If I find the women that I want to spend the rest of my life with and we decide / are ready before 35?
Imagine not wanting to marry your soulmate as soon a responsibly possible
Ion know OP, marriage does open up some pretty dope benefits.
Auto, home, health insurance benefits, tax cuts. Better loans for a mortgage or small business. Potentially good for your credit.
Sounds pretty nice to my pockets in the long term
OP hasn’t found the one damn… keep your head up man.
lol. you really falling for this.
so its ok to get married before 35 if you are marrying a man?
Yes because a man costs a man significantly less money than a woman, on average
You are thinking so deeply about things that don't matter.
If I find the women that I want to spend the rest of my life with and we decide / are ready before 35?
Imagine not wanting to marry your soulmate as soon a responsibly possible
get the f*** out of here with this soulmate s***.
Ion know OP, marriage does open up some pretty dope benefits.
Auto, home, health insurance benefits, tax cuts. Better loans for a mortgage or small business. Potentially good for your credit.
Sounds pretty nice to my pockets in the long term
Yes, and all that goes down the drain bc you married the wrong woman when you were young and naïve and now she’s taking half your money
Over 50% of marriages end in divorce, with over 80% of the divorces being initiated by the woman
You spoke in generalities instead of directly about me, so I did the same
How about you speak to some b****es
idk about an age limit per se
But if you gettin married before being with that person for at least 2-2 and a half years, you're a damn fool
NGL @op I'm getting these vibes from your post here
to be fair, a lot of great philosophers were bums who relied on funding from people.
OP, I started reading it. It sounded aight so I just went ahead & liked it but upon further reading I realized that all I agree with is that getting married early is stupid. The rest was meh. I’m taking my like back.
@op just relax and play your game. don't need to put anyone on to it. it ain't worth the effort.
you gon get flamed here.
If I find the women that I want to spend the rest of my life with and we decide / are ready before 35?
Imagine not wanting to marry your soulmate as soon a responsibly possible
If you find your “soul mate” before 35... for 1, depending on how much younger you might just be dead wrong and think she’s your soul mate but she’s really not. The younger you get, the higher the risk
35 is probably the best age, but that doesn’t mean like 30 is horrible
But imagine getting married at 16... all of the reasons why that would prolly be a bad idea Rn in this current society are the same reasons why it’d be a bad idea at 26 except just less. Still the same reasons, but just not as strong.
If you really think she’s your soul mate, I would say try to wait as long as she is willing to wait before it starts to strain the relationship but there are millions of people who thought they found their soul mate when really they just found a good roommate. And everybody thinks they are the exception to the rule, for some reason
they fr gotta close registration bro
Been on ktt since 2013. Yes they should’ve closed it before you signed up tho
Been on ktt since 2013. Yes they should’ve closed it before you signed up tho