Personally, not as motivated to seek out music right now because I use new stuff I listen to help develop an association between it and new life events. Right now things feel stagnant because of quarantine and I don't want to dredge up bad memories when I listen to something I like in the future
Yeah I actually understand you when it comes to this, I have a list of songs that I absolutely love but the memories associated with them are absolutely terrible which sucks.
lowkey, amazing artists can ruin a genre for you (temporarily). i've seen that said a lot and i agree.
Yeah I actually understand you when it comes to this, I have a list of songs that I absolutely love but the memories associated with them are absolutely terrible which sucks.
username to post
I had a music revelation last night found so much great music to listen to and be inspired by
I'm the opposite. Music is much easier to fit into my routine and enjoy than when I was younger because of streaming and I'm more secure in what I do and don't like than I used to be. My relationship with music has changed but it's super nice and casual now compared to when I made it too great a part of my overall identity.
Maybe it means I'm enjoying music less, I don't really know, but I'm definitely way less inclined to get upset about music or fight over it. And I see that as a sign of growth.
Nah I enjoying music way more
RYM literally gives me endless amounts of records to point their is too much to hear
Probably the producer in you. I found this out when I was listening to one of my favorite songs a few years ago and realized the drum pattern had no bounce and was random asf. I was like what the f*** that’s why this song sounds so unique the drums are just random. I then realized I was looking too much into the music and should just focus on how it makes me feel instead of studying the technical aspects of it or worrying if this song is using the same recycled sounds as others.
Idk ab that. I produce too and constantly being inspired by so many genres aaaaahhhh I love music
Oh I know for sure the lyric video thing is just that it pops up whenever I look up a song.
But like you said since we can dictate now it’s much harder to find someone good. We either get the bubblegum s*** on radio/social media. Or we have to search through randoms until we hit gold. It was easier when music sites where more popping
Nah I enjoying music way more
RYM literally gives me endless amounts of records to point their is too much to hear
Yeah I realize I didn't even enjoy music like that until last year ago, I feel blessed now. RYM is god-tier
Oh I know for sure the lyric video thing is just that it pops up whenever I look up a song.
But like you said since we can dictate now it’s much harder to find someone good. We either get the bubblegum s*** on radio/social media. Or we have to search through randoms until we hit gold. It was easier when music sites where more popping
What type of music sites? Soundcloud/Blogs/RYM are a thing they aren't the main thing like TikTok and DSP Cartels are but they're still usable and can send you down some cool rabbit holes.
What type of music sites? Soundcloud/Blogs/RYM are a thing they aren't the main thing like TikTok and DSP Cartels are but they're still usable and can send you down some cool rabbit holes.
Well my music experience started with in the music blog/mixtape era.
So you had OnSmash & HNHH posting new stuff and you’d actually wanna go to those sites. Then you had leak sites that didn’t require memberships/accounts.
I’d prolly be into the popular leak site if it didn’t look as sketchy and I didn’t need to sign up for links.
Then you have kids on KTT that glorify meme s*** and just jump on bandwagon after bandwagon and spam the same artist threads.
This is happening to me as well tbh, was gonna make a thread about it
Learning to produce definitely ruined the purity of listening for me, I can’t help but feel like I’ve heard it all production wise (which I know isn’t true and is a terrible feeling)
I’ve not been excited by a new artist since 2013, but then again I definitely don’t consume music like I used to
And while I still enjoy the music that listen to regularly, it’s more like comfort food then something that feels refreshing
“purity of listening”
You must’ve been stanning mid then
Yeah i def feel you, back on OG KTT the majority of the posters did seem more involved overall
KTT was done after 2017-2018
The users treated it like Twitter or Reddit
Where do you guys go to finding new music?
Spotify, KTT, P4K (i dont care about the reviews or the scores).
And then for IG for local acts
Where do you guys go to finding new music?
RateYourMusic, then find links to genres that you find interesting, then look at top releases and go from there. People even compile lists of cool things happening in the genre, or are related to the piece of work that you click on. It's a massive rabbit hole you can get lost for days.
Also the shuffle feature on iPhones sucks ass. I’ll add new albums and they’ll never pop up. I’ll get the same random ass 10 songs every time
Also the shuffle feature on iPhones sucks ass. I’ll add new albums and they’ll never pop up. I’ll get the same random ass 10 songs every time
That’s a settings issue. You can fix that
Can anyone else relate to this?
Music I used to enjoy affects me less. New music is generally not that interesting to me, aside from a few artists I stan, but even their impact on me feels reduced.
Some of it may come from my learning the technical aspects of music production. Producers will say they had to relearn how to enjoy music as a listener.
Music used to be my favorite thing tbh. It’s really a shock to me and my identity that I may not enjoy it as much anymore.
who says s*** like this sounds like you have mental health issues tbh