question- how does a society that lacks police deal with crimes of passion.
for instance, a divorce that causes the husband to reach the point of murderous intent. right now, individuals who want to murder someone who pissed them off are held back by the threat of jail time- whats the replacement deterrent?
i assume youll say something like therapy, but how is that an effective solution when many people are unwilling to go/unaware they need to go
First, I would have to imagine the number of men who become so enraged that they murder their wives upon learning they want a divorce is low. Second, as I've said many times, punishment has not been a successful deterrent. There are numerous studies that indicate this.
If someone murders their wife in that sort of violent rage, which as I said probably isn't too common, then the police cannot prevent the crime anyways. So the only thing you'd need them for hypothetically is to detain the citizen and bring him to jail. Well, there's no reason that a group of elected citizens or trained de-escalation, mental health, and trauma experts can't supervise his home as he awaits his trial, and then there's no reason they wouldn't be able to detain him and bring him to a rehab facility of some sorts if found guilty.
Education and training should be #1 priority
How do you expect someone who barely passed HS to be a police officer and memorize basically the same amount of laws and guidelines a lawyer is supposed to
This this this
It’s absolutely a bizarre career
That mixes legal and critical thinking skills that people do 4 yrs of college and 3 yrs of law school to acquire but also slightly blue collar/technical work
The common denominator for sure tho that at its base it’s too low paying in smaller cities and too easy to become one
The main reason you need to dismantle the system is to get rid of the toxic culture of the police force. They defend one another and allow each other to commit brutality. There are officers who will get dozens of cases against them but will not be fired. A new system should be rebuilt and it doesn’t even have to be super radically different to make change.
Require a college education (that focuses on criminology and psychology)
Disarm ordinary patrolmen
Force officers to engage in community based activities such as food drives
Create a board that reviews all body cam footage to ensure that that cameras are never turned off
Any case of force must be documented and reviewed with body cam footage from all officers on site
Make body cam footage publicly available
I’m not an activist or well read on the subject so I’m not expert but I’m sure there are plenty of proposals out there that can be effective. A removal of the current system is necessary so that the police culture is dismantled.
I like this
Especially the first a lot of these guys have highschool educations and not to be elitist but college degrees in humanities and social sciences and philosophiy teach you good communication, a***ytical and critical thinking skills and from the way these guys act it just looks like they’re used to solving everything with force and violence
I like this
Especially the first a lot of these guys have highschool educations and not to be elitist but college degrees in humanities and social sciences and philosophiy teach you good communication, a***ytical and critical thinking skills and from the way these guys act it just looks like they’re used to solving everything with force and violence
Now ask yourself why anyone with those majors would ever become a police officer, and tell me how this does anything to address racism within the police force? people in the social sciences still harbor thoughts of bigotry.
the education one always gets me. like, white supremacy is embedded into our education system as well. it's literally the most liberal of all liberal solutions lol. education, education, education. if something fails, just educate!
people with college degrees would ever become police officers at sufficient rates lol it's a dangerous (or at last can be depending on locale) blue-collar like profession
At it’s current status sure, but the whole point of this thread is that it would change
Now ask yourself why anyone with those majors would ever become a police officer, and tell me how this does anything to address racism within the police force? people in the social sciences still harbor thoughts of bigotry.
Thats why we need to make the pay more competitive as backwards as that sounds
Cops in mid size to bug cities make low six figs to high 5 figures because of insane overtime so put a cap on that and increase the pay on a range based on regular hours
Would help with recruiting more people
Also idk why you’re asking on how i can fix racism ? Idk man but we can make the people that go into the institution require certain skills and do other reforms and accountability holding
the education one always gets me. like, white supremacy is embedded into our education system as well. it's literally the most liberal of all liberal solutions lol. education, education, education. if something fails, just educate!
No one said that’s the one simple solution. It’s a factor. I primarily like the idea of a college education requirement because it would lead to less cops overall, but more that are seriously committed to becoming law enforcement. Also It entirely depends on where you go to school. I went to a CSU and I think I had an amazing education education. DFW once said something about how a good education is more about teaching you how to get control of your thoughts
Community-led protection groups
Sounds like some more Zimmerman s*** tbh, it's not only the police that is racist
people with college degrees would ever become police officers at sufficient rates lol it's a dangerous (or at last can be depending on locale) blue-collar like profession
It’s not tht dangerous
No one said that’s the one simple solution. It’s a factor. I primarily like the idea of a college education requirement because it would lead to less cops overall, but more that are seriously committed to becoming law enforcement. Also It entirely depends on where you go to school. I went to a CSU and I think I had an amazing education education. DFW once said something about how a good education is more about teaching you how to get control of your thoughts
idk what a csu or dfw is. And the issue isn't that cops are too seriously committed to law enforcement. its what the laws are and how they manifest themselves.
Explain how this does anything to get rid of the racism embedded within policing
We’re in agreement about all of this. But in a much scaled down community version of a police force with more educated members the racism should subside with more education. But again the pdf in the op also makes sense to replace them completely. But we can’t have people who couldn’t even finish high school making life or death decisions on our fellow humans
We’re in agreement about all of this. But in a much scaled down community version of a police force with more educated members the racism should subside with more education. But again the pdf in the op also makes sense to replace them completely. But we can’t have people who couldn’t even finish high school making life or death decisions on our fellow humans
this is an elitist viewpoint.
Thats why we need to make the pay more competitive as backwards as that sounds
Cops in mid size to bug cities make low six figs to high 5 figures because of insane overtime so put a cap on that and increase the pay on a range based on regular hours
Would help with recruiting more people
Also idk why you’re asking on how i can fix racism ? Idk man but we can make the people that go into the institution require certain skills and do other reforms and accountability holding
we don't want more cops lol
We’re in agreement about all of this. But in a much scaled down community version of a police force with more educated members the racism should subside with more education. But again the pdf in the op also makes sense to replace them completely. But we can’t have people who couldn’t even finish high school making life or death decisions on our fellow humans
also unless you want to abolish policing we aren't in agreement.
again, read the stuff here.
idk what a csu or dfw is. And the issue isn't that cops are too seriously committed to law enforcement. its what the laws are and how they manifest themselves.
California state university and he’s an author. I edited the post bc it sounded off but I meant officers that gravitate towards the field for a dedication rather than just another job to get. It’s about changing the people that go into law enforcement and how they think. We need a new system with new people in it
New York was almost bankrupt in the late 60s-70s and the police force many got laid off
Meaning there weren’t many cops around
New York was famous for being peaceful in this era
At it’s current status sure, but the whole point of this thread is that it would change
type of people who become police officers will never change educated people want better jobs
also unless you want to abolish policing we aren't in agreement.
again, read the stuff here.
I will read it. You know as much as anybody I had a very privleged childhood besides my father dying when I was 4 and more recently my mom passing away. But regardless I grew up in a picturesque village right out of a movie. I never felt unsafe and never had any problems so as a result my world view for many years was limited and skewed. As I’ve matured my world view and perspective has grown and I’m very willing to let it grow even more. A little bit ago I would have never even thought about police abolishment or defunding police but this whole recent situation has changed my tune on that. I’m not proud that it took yet another human dying for me to change my perspective but I admit I am not perfect. You and I have our differences but please don’t assume that I’m not sincere in my intentions, I wouldn’t make a thread if That was the case. I want the best for all humans who deserve it and am trying to learn how to get us there.