  • plants 🌻
    Nov 2, 2023
    1 reply

    religion in general yea that & more radical politics

    i actually think the effect of seeing your parents/family get completely brainrotted from all-day internet exposure has a lot to do with it . such a spiritually bankrupt, atomised society makes ppl have a thirst for something transcendant & communal maybe

    kinda the opposite for me, seeing my highly educated (PhD and masters) parents burn books and say frogs are turning ppl gay cuz that's what their pastor told em made me question religion

    but I see what ur saying, I think both points are valid

  • Nov 2, 2023
    1 reply

    kinda the opposite for me, seeing my highly educated (PhD and masters) parents burn books and say frogs are turning ppl gay cuz that's what their pastor told em made me question religion

    but I see what ur saying, I think both points are valid


    i grew up really secular & when i was younger i for sure felt like religion was antiquated, dying out. im finding the opposite to be true these days at least anecdotally. im agnostic personally but i have much more understanding/respect for faith

    i do think the loss of some of the rituals that come with religion (church, confessionals, prayer) really are detrimental in terms of lack of meditative practise, socialising, even a moral compass. living under capitalism ppl are just so blatantly incentivised to be alone in their apartment, arguing & ordering things online, being hedonistic completely detached from anything real . creates a void in oneself that doesn't /need/ to be filled by religion but it kinda fits the size of the hole left by modernity i think

  • plants 🌻
    Nov 2, 2023


    i grew up really secular & when i was younger i for sure felt like religion was antiquated, dying out. im finding the opposite to be true these days at least anecdotally. im agnostic personally but i have much more understanding/respect for faith

    i do think the loss of some of the rituals that come with religion (church, confessionals, prayer) really are detrimental in terms of lack of meditative practise, socialising, even a moral compass. living under capitalism ppl are just so blatantly incentivised to be alone in their apartment, arguing & ordering things online, being hedonistic completely detached from anything real . creates a void in oneself that doesn't /need/ to be filled by religion but it kinda fits the size of the hole left by modernity i think

    nah I feel similarly, I think we arrived to a similar position from opposite sides.

    couple weeks ago I actually attended an initiation ceremony with 20 other men, it was incredibly powerful, beyond description even if it weren't for the confidentiality aspect, so I heartily agree that so much good has been lost, we really tossed the baby out with the spiritual bathwater

  • Nov 2, 2023

    Ever since Jesus is King dropped yes

  • Nov 2, 2023

    and Kai Cenat too. He just got a whole bunch of people to start reading the bible with him. That's amazing

    that's great love to see it if it's genuine

  • Nov 2, 2023

    Some solid threads in this section on Islam and Christianity:

  • Nov 2, 2023

    Attending the modern church is like attending Ted X sessions

    yeah, not to be rude, but non-denominational new churches just aren't it for me.

    the traditional churches with the formal ceremonies feel like you're closer to God, if that makes sense

  • Nov 2, 2023

    I dunno.. but most of the people I associate with and new people I meet still say grace and pray during social gatherings, lol.

  • sonyatv 😽
    Nov 2, 2023
    1 reply

    not good. sad to see.

    (now we wait for the edumist reply)

  • Nov 2, 2023

    it’s just the halfway christains finding their next coping mechanism after realizing how bad the world really is

  • Nov 2, 2023

    People following religion is declining in the US, so no I'm not noticing it

  • Nov 2, 2023

    not good. sad to see.

    (now we wait for the edumist reply)

    he living in ya head rent free bruv

  • Nov 2, 2023
    2 replies

    anyway i had said "idk im just tryna get a sick fukin pump"

    "Subject matters on KTT1 Life and ADVICE section lived it up to its name; it had a much more personal and intimate atmosphere about users in their blissful adolescent day-to-day lives, but as the same core demographic that has been here for approaching ~10 years get older, it becomes a bit more bleak, and common topics that have become mundane to us are shut down with negative reception, despite younger viewers possibly having some input of their own, which kind of prohibits the potential discussion value they may generate." - @OS9


    tl;dr- your input represents a systematic issue of KTT where people try to have genuine discussions only to be dismissed by s***posters, which tbh yea, 100% warranted for your OG comment to be deleted.

  • Nov 2, 2023
    1 reply
    kenni nixon

    "Subject matters on KTT1 Life and ADVICE section lived it up to its name; it had a much more personal and intimate atmosphere about users in their blissful adolescent day-to-day lives, but as the same core demographic that has been here for approaching ~10 years get older, it becomes a bit more bleak, and common topics that have become mundane to us are shut down with negative reception, despite younger viewers possibly having some input of their own, which kind of prohibits the potential discussion value they may generate." - @OS9


    tl;dr- your input represents a systematic issue of KTT where people try to have genuine discussions only to be dismissed by s***posters, which tbh yea, 100% warranted for your OG comment to be deleted.

    not reading that harvard essay

  • Nov 2, 2023
    1 reply

    Muslims, yes. Christianity, quite the opposite actually. It’s a dying religion statistically

  • Nov 2, 2023
    2 replies
    kenni nixon

    "Subject matters on KTT1 Life and ADVICE section lived it up to its name; it had a much more personal and intimate atmosphere about users in their blissful adolescent day-to-day lives, but as the same core demographic that has been here for approaching ~10 years get older, it becomes a bit more bleak, and common topics that have become mundane to us are shut down with negative reception, despite younger viewers possibly having some input of their own, which kind of prohibits the potential discussion value they may generate." - @OS9


    tl;dr- your input represents a systematic issue of KTT where people try to have genuine discussions only to be dismissed by s***posters, which tbh yea, 100% warranted for your OG comment to be deleted.

    I wrote that?

  • Nov 2, 2023

    I wrote that?

    beautifully written bro

  • Nov 2, 2023
    1 reply

    I wrote that?


    It fr stuck with me/should lowkey be stickied for KTT Life SXN etiquette.

  • Nov 2, 2023
    kenni nixon


    It fr stuck with me/should lowkey be stickied for KTT Life SXN etiquette.

    Yeah if nothing else it shouldn’t have been moved to misc I didn’t even say a single negative thing about mods in that post fucc em

  • Nov 2, 2023

    it’s beautiful honestly

  • Nov 2, 2023

    people desire meaning

  • Nov 2, 2023

    seeing the opposite tbh

  • Wonyoungism

    not reading that harvard essay

  • Nov 2, 2023
    1 reply

    Muslims, yes. Christianity, quite the opposite actually. It’s a dying religion statistically

    Nah lowkey Christianity is on the rise again too

  • Nov 2, 2023

    More Muslims for sure mashalla