adhd might as well be considered on the spectrum before it is considered mental illness tbh
i was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder when i was in my teens. i actually dont mind at all. i don't have much trouble functioning in society other than that i tend to piss people off because i dont conform to certain social norms, like being polite and s***. i also tend to get obsessed with things im interested in. technically im on the high functioning side of autism aka ass burgers
Is being polite a social norm? Or just common decency to show another human?
It’s not cool to be an a****** and use your diagnosis to justify it.
Ain’t @op the nigga that s***ted on himself ???
Calling him an a****** is a double entendre
i was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder when i was in my teens. i actually dont mind at all. i don't have much trouble functioning in society other than that i tend to piss people off because i dont conform to certain social norms, like being polite and s***. i also tend to get obsessed with things im interested in. technically im on the high functioning side of autism aka ass burgers
Bro I swear niggas be describing these f***ing mental issues and s*** to me and I legit be relating to them 😭
I’m scared of myself
Nigga I’m pretty sure i have some form of bi polar and also autism but I’m not tryna get diagnosed and s***
Also niggas be making that s*** seem corny
Bro I swear niggas be describing these f***ing mental issues and s*** to me and I legit be relating to them 😭
I’m scared of myself
Nigga I’m pretty sure i have some form of bi polar and also autism but I’m not tryna get diagnosed and s***
Also niggas be making that s*** seem corny
U shouldn’t be scared there’s nothing wrong with being on the spectrum
U shouldn’t be scared there’s nothing wrong with being on the spectrum
It’s not necessarily that i think there’s anything wrong with it lol I just don’t know much about it
And when I hear people talk about it they make it seem corny as f***
Like you know how niggas be tryna be cool and trendy by talking about mental health and depression yea i hate that s***
Also i just don’t know how to go about it and what’ll happen
social norms, like being polite
just be kind its not that hard
Is being polite a social norm? Or just common decency to show another human?
it's both. you don't know anything about autism bro so shut the f*** up
social norms, like being polite
just be kind its not that hard
shut the f*** up
shut the f*** up
Thats not kind
I never been diagnosed but I lowkey might be on the spectrum
Lol based on my investment in ktt2 I got to be on that spectrum