You don't
the spectrum a***yzer in pro Q is just miles better than the stock logic EQ a***yzer. There are cheaper options though.
I have Span so im good lol
You don't
the spectrum a***yzer in pro Q is just miles better than the stock logic EQ a***yzer. There are cheaper options though.
Any FabFilter spectrum a***yzer is fantastic. They do require a lot of attention tho, I usually prefer top of the line stuff cause it tends to have more options then cheaper stuff
Y’all listened to the This Sounds Better podcast? Super helpful, and knowledgeable.
Y’all listened to the This Sounds Better podcast? Super helpful, and knowledgeable.
alex tumay the goat, def a man of the people
Any FabFilter spectrum a***yzer is fantastic. They do require a lot of attention tho, I usually prefer top of the line stuff cause it tends to have more options then cheaper stuff
span is more flexible imo. Changing the avg time is super easy. I like the stock logic a***yzer a lot too, it shows LUFS. SPAN is god teir in a lot of aspects, I love voxego's stuff.
Yeah I mean Pro Q is great but I uninstalled it. I had a crack and I can work so much more quickly with the stock logic EQ, which uses less computing power as well. It's all subjective
Are you guys familiar with the hierarchy of busses, aux, tracks and sends. Let’s say I have a synth and want to put reverb on it. Obviously make a reverb bus. Send the copied synth signal to the bus. But let’s say I have to finalize my mix including the reverb bus. Do I make one premixed (dry) synth mixed bus for multiple synths, and then send those to the reverb bus? For those asking I work in Logic Pro X, and trying to get a more solid understanding
span is more flexible imo. Changing the avg time is super easy. I like the stock logic a***yzer a lot too, it shows LUFS. SPAN is god teir in a lot of aspects, I love voxego's stuff.
Yeah I mean Pro Q is great but I uninstalled it. I had a crack and I can work so much more quickly with the stock logic EQ, which uses less computing power as well. It's all subjective
Same... Switched to all stock...
any of yall interesting to mix/master a few songs of my project, its mainly the more experimental/bigger ones since i need some guys with expierence to these
any of yall interesting to mix/master a few songs of my project, its mainly the more experimental/bigger ones since i need some guys with expierence to these
Y’all listened to the This Sounds Better podcast? Super helpful, and knowledgeable.
Great listen tbh
any of yall interesting to mix/master a few songs of my project, its mainly the more experimental/bigger ones since i need some guys with expierence to these
Hit me, I’ve worked with another artist I met on KTT 1 that can vouch for me. not sure if he’s on 2
Edit: @Episode wassup my guy!
What would your go to hip hop album be for reference?
Mine would be Late Registration for the low end and 2014 FHD for the overall sound
my tracks always sound mad quiet when i export do yall know why
whats ur sounds peak level
and are they quiet are a mixdown or when u actually master n bounce it?
whats ur sounds peak level
and are they quiet are a mixdown or when u actually master n bounce it?
how do i figure out the peak level sorry for my ignorance lmao
and its quiet when i master and bounce but it might be because i don't know how to master well idk
how do i figure out the peak level sorry for my ignorance lmao
and its quiet when i master and bounce but it might be because i don't know how to master well idk
Watch this - concepts are the same across all daws. There are many factors that contribute to what we perceive as "loudness"
Fanu has released on Metalheadz and Slugwife, he's a very accomplished producer. His YouTube channel is worth a binge.
whats ur sounds peak level
and are they quiet are a mixdown or when u actually master n bounce it?
What do you have your bass level set to? I know it all depends on how many plugins you use but for me lately the sweet spot seems to be -38.
This way it peaks at -16 / -12
What do you have your bass level set to? I know it all depends on how many plugins you use but for me lately the sweet spot seems to be -38.
This way it peaks at -16 / -12
I’m not sure I usually just go off feel
I just try to leave -6db of head room during a mixdown
ayo bros help me out, what should I upgrade to from Audacity, been mixing there and i'm trying to go dawless cause im on a windows machine and i dont think imma learn Ableton, should i stick with ableton, help out, i really wanna do this but i dont know what 2 do