requirement of a college degree to become one
Explain how this does anything to get rid of the racism embedded within policing
but what can we expect from a guy who has pretended to be asian, greek, white (while really being puerto rican) and advocated for the genocide of muslims
I actually am white and asian lol. My mom is half pinoy.
And I never advocated for the genocide of muslims. At most I advocated for the eradication of islam. But I feel the same way about all religion
We're gonna have to raise the pay then. No way anyone is going to college for 4 years to then put their life on the line daily for a cop salary rn
I agree they def need a lot more training and vetting. Police officer shouldn't be a backup plan for someone who dropped out and got their GED
Since when is Police a back up job?
What dusty one horse towns you guys live in where the cops are GED educated?
Acting like being a police officer is the same as working at a dead end factory job for 30+ years.
I actually am white and asian lol. My mom is half pinoy.
And I never advocated for the genocide of muslims. At most I advocated for the eradication of islam. But I feel the same way about all religion
I don't know why you're lying to me like I don't know you lmao
They need a new canvas
Starting with the requirement of a college degree to become one
If you want to actually engage with the ideas, you'll read through the stuff linked here. Right now, all you really do is respond with surface level questions and "well actually" any response. I don't think you're at the point yet where you're actually ready to listen to the idea in a serious manner since you seem way too willing to try and point out all the ways in which you think it wouldn't work. Abolition of police and prison is not some pie in the sky fantasy. It is an actual idea that has been talked about, studied, written about at length and been refined by serious academics and activists much smarter than the both of us.
If you want to actually engage with the ideas, you'll read through the stuff linked here. Right now, all you really do is respond with surface level questions and "well actually" any response. I don't think you're at the point yet where you're actually ready to listen to the idea in a serious manner since you seem way too willing to try and point out all the ways in which you think it wouldn't work. Abolition of police and prison is not some pie in the sky fantasy. It is an actual idea that has been talked about, studied, written about at length and been refined by serious academics and activists much smarter than the both of us.
question- how does a society that lacks police deal with crimes of passion.
for instance, a divorce that causes the husband to reach the point of murderous intent. right now, individuals who want to murder someone who pissed them off are held back by the threat of jail time- whats the replacement deterrent?
i assume youll say something like therapy, but how is that an effective solution when many people are unwilling to go/unaware they need to go
under the constraints of capitalism the abolishment of the police law enforcement would just result in it becoming a marketized good by being farmed out to private actors i.e. pmc's which would make it even less accountable/transparent than it already is.
and of course these private actors would largely be employed by the rich thereby accentuating class disparities
under the constraints of capitalism the abolishment of the police law enforcement would just result in it becoming a marketized good by being farmed out to private actors i.e. pmc's which would make it even less accountable/transparent than it already is.
and of course these private actors would largely be employed by the rich thereby accentuating class disparities
also a good point