  • Jan 27, 2022
    1 reply

    Is this CS to you?

    no I actually can not and thank you for the classism/racism. Reported.

  • Jan 27, 2022

    Just ask @AKFresh or @BIGGWAVE they seem to be fans of indoctrinating children

    tf u mean? keep my name out iyour ass

  • Jan 27, 2022

    Dystopian future

  • Jan 27, 2022

    no I actually can not and thank you for the classism/racism. Reported.

    You are welcome

  • Jan 27, 2022

    They doing all this s*** knowing that they’ll have them pushing boxes up and down the warehouse

  • Jan 27, 2022
    Water Giver

    I think the real/main issue is that its only Amazon focused. If youre familar with similar partnerships, i dont know how you dont see a one only option is an issue.

    When you do car mechanics or welding in HS that have job opportunities & sponsoring, you arent funneled into one literal buisness. There are multiple opportunities & all the buisnesses & colleges are competitng with each other to make the best programs, funding, realtionships & postions that also benefits the high school & class.

    The program isnt stagnated, linear funneling nor a straight up "propaganda/marketing" machine.

    If this was an education partnership between multiple buisnesses like say Walmart, Amazon, Lowes etc. then yeah it would be great.

    It being literal only one & basically bought out by one; you can see the issue.

    @op @OS9 @AKFresh

    Good point, I see why that is also a problem when you put it that way.

  • Jan 27, 2022
    krishna bound

    the words "CUSTOMER OBSESSION" (SPONSORED BY AMAZON™) plastered on the walls of a high school classroom is sending me

  • Jan 27, 2022

    cant wait to ask my 13 yr old how their test in Exxon Mobil™ Chemistry Engineering went and if they remembered to do their homework for Google™ Introduction to Data Entry class

  • Tadow 🥀
    Jan 27, 2022

    Wait OP a troll man it's just computer science courses

  • You can learn logistics by just picking up an overnight job or working in a warehouse...shit you can just apply for a logistics job and there's a high chance you get it these days.

  • Jan 27, 2022
    1 reply

    With Public schools getting f***ed by budget cuts for decades it seems like they deployed the old Tory strategy of f***ing over public infrastructure to the point that people beg for privatisation.

    Or maybe Bezos is trying to do re-education with all these Gen Z Maoists running around these days.

  • Jan 27, 2022

    We’re going back to the 1800’s baby

  • Jan 27, 2022

    With Public schools getting f***ed by budget cuts for decades it seems like they deployed the old Tory strategy of f***ing over public infrastructure to the point that people beg for privatisation.

    Or maybe Bezos is trying to do re-education with all these Gen Z Maoists running around these days.

    the former of the two has been a long standing political strategy within the US so it's not really just a theory or anything. back when people like Paul Ryan were relevant they basically said the goal of their candidacy was to do this

  • Jan 27, 2022
    1 reply

    Is this CS to you?

    You realize people who do well in supply chain/logistics are easily making 6 figs

  • Jan 27, 2022
    1 reply

    You realize people who do well in supply chain/logistics are easily making 6 figs

    do you think amazon is doing this benevolently in order to push high schoolers toward 6 fig salary positions?

  • Jan 27, 2022
    2 replies
    krishna bound

    do you think amazon is doing this benevolently in order to push high schoolers toward 6 fig salary positions?

    Yea, you tard. They want to replace warehouse workers with bots, they want to develop these kids early so they’re more likely to come to Amazon corporate. Amazon wouldn’t waste time developing things for people that they think will be warehouse worker. That’s a waste of resources, working in a warehouse takes 0 skill. Wake up to reality

  • Jan 27, 2022

    Yea, you tard. They want to replace warehouse workers with bots, they want to develop these kids early so they’re more likely to come to Amazon corporate. Amazon wouldn’t waste time developing things for people that they think will be warehouse worker. That’s a waste of resources, working in a warehouse takes 0 skill. Wake up to reality

