The script of this movie was trash but that scene was heat, everything after that trash tho, that batman parents murder scene was ridiculous
The script of this movie was trash but that scene was heat, everything after that trash tho, that batman parents murder scene was ridiculous
The Batman parents scene is the only one I don’t like it just felt like fan service
The Batman parents scene is the only one I don’t like it just felt like fan service
bro it didnt even make sense, wayne family wouldnt go to the cinema with the state of the city and if they went they wouldnt be without a bodyguard
Also if i remember correctly it was kinda forced that they made him Bruce’s parents killers
But still great film
Also if i remember correctly it was kinda forced that they made him Bruce’s parents killers
But still great film
They didnt make Joker the killer lol
if that’s corny then Endgame is a f***ing corn field
The movie itself doesn’t even say anything, it touches on all these heavy social themes with the tact of an early 80s Saturday morning cartoon meant to sell toys while not integrating them into Arthur’s goals -
Hold up, what are his goals even? He doesn’t wanna be a social activist (pretty much says so himself) yet we’re drawn to people looking at him as one? There’s no reason for any of that to be framed as an important part of his journey if it isn’t even something he actually cares’s just there
I took it as
He’s a lonely mentally ill guy who for the first time in his life was noticed via an act of violence. It started as an act of self defense, but iirc he killed the last rich kid on the train as he was running away. Still more of an act of self preservation than outright murder.
But after doing so he became an icon, people were finally noticing him and he realized he did exist and what gave him power was violence. As his real life continued to crumble around him, he finally snapped and leaned entirely into the only thing that gave him attention or made him feel alive.
So by the end of the movie on Murray’s show, he’s fully embracing what people think he is, because being that was the first time he’s ever been paid any attention. He starts killing more and claiming to have a bigger motivation, when really he’s just desperate for attention.
I think as far as a societal message goes, it always seemed to be a comment on mass shooters. Mass shooters are generally mentally ill loners who see people like them becoming infamous, and realizing that they can get the attention they’ve never gotten for the price of some bullets.
bro it didnt even make sense, wayne family wouldnt go to the cinema with the state of the city and if they went they wouldnt be without a bodyguard
It’s like a scene for the IMDB fans to say whoooa the Joker killed Batman’s parents? whooaaaa
if that’s corny then Endgame is a f***ing corn field
Yeah ofc endgame is corny but this isn’t a thread about it
The whole movie was on the nose.
yep, this is the reason why i couldn't finish it
in case anyone's interested this video essay by Zizek sums up what is going on in the end and that it's not necessarily the on-the-nose message Arthur explains in that interview.
! yo let me peep. Didn’t know this collab existed
I think the batman thing and the implication that it might've all been a dream were stupid
The fact American culture regressed so much that a Taxi Driver remake with superhero characters is somehow considered fine art