  • Dec 14, 2019
    2 replies

    im about to cop an apollo twin duo in a day or two, anybody got experience with it?

    also itll be an upgrade from the scarlett 2i2 i have now so will the difference be significant?

  • proper 🔩
    Dec 14, 2019

    Turn that s*** all the way up b

  • Dec 15, 2019
    1 reply
    Kims Left Cheek

    im about to cop an apollo twin duo in a day or two, anybody got experience with it?

    also itll be an upgrade from the scarlett 2i2 i have now so will the difference be significant?

    if you expecting your recordings to sound magically better they wont sadly, its def more stable than the scarlett

  • Dec 15, 2019

    are plugins like ozone worth it? even just to speed up the process

    If You Looking for a Replacement for Stock, Go For It.

    Ozone Stuff is Nice, Sonnox Too

  • A New Impression

    if you expecting your recordings to sound magically better they wont sadly, its def more stable than the scarlett

    yea ive heard about 50/50 in terms of quality difference

    although it was the same situation when i was upgrading to the tlm and that made a huge difference in terms of quality and even mixing

    the main reason im interested in the apollo is cause of the no latency monitoring which would be extremely helpful for hashing out ideas

    that and it may not be a crazy difference but the preamps and converters will definitely be better i just dont know by how much

  • PIMP 💿
    Dec 16, 2019

    Anyone else living for producing and mixing right now? There's nothing like getting a mix perfect


    Working on this SZA love galore and Pierre Bourne - doublemint mix

    Tryna perfect it even add a beat switch

  • Dec 18, 2019
    1 reply

    Gain staging and bussing sounds properly was the biggest game changer for myself too

    how did gain-staging improve your mixes? did you make every track hit at -12dbfs or lower?

    just wondering cause i keep seeing the argument that gain staging doesn’t matter in the digital realm and i dont really know what to believe

  • Dec 19, 2019
    Kims Left Cheek

    how did gain-staging improve your mixes? did you make every track hit at -12dbfs or lower?

    just wondering cause i keep seeing the argument that gain staging doesn’t matter in the digital realm and i dont really know what to believe

    Fanu explains it better than I can. He's released on Metalheadz and Slugwife, he knows his stuff. Concepts are the same across all daws.

  • Dec 19, 2019
    3 replies
    Kims Left Cheek

    im about to cop an apollo twin duo in a day or two, anybody got experience with it?

    also itll be an upgrade from the scarlett 2i2 i have now so will the difference be significant?

    UAD plug-ins are how you get the industry sound. Just make sure you buying s*** you’ll use

  • Dec 19, 2019

    Anyone in here down to mix a song of mine? Drop ur IG username n lmk

  • The Ghost of Tony

    UAD plug-ins are how you get the industry sound. Just make sure you buying s*** you’ll use

    yea i think it’ll definitely help with my mixes

    i mostly care about the unison preamps and getting realtime autotune so i can monitor with no latency and work out ideas this way

    will definitely end up using the compressors too though

  • lil b Strong Arm TechNeue ..?

  • Dec 25, 2019
    2 replies
    The Ghost of Tony

    UAD plug-ins are how you get the industry sound. Just make sure you buying s*** you’ll use

    Bullshit loooool

    Alex tumay mixes with Wave exclusively
    Jaycen Joshua using Fab filter

    Yall sheep
    The plugins sound great though

  • Dec 25, 2019

    Bullshit loooool

    Alex tumay mixes with Wave exclusively
    Jaycen Joshua using Fab filter

    Yall sheep
    The plugins sound great though

    he really uses waves exclusively?? thats really surprising lmao

  • Dec 25, 2019
    1 reply

    Bullshit loooool

    Alex tumay mixes with Wave exclusively
    Jaycen Joshua using Fab filter

    Yall sheep
    The plugins sound great though

    you definitely have a point but itll sound nice because hes using top of the line gear in professional studios so the dry vocal take will be very clean and easier to mix

    just got my apollo in yesterday, was mainly excited for the no latency monitoring as it helped to test out ideas and flows

    im still gonna mainly use waves and fabfilter plugins when mixing cause i dont have much knowledge about their a***og plugins, but the dry vocal takes sound so much cleaner than the ones i had from the scarlett

    even the output sound is night and day difference, it somehow makes my sub no longer overpowering

  • Dec 25, 2019
    1 reply
    Kims Left Cheek

    you definitely have a point but itll sound nice because hes using top of the line gear in professional studios so the dry vocal take will be very clean and easier to mix

    just got my apollo in yesterday, was mainly excited for the no latency monitoring as it helped to test out ideas and flows

    im still gonna mainly use waves and fabfilter plugins when mixing cause i dont have much knowledge about their a***og plugins, but the dry vocal takes sound so much cleaner than the ones i had from the scarlett

    even the output sound is night and day difference, it somehow makes my sub no longer overpowering

    You’re overcomplicating it for yourself. Marketing will have you believe all the s*** you just said. I’d know cause i used to believe the same 😂

    He mixes in the box and his main vocal chain can be pirated by any idiot, its out there

    At the end of the day your ears and HOW you use your tools is the only thing seperating you from that “radio ready mix”

    New toys are nice but learning existing ones in and out, putting in ur 10k hrs is the only way you can get there

    The apollo pre amp isnt too discernible from focusrite’s line. The plugs are definitely great sounding but the stuff ur talkin about is arbitrary if im keeping it real

    Definitely explore their plugins and learn them as they’re amazing tools. Maybe you like them more than what you had before & they’ll help u get there faster as a result. Thats totally valid. But a great engineer can get to almost the same result no matter the tools.

