  • Feb 18, 2022
    1 reply
    Young King


    I have soothe 2

    I've been doing pre processing with iZotope and soothe, then printing that before my vocal chain, it still is there.

    It's just a balance between getting it out and not breaking the vocals.

    The issue just may be boosting them too much in the high end/ getting the high mid balance right, but idk.

  • Feb 18, 2022

    It's not that what I have necessarily sounds bad, it's just that I know it's there especially when listening with 6xx's

  • Feb 18, 2022
    Young King


    Also thank you, I'll try to add it in a little more and see if it helps

  • Feb 21, 2022
    Jowe Buddew

    Hey so one of the biggest things I've been trying to work on is getting out this granular overall sandy feel in vocals, I don't really know exactly how to describe it, but for everything above like 500 vocals will just have this grit that I don't know how to smooth out.

    Is there any way I could send you a song I'm working on to see if you hear what I mean?

    I used to rack my brain about stuff like this until I realized that your mix is only going to be as good as the stems you were given. A lot of that comes from issues that come up at the recording stage (cheap equipment, poor technique, bad acoustics, etc). When you have a situation like that you can’t “get it out” once it’s already there lmao. It’s virtually impossible.

    That’s one of the biggest reasons why top mixers have mixes that sound so good. Once you have experience and you know what you’re doing it’s kinda hard to f*** up a mix that was recorded well. On the other hand all the skill in the world can’t make a bad recording sound like a good recording. At best you can get creative and craft something that sounds cohesive and unique but that clarity will always escape you. And if you keep chasing it it’ll f*** up your mix.

    A plug-in like soothe or gulfoss can help when you have harsh frequencies that are hard to lock onto with a traditional EQ but the best approach is to ACCEPT THE FACT THAT THE NOISE IS THERE lol. Mix WITH it lol. You can’t sculpt a golden statue out of a concrete block. You just have to go with it and get crafty. Shift the focus of the listener away from the problem instead of trying to “get rid of” the problem.

  • my favorite mix ive done

  • Feb 24, 2022
    1 reply

    Autotune makes my vocals mad distorted any1 know how to get around this

  • Feb 24, 2022
    1 reply

    Autotune makes my vocals mad distorted any1 know how to get around this

    describe the process

  • Feb 24, 2022
    Mark Moschino

    no more parties in la is a good example but basically something a little quieter not super bass heavy or harmonically crazy

    then in the mastering stage hitting a couple of limiters or something in a row with the last doing more than like 2 db of gain reduction. the waves l3 is a likely culprit in these scenarios

    U hearing L3 on Mike’s masters?

  • Feb 24, 2022
    3 replies
    Mark Moschino

    oh and if you’re boosting like crazy the. you should put a compressor in front of it just to smooth things out and also sorry if this is too basic but making sure your chain is “classically correct” can really really help so

    mic > preamp (if you don’t have a preamp or preamp plug-in a saturator can work in a pinch) > compressor > eq > fx

    if you’re using autotune it’s a common noob mistake to put it at the start of your chain, but don’t do that. put it after all your compression and s***. that way your voice is as clean and smooth as possible and the autotune will have an easier time with your voice

    Cap. I’ve done extensive work with S Tier engineers & they put it in front. Has nothing to do w being a noob. Depends on what you prefer. Tuning After compression & everything might cause unpredictable artifacts

  • Feb 25, 2022

    Cap. I’ve done extensive work with S Tier engineers & they put it in front. Has nothing to do w being a noob. Depends on what you prefer. Tuning After compression & everything might cause unpredictable artifacts

    not necessarily bro , there’s a lot of things that can cause that

  • Feb 25, 2022

    Cap. I’ve done extensive work with S Tier engineers & they put it in front. Has nothing to do w being a noob. Depends on what you prefer. Tuning After compression & everything might cause unpredictable artifacts

    also if you’re chillin with everybody then you know there are many ways to skins a cat my friend , not worth getting too caught up in it . this is just a useful suggestion . i find in life there are very rarely immutable techniques

  • Feb 25, 2022

    Cap. I’ve done extensive work with S Tier engineers & they put it in front. Has nothing to do w being a noob. Depends on what you prefer. Tuning After compression & everything might cause unpredictable artifacts

    tuning after spectral processing is usually helpful, but idk if we’re thinking of artifacts in the same way

  • Feb 25, 2022
    2 replies

    describe the process

    honestly ill have raw vocals and put the autotune on and it sounds completely different/distorted, ig the vocals are just recorded too loud idk they sound fine without the autotune

  • Mar 1, 2022
    1 reply

    honestly ill have raw vocals and put the autotune on and it sounds completely different/distorted, ig the vocals are just recorded too loud idk they sound fine without the autotune

    What pitch correction are you using?

  • Mar 1, 2022
    3 replies

    Anyone have tips for minimizing system overloading in logic?

  • Mar 1, 2022

    In need of a CPU whisperer

  • Mar 1, 2022
    1 reply
    Jowe Buddew

    What pitch correction are you using?

    I'm using Antares autotune

  • Mar 1, 2022
    1 reply

    I'm using Antares autotune

    Not sure, you have an a/b with it on and off?

  • Mar 2, 2022
    1 reply
    Jowe Buddew

    Not sure, you have an a/b with it on and off?

    hmm not sure what that means tbh

  • Mar 2, 2022

    hmm not sure what that means tbh

    A snippet with auto tune on and one with it off, so that we could hear what's happening.

  • Mar 6, 2022

    honestly ill have raw vocals and put the autotune on and it sounds completely different/distorted, ig the vocals are just recorded too loud idk they sound fine without the autotune

    what's your tracking and retune speed

    do you have formant on auto or classic

  • Mar 6, 2022
    1 reply
    Jowe Buddew

    I have soothe 2

    I've been doing pre processing with iZotope and soothe, then printing that before my vocal chain, it still is there.

    It's just a balance between getting it out and not breaking the vocals.

    The issue just may be boosting them too much in the high end/ getting the high mid balance right, but idk.

    I know soothe but what plugin from izotope do you use?

  • Mar 7, 2022
    Jowe Buddew

    Anyone have tips for minimizing system overloading in logic?

    Freeze tracks

  • Mar 7, 2022
    1 reply
    Jowe Buddew

    Anyone have tips for minimizing system overloading in logic?

    Bounce out your midi. Working with audio is a lot less intensive. Also this opens doors for things that are harder to do with midi

  • Mar 8, 2022
    1 reply
    Mr Sting

    I know soothe but what plugin from izotope do you use?

    I was trying out a bunch of rx tools, I think I was overdoing it tho and making things seem lifeless, and maybe even harsher.

    I just have been using soothe 2 now unless there is something obviously wrong in the vocals.
