  • May 13, 2020

    How on earth do you remove harshness on a final mix. You can only go so far with methods before you maim the clarity of the sonics

  • May 13, 2020
    1 reply

    Figured it out

  • May 15, 2020

    Yo what do you guys do when it comes to mixing in your effects on the bus channel? Do u guys automate to give it cool sound design?

  • May 17, 2020
    1 reply
    Clb sexman

    nah fr
    my cracked version on drums wouldnt even soften the transient it would make it louder, which never made sense to me because its a saturation plug

    the real version actually gives you more headroom while making the source perceptually louder

    I wonder if this happens for all cracked plugins. Could you post a short demo

  • May 17, 2020

    I wonder if this happens for all cracked plugins. Could you post a short demo

    yeah makes me wonder aswell lmao i wonder if all my s*** is not acting the way it should

    I’ll get round to posting a demo

  • May 17, 2020

    Anyone have any experience with Soundtoys? They are having a sale on plugins and want cop sum

  • May 19, 2020
    1 reply

    Is it better to record vocals completely dry? or is there a secret effect you throw on?

    Also this is probably not the best thread to ask but I want to buy myself a new mic and maybe a new interface. I have two old not real great interfaces I am not sure If I even need a new one.

    But if you guys have any suggestions on a mic to buy my budget is about 400$ possibly a little more.

  • May 20, 2020

    Anyone know any good mastering services?

  • May 20, 2020


  • May 25, 2020
    1 reply

    Just realized the concept of POST fader and proper gain staging

    My mixes bout to sound next level now

  • May 26, 2020

    Woah back in here

  • RE1GN

    Just realized the concept of POST fader and proper gain staging

    My mixes bout to sound next level now

    gain staging changed everything for me

  • Jun 1, 2020

    If anyone has really good "let me take you through LPX features, one by one" videos, or tips on improving workflow, drop em on me

    This guy's tutorials are just unbelievably helpful:

  • Jun 5, 2020
    1 reply

    Is it better to record vocals completely dry? or is there a secret effect you throw on?

    Also this is probably not the best thread to ask but I want to buy myself a new mic and maybe a new interface. I have two old not real great interfaces I am not sure If I even need a new one.

    But if you guys have any suggestions on a mic to buy my budget is about 400$ possibly a little more.

    Aston spirit or origin. Otherwise just save up more its worth it

    Here’s the list of priorities when it comes to vocals

    1) Performance
    2) Mic & 3) Mic position
    4) Acoustics
    5) Pre/Compression
    6) EQ

    Recording with a Pre or Compression/EQ sounds sexy but I wouldn’t worry about it until your acoustics match up. Best results are usually with Hardware effects. They’re applied to make the recording require less mixing. Usually just taming the peaks with a compressor and removing low rumble from the room with a High Pass. Once you get the hang of that you can start doing more.

    UAD has nice preamp plugins too. I’ve achieved good results with the FG-73 plugin from Slate as well. Slate has a cheap subscription model for their plugins if you want to try that. I’d definitely stay away from recording with Plugin EQ/Compression.

    Depending on how bad your acoustics are they might be more important than the microphone to upgrade. A good microphone in a terrible room will just pick up a lot of the terrible room in detail.

    If treating the whole room isn’t an option I’d suggest building or buying some bass traps to make a recording corner. Place them to surround you while recording, prioritize the spaces in front of and behind the microphone.

    Hope that helps

  • Jun 6, 2020
    1 reply

    The biggest mix mistake I see people making is inserting individual reverb plugins on tracks themselves rather then using sends where you can control how much reverb effects the signal. On FL the sends are the knobs with the arrows and green outlines in the mixer