  • Jan 27, 2022
    1 reply

    Yea, you tard. They want to replace warehouse workers with bots, they want to develop these kids early so they’re more likely to come to Amazon corporate. Amazon wouldn’t waste time developing things for people that they think will be warehouse worker. That’s a waste of resources, working in a warehouse takes 0 skill. Wake up to reality

    thank you mr amazon for benevolently letting me work at your corporate logistics position, how ever can i repay you for letting my children work for you. in fact what's bezos's address, i'll send him flowers & a thank you card

  • Jan 27, 2022

  • Jan 27, 2022
    krishna bound

    there are definitely worse jobs to have and there are by far worse companies out there, but Amazon is still collectively a terrible company, and s*** like this is beyond insane, part of the course is literally teaching unions being bad and asks students to "come up with ways to encourage employee motivation (benefits, raises, and bonuses excluded)"

    holy that’s diabolical wtf lmao

  • Jan 27, 2022
    1 reply
    krishna bound

    thank you mr amazon for benevolently letting me work at your corporate logistics position, how ever can i repay you for letting my children work for you. in fact what's bezos's address, i'll send him flowers & a thank you card

    People like money, Amazon pays well. 2+2=4. It shouldn’t be a comfortable concept. Either you’re extremely young or you work outside the corporate world. These types of programs are common and kids love doing them. Microsoft does one, my brother did one for a big consulting firm. Get your money up

  • Jan 27, 2022
    1 reply

    People like money, Amazon pays well. 2+2=4. It shouldn’t be a comfortable concept. Either you’re extremely young or you work outside the corporate world. These types of programs are common and kids love doing them. Microsoft does one, my brother did one for a big consulting firm. Get your money up

    you do realize this isn't a bootcamp or recruiting program right? did you read anything in this thread? this isn't an internship, job fair, etc.
    this is a company literally buying out a public high school to implement a sponsored and branded curriculum because of state & federal failures, and in turn also getting free labor out of such, this has almost never happened before in american history. this isn't a company sponsoring internships or just working in partnership for work experience with a school.
    I don't give a s*** about people working or making money, i literally own a business, this is about a clear situation of a universal failure of policy and the hijacking of failed societal infrastructure for corporate gain. This isn't a benevolent or charitable sponsorship by a company in order to give people life skills, this is a deliberate hijacking of a low income area in order to restrict and influence people's options. Just because it's giving people money doesn't mean it's intrinsically a good thing. The US army pays well too, that doesn't mean anything, the US army is hardly benevolent and also preys upon people with lack of access to education or benefits.

  • Jan 27, 2022
    2 replies
    krishna bound

    you do realize this isn't a bootcamp or recruiting program right? did you read anything in this thread? this isn't an internship, job fair, etc.
    this is a company literally buying out a public high school to implement a sponsored and branded curriculum because of state & federal failures, and in turn also getting free labor out of such, this has almost never happened before in american history. this isn't a company sponsoring internships or just working in partnership for work experience with a school.
    I don't give a s*** about people working or making money, i literally own a business, this is about a clear situation of a universal failure of policy and the hijacking of failed societal infrastructure for corporate gain. This isn't a benevolent or charitable sponsorship by a company in order to give people life skills, this is a deliberate hijacking of a low income area in order to restrict and influence people's options. Just because it's giving people money doesn't mean it's intrinsically a good thing. The US army pays well too, that doesn't mean anything, the US army is hardly benevolent and also preys upon people with lack of access to education or benefits.

    Blah blah blah. Comparing the army which does not pay well, idk where you got that myth from and uncomfortable to a cushy Amazon job. You’re uneducated and clearly don’t value education so no more comments for me. Ok Krishna

  • Jan 27, 2022
    1 reply

    Blah blah blah. Comparing the army which does not pay well, idk where you got that myth from and uncomfortable to a cushy Amazon job. You’re uneducated and clearly don’t value education so no more comments for me. Ok Krishna

    this has to be a troll

  • Jan 27, 2022
    1 reply

    Blah blah blah. Comparing the army which does not pay well, idk where you got that myth from and uncomfortable to a cushy Amazon job. You’re uneducated and clearly don’t value education so no more comments for me. Ok Krishna

    Krishnas the most educated person on this site wtf u talking about