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  • Jun 28, 2021

    op what job u got going on rn

  • KalamariFromParty

    Mine still works bc I’m just using extreme couponing instead of refunding. Hmu if you need an order

    @​kalamarisauce on Twitter

  • Jun 28, 2021

  • Jun 28, 2021
    3 replies

    OP marrying at 35 just to get cheated on

    S*** don’t be working for niggas like OP because the foundation is bread crumbs

    Built off buying trips and buying materialistic things in exchange for s***

    You find a girl under 30 at 35 I promise you she f***in another dude

    You think you... a software engineer.. is gonna be fun to marry?

    Oh buddy I got some news for you

    You’re just getting a shallow girl (not woman) that wants to marry you for the status/material things you can buy her. That s*** is a business arrangement not a family

  • Jun 28, 2021

    I get the overall point that men have an advantage when it comes to age. However as making it a standard at 35 doesn’t seem all that smart. Going after women is expensive and tiring, it’s also alot easier to remain focused when you don’t have to chase women for sex.

  • Personally, I don’t plan on getting married and starting a family til I’m out of the army. My reason is I would hate to not be around my wife and kids and miss all those special days and moments and leave her and them alone.

  • Jun 28, 2021
    3 replies

    OP marrying at 35 just to get cheated on

    S*** don’t be working for niggas like OP because the foundation is bread crumbs

    Built off buying trips and buying materialistic things in exchange for s***

    You find a girl under 30 at 35 I promise you she f***in another dude

    You think you... a software engineer.. is gonna be fun to marry?

    Oh buddy I got some news for you

    Marriage isn’t about fun

    And almost every girl no matter the age and no matter the status, is probably f***ing another dude. Even when you get married, your wife will prolly f*** another dude sometime during the marriage

  • Jun 28, 2021
    1 reply

    It’s almost as if men/women don’t pick their spouse solely on attraction and there’s other factors that play into it

    Aight bruh
    We obviously agree with each other idk why you acting like we don’t

  • Jun 28, 2021

    You’re just getting a shallow girl (not woman) that wants to marry you for the status/material things you can buy her. That s*** is a business arrangement not a family

    Exactly man

    I don’t get why people don’t understand this

  • Jun 28, 2021

    Marriage isn’t about fun

    And almost every girl no matter the age and no matter the status, is probably f***ing another dude. Even when you get married, your wife will prolly f*** another dude sometime during the marriage

    So this means I got a good 3 years to find someone to marry

    No pressure

  • Jun 28, 2021

    Marriage isn’t about fun

    And almost every girl no matter the age and no matter the status, is probably f***ing another dude. Even when you get married, your wife will prolly f*** another dude sometime during the marriage

    Kevin Samuels and that fresh n fit podcast are rotting your brain man

  • Jun 28, 2021
    1 reply

    Bro you’re a weirdo after reading all that

    At 23 I found someone I love and want to be with the rest of my life. I’ll be married at 25.
    Let people live free and follow their own hearts and minds. You’re taking the fun of out of life.

  • Jun 28, 2021

    You’re just getting a shallow girl (not woman) that wants to marry you for the status/material things you can buy her. That s*** is a business arrangement not a family

    Technically, all marriages are business agreements.

  • Jun 28, 2021

    Aight bruh
    We obviously agree with each other idk why you acting like we don’t

    We don’t. Like no s*** men and women get less attractive as they get older. That doesn’t mean that 35+ men want to marry 21 year olds

  • Jun 28, 2021
    1 reply

    You’re just getting a shallow girl (not woman) that wants to marry you for the status/material things you can buy her. That s*** is a business arrangement not a family

    The Only reason a woman will ever stay with you is because of what they think you can do for them

    If you know how to choose the right women (the older you get the better you are at discerning that), then you will be able to pick the ones that don’t want you for material things but want you for security and provisioning

