
    What do u think about The Wire

    I liked it. the kids storyline was probably the realest part of the show. Some of the characters reminded me of friends I had growing up.

    The scene where bunny takes them to the nice restaurant always stuck with me. People will be living five minutes away from each other and lead completely different lives in the city.

    My neighborhood was upper middle class/affluent and it was only a couple neighborhoods from the hood and where murders were happening. City dynamic is crazy

  • Mar 3, 2021

    Liberal schools poisoning minds again.

    But... open them damn schools back up.

  • Mar 3, 2021
    1 reply

  • Mar 3, 2021
    RX Nigerian Pastor

    You from Baltimore? I’m glad I got the f*** outta there bro

    Nah Philly but I see some similarities in the two cities.

    Philly just has the historic advantage over B-More that's really it.

    Philadelphia has like 4 or 5 out of the top 10 worst schools in this country smh

  • Mar 3, 2021
    1 reply
    Troy Ave Stan

    Idk bro, then come the mental and physical issues that come with those jobs. Not everyone is able to keep their head straight while doing all that

    it's still her responsibility to be a parent no matter how many jobs she's working. making sure your child is doing well in school is like one of the baseline things, not just something extra you do if you have time available. i feel bad for her but i feel way worse for her son who won't be graduating high school until he's 21.

  • Just get ged at this point and go to a trade school. There’s still hope he could make decent living.

    This have to be mad embarrassing for him though, this s*** is national news

  • blonded

    Sonic is great man

  • Mar 3, 2021

    Where the truant officers they skipping too?

  • this happened to the homie. it took him about half a year to get his s*** straight.

    except for the rank how in the hell is he 62 out of 120 lmao

  • Mar 3, 2021

    it's still her responsibility to be a parent no matter how many jobs she's working. making sure your child is doing well in school is like one of the baseline things, not just something extra you do if you have time available. i feel bad for her but i feel way worse for her son who won't be graduating high school until he's 21.

    It's too easy to say "be responsible and be a parent" (no f***ing s***).

    I work with these type of parents and kids and many parents don't consider being actively involved your child's school performance a "baseline thing." Baseline things are feeding your kids and putting a roof over their head.

    For them, the role of the school is to teach their child and make sure he/she is doing good, not them. It doesn't surprise me one bit that a parent would assume since her child is passing to the next grade, he is doing "good enough" to graduate. I'm pretty sure she accepted her kid's words about how well he's doing at school at face value also.

    These type of parents will always exist and expecting them to have some epiphany is silly. That is why good schools have the right interventions in place before it gets this out of hand. Obviously this school doesn't for whatever reason. Funding, teacher evaluation, and school accreditation is tied to so many factors that these students are nothing but numbers anyway.

  • Mar 3, 2021

    Baltimore city budget
    Expectations vs Reality

    “yOu ShOuLdNt SaY dEfUnD tHe PoLiCe ItS tOo MeAn”

    • Uncle ‘Bom
  • Mar 3, 2021

    How the f*** does your GPA even get that low? Like you got attendance credit for like 5 days out of the year?

  • Mar 3, 2021

    Baltimore city budget
    Expectations vs Reality

    That is a fantastic graphic

  • Mango

    Baltimore city budget
    Expectations vs Reality

    The funny thing about that police budget is only to ensure that the crime doesn’t fester into where the affluent white folks live it

    They don’t care about anything but that s***. I guarantee it

  • Mar 3, 2021
    1 reply

    Baltimore city budget
    Expectations vs Reality

    Feel like this is what a chart for most major cities in the US is gonna look like

  • Mar 3, 2021
    Troy Ave Stan

    Idk bro, then come the mental and physical issues that come with those jobs. Not everyone is able to keep their head straight while doing all that

    my brother. You assume those responsibilities as a parent. Your kids Future is part of your responsibilities. Using the school as your babysitter or determining of your child’s fate is not the way

  • Mar 3, 2021
    2 replies
    Smacked Voodoo

    Feel like this is what a chart for most major cities in the US is gonna look like

    Crime would eventually go down if they invested funds into public education and other programs to uplift public welfare. They just don’t care

  • Mar 3, 2021

    Mans gonna be able to go to the bar after school when he’s senior

  • Mar 3, 2021

    His mom was that oblivious for 4 years?

    Terrible parenting

  • My girlfriend is a high school teacher training as a helper right now and she showed me the gradebook and with the COVID remote learning, students have all year to do every assignment, so the gradebook is like 70% unturned in assignments, not exaggerating

  • That’s sad g

  • Mar 3, 2021


  • Mar 3, 2021
    1 reply

    I can’t stand the f***ing crook politicians who’ve run this city into the ground. Baltimore has so much potential to be a great city but it seems like it sees none of the funding

  • Mar 3, 2021

    Man I remember one year the state gave 10m to green turtle when that funding was needed for inner city schools. They don’t give a f*** out there bro. Smh

    S***s f***ing disgusting

  • Mar 3, 2021

    This is fr so crazy and the government should actually be legally held accountable for allowing systems to be handled this badly.