  • Nov 4, 2023
    rich scouser

    Yes because of what is around us that we are brought up in. Nihilistic lifestyle, worship of celebrity/money, drink/drug culture. We need a helping hand as these things can be very overwhelming and consuming.

  • Nov 4, 2023

    North America is gonna turn into a religious state at some point in the future and mfs are not gonna be ready for it

    Islamic State Of America, inshallah

  • Nov 4, 2023

    Gon’ always have a problem seeing my people revert to the religion our ancestors were literally forced into practicing. (Argue with yo mama and history about that, not me.)

    Like….Ifa is right there man #ogun

    A) they took Islam away from us

    B) s/o MLK fr

  • Nov 4, 2023

    Hope you’re joking about the multiple wives thing. For one it’s not a good reason to turn to God. Secondly its not like Islam just says “yeah go and have multiple wives”. You have to give the same effort to each wife and I feel like people unjustly point that out as a “fun benefit” of Islam while in reality it’s very difficult and not many people live that way

    rich men hoarding wives in the middle east and leaving no women or future for alot of young men hasn't helped things over there

  • Nov 4, 2023

    Spread love not hate

  • Nov 4, 2023
    1 reply

    Sad if true. A few years back non religious was the fastest growing “religion” in the US

    I figured people were coming to terms with being able to believe in a higher power without having to adhere to outdated religions.

  • Nov 4, 2023
    1 reply

    Gon’ always have a problem seeing my people revert to the religion our ancestors were literally forced into practicing. (Argue with yo mama and history about that, not me.)

    Like….Ifa is right there man #ogun

    We had Christianity first

  • Nov 4, 2023
    1 reply

    Gon’ always have a problem seeing my people revert to the religion our ancestors were literally forced into practicing. (Argue with yo mama and history about that, not me.)

    Like….Ifa is right there man #ogun

    The missionaries came to soften us up for that colonialism s*** and we been soft ever since

  • Nov 4, 2023

    We had Christianity first

    The Yoruba ppl of Nigeria would disagree with that cuz

    Ask the Dogon people who worshipped Nummo/Nommo twins would disagree with that cuz.

    Ancient Egypt was both polytheistic and Heka, the Sun God Ra or Horus ain’t in the Bible.

  • Nov 4, 2023

    The missionaries came to soften us up for that colonialism s*** and we been soft ever since

    All those Western missionaries that are ruining places like Uganda need to get Mugabe’d SO. F\*\*\*ING. MUCH.

    There was pre-colonial records of same s***practices, matriarchal led tribes, etc within Africa (hell in Ifa, Oludumare has several different names with gender differences) but u mean to tell me the religion with Leviticus 18:22 was first?

    Nah I just aint goin.

    Faith is beautiful but the origin behind some faiths is why Ima just always feel uneasy inside seeing Christ pics in a fellow brotha’s house.

  • Nov 4, 2023
    1 reply

    North America is gonna turn into a religious state at some point in the future and mfs are not gonna be ready for it

    This country funds private christian schools wat u mean turn. “Separation of church and state” is a lie to niggas that grew up in the Bible Belt.

  • Nov 4, 2023

    This country funds private christian schools wat u mean turn. “Separation of church and state” is a lie to niggas that grew up in the Bible Belt.

    I’m talking about international indoctrination

    I already see the rise of it among people in my age range and younger

  • Lisa

    Sad if true. A few years back non religious was the fastest growing “religion” in the US

    I figured people were coming to terms with being able to believe in a higher power without having to adhere to outdated religions.

    “outdated religions” lol

    half of those “spiritual but not religious” dudes are New Age hippie types who carry some sort of pantheistic belief where they don’t have to abide by any rules, pray, do no rituals, nothing

    most limp wristed form of “spirituality” imaginable

  • Nov 4, 2023

    Yes and no. By and large the trend has been a continuous decrease of religious belief, in the U.S. at least, but on social media I see a ton of right wing/christian people my age and younger being pushed. I feel like we’re almost reaching a point where being right wing/christian is seen as “counter-culture” or rebellious, at least that’s the way they seem to see themselves imo.

  • Feb 9, 2024

    Bump. I'm seeing a lot of content creators turn to god. I know i'm not imagining this.

  • Feb 9, 2024

    Religious/spiritual people are happier and more emotionally attuned than people who always have to be “logical” and take everything at face value

  • Feb 9, 2024

    the most annoying person i know just became christian and he’s even more annoying now if that’s possible then maybe there is a god after all

  • Feb 9, 2024

    ive seen this dude become a christian content creator after getting baptized its really embarrassing

  • Feb 9, 2024

    Is it that hard to try to find peace and goodwill within yourself and community without religious structure?

    Yourself, maybe, but it will probably be fleeting
    Your community? Without religion? Highly unlikely due to moral relativity, but… I suppose it’s not impossible

  • Feb 9, 2024

    S*** is sad

  • Feb 9, 2024

    its through the orthodox church that we can fully form and develop our masculinity because its then that we can take on the responsibility, we can have the self-sacrifice, we can have the courage in the face of evil, we can build ourselves and everything around us, we can have active engagement in the world and we can use our word for something positive and we always fulfill it because our words are not empty because we're following the word incarnate and that we can then use our status for mercy and humility we can strengthen our wills to align with God and we can build our temples to be a place where the holy spirit can be housed and in that process we are fully standing up, following and carrying our cross

  • good

  • Feb 9, 2024

    I seriously think it’s more people becoming louder than ever about it because of the uncertainty of the times, people want a reason to stay sane and that’s the easiest thing to subscribe to if you’re in a dark place

  • Feb 9, 2024

    Because humans thought we got too smart for religion with the scientific revolution

    Then realised we can’t depend on science alone and that we’re useless without faith