One of the most interesting manga I've read, but I don't really think it needs an anime idk.
One of the few that could do amazing as a live action
Already has 2 live action movies. Heard they are pretty solid
One of the things the Anime definitely has to get right is the comedic timing
Frieren E21
I was not expecting Serie to sound like that but I f\*\*\* with it heavy, also love her design not that its saying much cause I think everyone in this show looks beautiful anyway
dungeon meshi not hitting for me
this page reeks
how come
for all the hype the manga had what's being presented in the anime just seems very average. it's not boring, but after every episode my only thought is "that was fine i guess" and that's it. people talk about how much they love the characters and i don't see it. maybe those are manga readers who already know the characters but to me nothing sticks out about any of the characters, they all feel pretty by the numbers. visually i don't feel like there's much interesting going on either. the cooking segments are fun and the most interesting but they're pretty short and i don't feel like everything surrounding the cooking makes up for that
like i said, it's not boring, i'll finish it, there's just a disconnect between the love i see it getting and what i'm watching. maybe i expected too much cause of the hype from manga readers
I think what’s missing somewhat from Dungeon Meshi is too simple of a presentation (manga panel copying) when people were expecting something like episode 3 every week
Plus for any manga readers who have finished know that the pacing is way too quick as of now and is not really savoring (pun intended) a lot of character moments or events that happen
This is one of the few Trigger projects where the lead director isn’t an animator, and doesn’t seem willing to do anything too intensive without burning everyone out. Which if you look at Kill La Kill, which is the last 2 cour Trigger did by themselves, it’s better to prevent for disaster.
As it stands it’s decent and I love these characters. Trigger and Imaishi seem to be putting more resources into P&S Season 2 most likely, and who’d blame them
for all the hype the manga had what's being presented in the anime just seems very average. it's not boring, but after every episode my only thought is "that was fine i guess" and that's it. people talk about how much they love the characters and i don't see it. maybe those are manga readers who already know the characters but to me nothing sticks out about any of the characters, they all feel pretty by the numbers. visually i don't feel like there's much interesting going on either. the cooking segments are fun and the most interesting but they're pretty short and i don't feel like everything surrounding the cooking makes up for that
like i said, it's not boring, i'll finish it, there's just a disconnect between the love i see it getting and what i'm watching. maybe i expected too much cause of the hype from manga readers
that's fair tbh i can't fault u for having that opinion. i can't look at it from a different perspective because i've already read the manga and was already attached to these characters beforehand
i think the hype and excitement from the manga readers was a bit to its detriment if it lead to new ppl having these high expectations
I think what’s missing somewhat from Dungeon Meshi is too simple of a presentation (manga panel copying) when people were expecting something like episode 3 every week
Plus for any manga readers who have finished know that the pacing is way too quick as of now and is not really savoring (pun intended) a lot of character moments or events that happen
This is one of the few Trigger projects where the lead director isn’t an animator, and doesn’t seem willing to do anything too intensive without burning everyone out. Which if you look at Kill La Kill, which is the last 2 cour Trigger did by themselves, it’s better to prevent for disaster.
As it stands it’s decent and I love these characters. Trigger and Imaishi seem to be putting more resources into P&S Season 2 most likely, and who’d blame them
not everything can get the frieren treatment i'm afraid
Also minor complaint, but Senshi’s stache doesn’t move when he talks, like it’s not that hard cmon
not everything can get the frieren treatment i'm afraid
True, Saito is just amazing at resource allocation
Also worthy to point out that the animation producers play a big part too