    Which is fine

    If you think women stay with you bc they love you, you need to pay more attention. Their love for you only goes as far as what they believe you can do for them (or their children)

  • Jun 28, 2021

    Unless you have decided that your life is not going to get any better, getting married (To a woman) before 35 is just shooting Yourself in the foot

    You are cutting yourself off from the potential plethora of options that start to open up to you
    A man’s 35 is like a woman’s 21-23

    That age is when you are the “hottest” you will ever be. It is your peak, if you average out all the traits that make you attractive to women. Sure you may feel a tad “old” but first off women generally like older guys. But you also will have your life together and if you take care of yourself you can be in really great shape. Financially, you will most likely be stable, and/or starting to hit big strides in making money (getting promotions, starting your own business, etc)

    And you if you can stay non married up until this point (notice I didn’t say single), then you will have built up experience of seducing, loving, breaking up with & just overall dealing with women. So your radar for who a good girl is will be at its best, and you will be able to spot BS from a mile away. And bc you have plenty of options, if you get BS from one girl instead of putting up with it you will just move on to the next (vs in your 20s you put up with women’s BS more bc you have less options to choose from) And women like men that have experience as well

    All of these things are what’s going to make you be in your prime. So when you are in your prime is when you have the most leverage to negotiate for the best possible contract/option

    Conversely, a woman’s best time to get married is around 21-23 but most of them wait until they are out of their prime and then “settle down” because they decide to just settle for whatever options they have left. Bc now that they are 30, there are much less men willing to date & eventually marry her then there were when she was 23
    The difference with men is that most of them get married BEFORE their prime so they are literally cutting themselves off from the best options they have available before they even know those options exist

    wont lie you do make some good ass pts both for men an women but it depends on each person sometimes they give in an dont wanna wait to find another person both men an women they dont wanna go through searching through dating apps or going out to find another bf/gf so they settle, ill speak for myself saying i am over 30 and ya i wanna get a gf who has common interests so when we date things are more fun to do etc

  • Jun 28, 2021

    You have too many assumptions of women

  • Jun 28, 2021
    1 reply

    The Only reason a woman will ever stay with you is because of what they think you can do for them

    If you know how to choose the right women (the older you get the better you are at discerning that), then you will be able to pick the ones that don’t want you for material things but want you for security and provisioning

    Which is fine

    If you think women stay with you bc they love you, you need to pay more attention. Their love for you only goes as far as what they believe you can do for them (or their children)

    “you will be able to pick the ones that don’t want you for material things but want you for security and provisioning”

    This is the same thing. You just dressed it up differently

  • Jun 28, 2021

    Don’t be in peoples business like that

  • Jun 28, 2021
    1 reply

    By virtue of that your only options are gonna be the women that actually fit your assumptions. Any who don’t will sniff out this stuff right away and never give you a chance because of your warped view.

  • I found a good girl whose hot, was a virgin before I met her, makes money, and allows me to go out all the time so I predict I will be married to her around 30. Still got years to go though :​

  • Jun 28, 2021

    This philosophy is so depressing and it’s sad lot of young men think like this

  • Jun 28, 2021
    1 reply

    Bro you’re a weirdo after reading all that

    At 23 I found someone I love and want to be with the rest of my life. I’ll be married at 25.
    Let people live free and follow their own hearts and minds. You’re taking the fun of out of life.

    How is your one example, that hasn’t even played out yet, going to trump the millions of people that have been divorced or just generally unhappy with their marriage?

    I’m not saying it’s not possible

    I’m just talking about probabilities and sexual market value

    Do you yourself believe that you will be essentially the same person you are now at 35, except basically better at everything? If the 30-35 year old you met your girl at the same time the young you met your girl, she probably would’ve ended up marrying him instead

  • Jun 28, 2021

    By virtue of that your only options are gonna be the women that actually fit your assumptions. Any who don’t will sniff out this stuff right away and never give you a chance because of your warped view.

    What is warped??

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