  • Jowe Buddew ⛵
    Dec 19, 2021
    1 reply

    Blankly stare at my phone when I feel alone
    I’m held by these 4 cold walls inside of my home
    I warm from burning the notes I wrote for the blind,
    The love songs for the deaf,
    And the memories for the hearts made of stone

  • Dec 19, 2021
    Jowe Buddew

    This hits

  • Dec 19, 2021
    1 reply


    hastened whispers burrow softly as virtue
    gusts spiral to slip down canals
    and burst through tympanics
    a chord of panic sings
    to wooly taps on ear drums
    the inevitable ascension,
    where fear resides in foley

  • Dec 19, 2021

    I listen to your c*** on my ear
    I can’t hear it throb under the sound of my own desperation
    Depersonalization hits me in waves
    I want to put you on my Spotify playlist
    I want to see what you see when you spot a guy naked
    That was cute, right?
    Listen to my meter
    Listen like ant on tongue of anteater
    Listen like fan service fanning out across a theater
    Fanning out flames that burn off your ears
    Until you can’t hear

  • Dec 19, 2021

    I’m having fun reading through everyone’s poetry. Hey guys, I’d like to join the group.

  • Dec 19, 2021
    best poster


    hastened whispers burrow softly as virtue
    gusts spiral to slip down canals
    and burst through tympanics
    a chord of panic sings
    to wooly taps on ear drums
    the inevitable ascension,
    where fear resides in foley


  • Dec 19, 2021

    The forces around you
    Specters pulling the strings
    Out of your control
    They killed your innocence
    Decapitated your agency
    I listen to escape this
    The musics always there
    On the same plane with them
    But in thin air
    I feel pain
    So i listen
    Dead hopes
    But i listen
    All is uncertain
    So listen
    Whims of the universe gust
    In between the noise
    Rest notes
    That i command
    The music is the only thing
    To my demand

  • Dec 20, 2021
    1 reply

    How quickly unheard voices turn into violence begetting violence
    Cyclical trauma propagating a revenge culture
    An eye for an eye will leave the whole world blind, and an ear for an ear will leave the whole world deaf
    No wonder no one is listening;
    may the one-eyed man forever be King

  • Jowe Buddew ⛵
    Dec 20, 2021
    1 reply
    Astronaut Dad

    How quickly unheard voices turn into violence begetting violence
    Cyclical trauma propagating a revenge culture
    An eye for an eye will leave the whole world blind, and an ear for an ear will leave the whole world deaf
    No wonder no one is listening;
    may the one-eyed man forever be King

    That king line crazy, I like that a lot.

    The one-eye man

  • Dec 20, 2021
    Jowe Buddew

    That king line crazy, I like that a lot.

    The one-eye man

    Preciate u famo

  • Dec 20, 2021
    1 reply

    My heels glance the sidewalk
    as I strut
    in lockstep with the five o'clock crowd.
    Our footsteps form a philharmonic,
    each sole playing a different sound.
    To this performance I listen,
    looking for my own voice in the chorus

    I like listening to the sounds that my footsteps make in different shoes on different surfaces, so that was the inspiration for this poem

  • Dec 20, 2021
    1 reply

    Y’all so talented man I’m so discouraged to pick up a pen

  • Jowe Buddew ⛵
    Dec 21, 2021
    1 reply

    My heels glance the sidewalk
    as I strut
    in lockstep with the five o'clock crowd.
    Our footsteps form a philharmonic,
    each sole playing a different sound.
    To this performance I listen,
    looking for my own voice in the chorus

    I like listening to the sounds that my footsteps make in different shoes on different surfaces, so that was the inspiration for this poem

    Have you ever listened to gait? That's super interesting, feel like you can tell a lot about someone's personality based on there gait.

  • I was listening to this video about Carl jung and the theory of the superior self and it said inferiority feelings are usually triggered when they’re based on some measurable criteria in comparison to other people

  • Dec 21, 2021
    1 reply
    Jowe Buddew

    Have you ever listened to gait? That's super interesting, feel like you can tell a lot about someone's personality based on there gait.

    How would you listen to gait? That's like posture right? I do notice that tho and I agree w u

  • Listening

    Enteral silence festers from a breaching wound that floods the yearning to heal

    Mantras bluster cracks on the wall where my hearts resides
    Seance through algorithms dancing with the devil couldn’t be more synchronized

    even when the record stops thin lines materialize a singular bridge for juxtaposed deaf and blind

    Skeined numbness abrasively reflect on our misplaced swan song

    Deprived echos adding volumes to vacancy attenuate waning in harmony as the canal is pierced by a broken tirade can easily transcribe for muffled spirits though cries for help are rendered monotonous

  • Jowe Buddew ⛵
    Dec 21, 2021

    How would you listen to gait? That's like posture right? I do notice that tho and I agree w u

    Like some people are more commanding and kinda stomp walk.

    There is the tea place I go to with wood floors that are kinda hollow underneath so you can really hear people walking around.

    You can hear a new hire being less poised, you can hear someone who is pressed on time walk more aggressively, you can hear someone walk with a calmness that is consistent, or a scattered anxiety.

    It's real interesting. From the second the door opens the play starts.

  • Jowe Buddew ⛵
    Dec 21, 2021

    I am attracted to a certain gait, delicate yet commanding.

    I have yet to discern how problematic it is to be attracted to a gait. But here I am

  • Dec 21, 2021

    This thread is the best thing to happen to this site

  • Trust in those shackles that keep me whole
    pace just ain’t a concern when it’s only time impeding my growth

  • Nuja 🫶🏾
    Dec 22, 2021
    1 reply

    Listening. (Rushed)

    She hears me
    But she never listens
    My pleas fall on deaf ears
    The seasons change
    She never does.
    She’s always summer
    When I prefer winter
    I compromise for fall
    the nights only get hotter
    She remains summer
    I weep for colder days
    Her humidity I can’t sustain

    She hears me
    But she never listens
    I beg for snow
    She gives me thunderstorms
    She gives me clouds
    But not the ones I asked for

    Summer & Winter can never be
    A truth we can both agree
    I tell her there’s a season
    Where we can both find peace
    So she finds her Spring
    But not before Winter ended
    In the end she finally listened

  • Dec 23, 2021

    French fries
    French fries
    French fries

    Niggas can’t ketchup
    So they



  • Dec 23, 2021

    I listen to ten thousand bees on swole flesh
    I listen to piss, gently hitting snow
    I listen to things that remind me I’m human
    I listen to my own voice as I try to be cool
    I listen to poems
    I listened to that
    I listed it meta
    I’m listless and dead
    That’s a whole lot of words to form a sound
    I’ve been trying to listen really f***ing hard
    I should have listened when you were saying my name
    With desperation in your voice
    I listened
    But I blocked out what I heard
    I never loved you
    And I’m sorry your voice filled me with dread
    Are you listening now?
