focus on that instead of this bullshit commentary
Why do you believe it’s bullshit?
Also lmk about ordering Hello Fresh
I’m tryna have 10 kids by 25 with 4 baby mamas IDCCC. I’ll marry whoever tf and whenever tf I wanna
Richard Jefferson was 35 when he did this to Klay Thompson which just proves my point
just mind your business homie. i'm tryna have a girl to hold it down, not do backflips for p**** every night. i'm too busy
just mind your business homie. i'm tryna have a girl to hold it down, not do backflips for p**** every night. i'm too busy
You will do way less back flips the older you get and the more you get your s*** together. Dating gets better for men as you age
You will do way less back flips the older you get and the more you get your s*** together. Dating gets better for men as you age
Niggas don’t wanna marry 21 year olds at 35
Kevin Samuels trick y’all
You are thinking so deeply about things that don't matter.
Who you marry is the probably the single most important decision you make in your life
There are hundreds of articles that also show this is true, statistically. Just look it up
Niggas don’t wanna marry 21 year olds at 35
Kevin Samuels trick y’all
Yes they do
The most attractive woman, to every single man of every age, is a 23 year old woman
Look it up. There was a study where they showed men aged 15-90, pictures of women aged 15-90
Their answers of who is the most attractive average out to 23
Whoever you think 35 year olds want to marry, if they could get all of those traits and qualities from the older woman into a younger woman’s body they would probably take the younger woman
So just bc you are 35 and marry someone near the same age, doesn’t mean in an ideal world that is what you want/prefer
Who you marry is the probably the single most important decision you make in your life
There are hundreds of articles that also show this is true, statistically. Just look it up
Indeed its incredibly important. So putting a hard rule in place that men waste their life if they marry at X age and women at Y age is utterly ridiculous and screams immaturity.
Thread giving off such weird vibes lol
Yes they do
The most attractive woman, to every single man of every age, is a 23 year old woman
Look it up. There was a study where they showed men aged 15-90, pictures of women aged 15-90
Their answers of who is the most attractive average out to 23
Whoever you think 35 year olds want to marry, if they could get all of those traits and qualities from the older woman into a younger woman’s body they would probably take the younger woman
So just bc you are 35 and marry someone near the same age, doesn’t mean in an ideal world that is what you want/prefer
I’m not talking about what they find most attractive. I’m talking about who they marry and build families with.
I worked at an investment firm and all the partners had a wife that they either met in college and grew with, or a women that’s around their same age.
Rename KTT to losertothe
Y’all niggas are lost and damaged by social media
Get help. Fast
Indeed its incredibly important. So putting a hard rule in place that men waste their life if they marry at X age and women at Y age is utterly ridiculous and screams immaturity.
It’s not a hard rule. The closer you get to that prime age, the better
But no age and no marriage will be perfect anyways. It’s just that some are better than others, statistically when it comes to chance of divorce and also statistically when it comes to rates of self reported happiness among both parties
My actual job is software development. But I work for this company that offers 50% off Doordash and up to 65% off HelloFresh
Shoot me a dm on Twitter @kalamarisauce or check my website if you’re interested in ordering
i thought door dash method was burnt
It’s not a hard rule. The closer you get to that prime age, the better
But no age and no marriage will be perfect anyways. It’s just that some are better than others, statistically when it comes to chance of divorce and also statistically when it comes to rates of self reported happiness among both parties
And sometimes you gotta quit living your life like you're minmaxing a video game and take a leap.
I’m not talking about what they find most attractive. I’m talking about who they marry and build families with.
I worked at an investment firm and all the partners had a wife that they either met in college and grew with, or a women that’s around their same age.
If that’s what they find most attractive
And it’s not who they are with
Then that means they are settling/deciding to not go with the most attractive (looks wise) in compromise of other attributes
My point was that if all those other attributes were also present in a younger woman, you would not pick the older one.
If that’s what they find most attractive
And it’s not who they are with
Then that means they are settling/deciding to not go with the most attractive (looks wise) in compromise of other attributes
My point was that if all those other attributes were also present in a younger woman, you would not pick the older one.
It’s almost as if men/women don’t pick their spouse solely on attraction and there’s other factors that play into it
It’s almost as if men/women don’t pick their spouse solely on attraction and there’s other factors that play into it
OP marrying at 35 just to get cheated on
S*** don’t be working for niggas like OP because the foundation is bread crumbs
Built off buying trips and buying materialistic things in exchange for s***
You find a girl under 30 at 35 I promise you she f***in another dude
You think you... a software engineer.. is gonna be fun to marry?
Oh buddy I got some news for you
i thought door dash method was burnt
Mine still works bc I’m just using extreme couponing instead of refunding. Hmu if you need an order
@kalamarisauce on Twitter