  • Dec 25, 2019
    1 reply

    You’re overcomplicating it for yourself. Marketing will have you believe all the s*** you just said. I’d know cause i used to believe the same 😂

    He mixes in the box and his main vocal chain can be pirated by any idiot, its out there

    At the end of the day your ears and HOW you use your tools is the only thing seperating you from that “radio ready mix”

    New toys are nice but learning existing ones in and out, putting in ur 10k hrs is the only way you can get there

    The apollo pre amp isnt too discernible from focusrite’s line. The plugs are definitely great sounding but the stuff ur talkin about is arbitrary if im keeping it real

    Definitely explore their plugins and learn them as they’re amazing tools. Maybe you like them more than what you had before & they’ll help u get there faster as a result. Thats totally valid. But a great engineer can get to almost the same result no matter the tools.

    i definitely agree that a great engineer can get the same results with less, but thats the reason i got it

    im not a great engineer as of right now and im trying to release songs without hiring a mixer and paying every release

    i have been studying mixing and mastering for about 3 years or so and i definitely have improved, but it got to the point where it wasnt gonna sound much better without upgrading some of my gear (monitors, better mic, and the apollo) and i found that my mixes ended up sounding cleaner with each of those upgrades, as well as it improved workflow and efficiency

  • Dec 25, 2019
    1 reply
    Kims Left Cheek

    i definitely agree that a great engineer can get the same results with less, but thats the reason i got it

    im not a great engineer as of right now and im trying to release songs without hiring a mixer and paying every release

    i have been studying mixing and mastering for about 3 years or so and i definitely have improved, but it got to the point where it wasnt gonna sound much better without upgrading some of my gear (monitors, better mic, and the apollo) and i found that my mixes ended up sounding cleaner with each of those upgrades, as well as it improved workflow and efficiency

    Oh yeah of course. Putting money where the mouth is. I’d look into
    room treatment if u haven’t. Your recs will sound way better than with just a new mic & you’ll progress faster cuz you can trust what you’re hearing more

  • Dec 25, 2019
    1 reply

    Oh yeah of course. Putting money where the mouth is. I’d look into
    room treatment if u haven’t. Your recs will sound way better than with just a new mic & you’ll progress faster cuz you can trust what you’re hearing more

    yea the next step is definitely getting some treatment cause itll be better for recording and mixing

    ill probably start with an isolation shield first tho cause the room im in kinda complicated for full treatment

  • Dec 25, 2019

    This thread does put a smile on my face. Keep going boys

  • Dec 25, 2019
    1 reply
    Kims Left Cheek

    yea the next step is definitely getting some treatment cause itll be better for recording and mixing

    ill probably start with an isolation shield first tho cause the room im in kinda complicated for full treatment

    Lol infeel you. My apartment weird shaped and s***. acousticians always say shields dont make a dent but they def protect the mic from annoying room reflections

    That being said i dont like dry rooms all that much. Its easier to perform but IMHO (maybe cuz im from a home recording background) i like my own recordings to have some dirt in them

  • bloom

    Lol infeel you. My apartment weird shaped and s***. acousticians always say shields dont make a dent but they def protect the mic from annoying room reflections

    That being said i dont like dry rooms all that much. Its easier to perform but IMHO (maybe cuz im from a home recording background) i like my own recordings to have some dirt in them

    yea the shield would mainly be for blocking the sound from reflecting off the wall thats right in front of the mic

    and yea the room i record in now gives a pretty clean vocal recording but the ceilings are higher so it kinda adds a nice subtle spacey effect

  • Dec 30, 2019
    2 replies

    I think panning tracks is a key element of mixing that I've been missing. Anyone have any good resources for it, or is it just by feel?

  • The Ghost of Tony

    UAD plug-ins are how you get the industry sound. Just make sure you buying s*** you’ll use

    its not about the plugins its about if you know how to use the tools because if you buy a whole bunch of plugins and dont actually know how to use them then its not going to make a difference between using those and the stock ones. you can use any plugins for an "industry sound" and sure there are a lot of plugins that are better that can help you a lot in your mixes but theres no point if you dont know how to do it there are no special plugins that make your mixes sound like magic with a push of a button

  • Dec 30, 2019
    1 reply

    I think panning tracks is a key element of mixing that I've been missing. Anyone have any good resources for it, or is it just by feel?

    hell yeah its something that you always want to have in a mix or else everything is just sitting on top of each other and youre not using any of the space that you have available (although you do want to mix in mono before you touch a panning knob). A tip I can give you is when you pan put the sound in mono and pan hard left or right (or not but dont be afraid to pan that way either) and then have it going to a reverb send and stereo separate the reverb a little bit.
