  • Feb 5, 2020

    Stock plugins >

    It's not about what you use, it's about how you use it

  • Feb 5, 2020

    PhatFX/camelphat filter sxn

  • Feb 5, 2020

    You don't

    the spectrum a***yzer in pro Q is just miles better than the stock logic EQ a***yzer. There are cheaper options though.

    I have Span so im good lol

  • Feb 5, 2020
    1 reply

    You don't

    the spectrum a***yzer in pro Q is just miles better than the stock logic EQ a***yzer. There are cheaper options though.

    Any FabFilter spectrum a***yzer is fantastic. They do require a lot of attention tho, I usually prefer top of the line stuff cause it tends to have more options then cheaper stuff

  • Feb 5, 2020
    2 replies

    Y’all listened to the This Sounds Better podcast? Super helpful, and knowledgeable.

  • Feb 5, 2020
    Carmen is Composed

    Y’all listened to the This Sounds Better podcast? Super helpful, and knowledgeable.

    alex tumay the goat, def a man of the people

  • Feb 5, 2020
    1 reply
    Carmen is Composed

    Any FabFilter spectrum a***yzer is fantastic. They do require a lot of attention tho, I usually prefer top of the line stuff cause it tends to have more options then cheaper stuff

    span is more flexible imo. Changing the avg time is super easy. I like the stock logic a***yzer a lot too, it shows LUFS. SPAN is god teir in a lot of aspects, I love voxego's stuff.

    Yeah I mean Pro Q is great but I uninstalled it. I had a crack and I can work so much more quickly with the stock logic EQ, which uses less computing power as well. It's all subjective

  • Feb 5, 2020

    Are you guys familiar with the hierarchy of busses, aux, tracks and sends. Let’s say I have a synth and want to put reverb on it. Obviously make a reverb bus. Send the copied synth signal to the bus. But let’s say I have to finalize my mix including the reverb bus. Do I make one premixed (dry) synth mixed bus for multiple synths, and then send those to the reverb bus? For those asking I work in Logic Pro X, and trying to get a more solid understanding

  • Feb 5, 2020

    Good vocal rider plug ins?

  • Feb 5, 2020

    span is more flexible imo. Changing the avg time is super easy. I like the stock logic a***yzer a lot too, it shows LUFS. SPAN is god teir in a lot of aspects, I love voxego's stuff.

    Yeah I mean Pro Q is great but I uninstalled it. I had a crack and I can work so much more quickly with the stock logic EQ, which uses less computing power as well. It's all subjective

    Same... Switched to all stock...

  • Feb 6, 2020
    3 replies

    any of yall interesting to mix/master a few songs of my project, its mainly the more experimental/bigger ones since i need some guys with expierence to these

  • Feb 11, 2020

    any of yall interesting to mix/master a few songs of my project, its mainly the more experimental/bigger ones since i need some guys with expierence to these


  • Carmen is Composed

    Y’all listened to the This Sounds Better podcast? Super helpful, and knowledgeable.

    Great listen tbh

  • LordPrettyFlackoJR

    any of yall interesting to mix/master a few songs of my project, its mainly the more experimental/bigger ones since i need some guys with expierence to these

    Hit me, I’ve worked with another artist I met on KTT 1 that can vouch for me. not sure if he’s on 2

    Edit: @Episode wassup my guy!

  • Feb 16, 2020

    Bruh Radiator is insane

  • Feb 18, 2020
    2 replies

    my tracks always sound mad quiet when i export do yall know why

  • Feb 18, 2020

    What would your go to hip hop album be for reference?

    Mine would be Late Registration for the low end and 2014 FHD for the overall sound

  • Feb 18, 2020
    2 replies

    my tracks always sound mad quiet when i export do yall know why

    whats ur sounds peak level

    and are they quiet are a mixdown or when u actually master n bounce it?

  • Feb 18, 2020
    1 reply
    the end

    whats ur sounds peak level

    and are they quiet are a mixdown or when u actually master n bounce it?

    how do i figure out the peak level sorry for my ignorance lmao

    and its quiet when i master and bounce but it might be because i don't know how to master well idk

  • Feb 18, 2020

    how do i figure out the peak level sorry for my ignorance lmao

    and its quiet when i master and bounce but it might be because i don't know how to master well idk

    Watch this - concepts are the same across all daws. There are many factors that contribute to what we perceive as "loudness"

    Fanu has released on Metalheadz and Slugwife, he's a very accomplished producer. His YouTube channel is worth a binge.

  • Feb 18, 2020
    1 reply
    the end

    whats ur sounds peak level

    and are they quiet are a mixdown or when u actually master n bounce it?

    What do you have your bass level set to? I know it all depends on how many plugins you use but for me lately the sweet spot seems to be -38.
    This way it peaks at -16 / -12

  • Feb 18, 2020

    levels are entirely subjective

    use a reference track and SPAN

  • Feb 18, 2020
    Moody mann

    What do you have your bass level set to? I know it all depends on how many plugins you use but for me lately the sweet spot seems to be -38.
    This way it peaks at -16 / -12

    I’m not sure I usually just go off feel

    I just try to leave -6db of head room during a mixdown

  • Feb 18, 2020

    my tracks always sound mad quiet when i export do yall know why

    post it

  • PIMP 💿
    Feb 19, 2020

    ayo bros help me out, what should I upgrade to from Audacity, been mixing there and i'm trying to go dawless cause im on a windows machine and i dont think imma learn Ableton, should i stick with ableton, help out, i really wanna do this but i dont know what 2 do
