I truly wonder how CD - Grad would have been perceived in this era. I think people forgot about how Kanye used to have long outros and refrains on his albums. I missed s*** like this.
And joke bars
If Kanye released LR right now people would say its too long, songs like "celebration" are filler and that lines like "so many aunties we could have an auntie team" ruined Roses. Kanye is both hugely loved and equally as hated. Either people love it or they hate it lol Seen a lot of positive reaction on social media though
If Kanye released LR right now people would say its too long, songs like "celebration" are filler and that lines like "so many aunties we could have an auntie team" ruined Roses. Kanye is both hugely loved and equally as hated. Either people love it or they hate it lol Seen a lot of positive reaction on social media though
Auntie team line has always been trash
Auntie team line has always been trash
Thats just classic Kanye lol Like the Regis line on Jesus Walks(which weirdly never gets talked about on here). He's the king of the corny, yet endearing lines.
If Kanye released LR right now people would say its too long, songs like "celebration" are filler and that lines like "so many aunties we could have an auntie team" ruined Roses. Kanye is both hugely loved and equally as hated. Either people love it or they hate it lol Seen a lot of positive reaction on social media though
While I STILL hate the auntie line, I agree with everything you said
Ive been a kanye fan my whole life and there's really only a small handful of tracks from this I plan to revisit moving forward personally