Honestly lotta those “cry” anime come off too try hard for me
Like I was honestly cringing the entire ending of Ano Hana because it just seemed like they were trying so hard to drive a reaction outta me with everyone crying and trying to make it sad.
Afterstory also just felt like a really cheap exploitative narrative
Can’t relate about Clannad I cried real tears to that
Ano Hana I’ve heard a lot of people say that and I see where you’re coming from I still really enjoyed the little story there so I’d say it’s great
My hot take about emotional anime is that I Want to Eat Your Pancreas is trash
That anime was bad
I thought shameless lazy gay knockoffs were Hollywoods thing
anyway argument about MAL vs. 4chan vs. whatever is stupid none of these lists are authority on whats good anime anyway its all personal what we think is good and whats not.
weirdest hill to die on
except darling in the franxx that show is objectively dogshit thanks
How dare you.
Kanan-sama Is Easy as Hell!
I have only just gotten into romantic comedies the past year or so for light reading and this one is hysterical. There are only 23 chapters thus far, but it has been getting better with each arc. It's about a demon who comes to earth in order to harvest souls at a school.. But, she ends up falling for a human. These characters are hilarious and it's been a fun ride thus far. I highly recommend this one and bet it gets an anime at some point.
anyway argument about MAL vs. 4chan vs. whatever is stupid none of these lists are authority on whats good anime anyway its all personal what we think is good and whats not.
weirdest hill to die on
except darling in the franxx that show is objectively dogshit thanks
I never said your personal opinion isn’t the most important thing at the end of the day
But to equate MAL, a site with millions of users talking anime, to some blog like AniFem or 4chan is laughable. You’re gonna get the general consensus on anime from a site like MAL and niche opinions on most other sites
Fully agreed about Franxx though. Worst anime ever made. And that was before the homophobia in the 2nd half
Everything is opinionated so it's not like there's a right or wrong. But if you think the top of whatever lists are actually the best shows ever you're just being blinded by popularity and missing everything else out there.
The only thing that IS factually wrong is saying that Franxx isn't a top 5 show of all time, that would just be outrageous.
Everything is opinionated so it's not like there's a right or wrong. But if you think the top of whatever lists are actually the best shows ever you're just being blinded by popularity and missing everything else out there.
The only thing that IS factually wrong is saying that Franxx isn't a top 5 show of all time, that would just be outrageous.
Well ofc, I’m just saying it’s pretty likely you’re gonna love a good amount of the top picks on MAL whereas AniFem, you’ll look at their picks and prob think most of it is s*** that doesn’t even look interesting.
Anime as an art form is still very niche so it doesn’t quite have the fan segmentation that you’d see for movies or music where everyone has wildly different tastes. Good chance 80-90% of anime watchers would enjoy a show like Spy X Family for example, whereas even a pretty decent portion of moviegoers would tell you Shawshank Redemption is boring.
Everything is opinionated so it's not like there's a right or wrong. But if you think the top of whatever lists are actually the best shows ever you're just being blinded by popularity and missing everything else out there.
The only thing that IS factually wrong is saying that Franxx isn't a top 5 show of all time, that would just be outrageous.
Top 5 in what sense? Was it really that popular of a show?
I never said your personal opinion isn’t the most important thing at the end of the day
But to equate MAL, a site with millions of users talking anime, to some blog like AniFem or 4chan is laughable. You’re gonna get the general consensus on anime from a site like MAL and niche opinions on most other sites
Fully agreed about Franxx though. Worst anime ever made. And that was before the homophobia in the 2nd half
4chans not a blog site at all lmao
I thought shameless lazy gay knockoffs were Hollywoods thing
I’m still watching this
Kanan-sama Is Easy as Hell!
I have only just gotten into romantic comedies the past year or so for light reading and this one is hysterical. There are only 23 chapters thus far, but it has been getting better with each arc. It's about a demon who comes to earth in order to harvest souls at a school.. But, she ends up falling for a human. These characters are hilarious and it's been a fun ride thus far. I highly recommend this one and bet it gets an anime at some point.
Will check out the inevitable anime in 2023/4
Didn’t say it was. Said AniFem was
still though you're making it seem like 4chan is some niche site when judging from the numbers in tranq's post its pulling more users than MAL
Kanan-sama Is Easy as Hell!
I have only just gotten into romantic comedies the past year or so for light reading and this one is hysterical. There are only 23 chapters thus far, but it has been getting better with each arc. It's about a demon who comes to earth in order to harvest souls at a school.. But, she ends up falling for a human. These characters are hilarious and it's been a fun ride thus far. I highly recommend this one and bet it gets an anime at some point.
Eh this one is alright compared to the last couple I've read.
What else have you read?
if you think franxx is good you shouldnt be allowed to vote tbh
Who are some good manga youtubers these days?
Who are some good manga youtubers these days?
Are you looking for just general conversation or people who review and give their thoughts?
I have to go look for my favorite comedy YouTubers later in my subscriptions, but I think most of the top youtubers aren't entertaining or interesting to listen to for 12+ mins.