  • Mar 3
    2 replies

    Only one of the women you listed is Black, and she is a light-skinned Black woman at that, f*** nigga. I'm side-eyeing you right now...

    I also dated someone who looks just like Anok Yai just not recently

  • Mar 3
    1 reply
    emo genghis khan

    you're probably annoying af

    I've never been told I'm annoying tbh

  • Young King

    I feel you, funny to me those women are just 7/8 outta 10 lol

    They're not "10s" to me too especially since some of them aren't even models I'm just giving the closest celeb comparisons I can think of but everyone I dated were basically better looking versions of those celebs

  • Mar 3
    1 reply

    I also dated someone who looks just like Anok Yai just not recently

    Had no idea who that was and had to look her up, f*** nigga. I got you though!

  • Mar 3

    end of the day own who you are. i hope one day God will present me a 10/10 who can dress her ass off and also wants to go to church on sunday instead of always one or the other

  • Dying2Live

    Had no idea who that was and had to look her up, f*** nigga. I got you though!

  • DOGE Employee 🇺🇸
    Mar 3
    3 replies

    Reading OP’s responses and this dude seems like the worst type of person god I hope I never turn into whatever this is

  • Mar 3
    1 reply
    DOGE Employee

    Reading OP’s responses and this dude seems like the worst type of person god I hope I never turn into whatever this is

    Don't worry there's a 0% chance that you'll end up like me haha

    I've lived such a unique but strange life that it's definitely cooked my brain over the years haha

  • Mar 3
    1 reply

    This mindset sounds like it may be good for other aspects in life but sounds excruciatingly exhausting and miserable in relationships

  • DOGE Employee 🇺🇸
    Mar 3
    1 reply

    Don't worry there's a 0% chance that you'll end up like me haha

    I've lived such a unique but strange life that it's definitely cooked my brain over the years haha

    You need more therapy

  • DOGE Employee 🇺🇸
    Mar 3
    2 replies

    I remember reading a thread by OP how he had 6 girls at once lol this dude is a dirtbag


    This mindset sounds like it may be good for other aspects in life but sounds excruciatingly exhausting and miserable in relationships

    For sure

    My mindset and perfectionist type standard has definitely allowed me to be successful and super goal oriented and productive in life but it's also been so exhausting specifically when it comes to dating

  • DOGE Employee

    You need more therapy

    If you read through this thread you already know I know this

  • Mar 3
    1 reply
    DOGE Employee

    I remember reading a thread by OP how he had 6 girls at once lol this dude is a dirtbag

    Yup that's me haha that was the beginning of my toxic dating run

    But to be fair literally everyone casually dates multiple people at once in NYC

    Whenever I'm serious and mutually exclusive with someone I obviously never juggle girls or cheat though

    Healthy communication is always key

  • Mar 3
    1 reply
    DOGE Employee

    Reading OP’s responses and this dude seems like the worst type of person god I hope I never turn into whatever this is

    Reading OP's initial post and response makes it seem like he's trying to be a better person, f*** nigga! At least he's trying, bro.

  • Dying2Live

    Reading OP's initial post and response makes it seem like he's trying to be a better person, f*** nigga! At least he's trying, bro.

    This haha

    I'm always the first one to hold myself accountable and call myself out if I'm on some bullshit and am always trying my best to be a better person

  • Mar 3
    2 replies
    DOGE Employee

    I remember reading a thread by OP how he had 6 girls at once lol this dude is a dirtbag

    Oh dear...My support for OP is waning. He might just be a f*** nigga!

    @op, how much do you relate to Drake's lyrics and perspective on relationships?

  • Mar 3
    1 reply

    Oh dear...My support for OP is waning. He might just be a f*** nigga!

    @op, how much do you relate to Drake's lyrics and perspective on relationships?

    Ok lemme explain myself haha

    I was casually going on dates with 6 girls around the same time

    All of them were in the early talking stages and none of them asked to be mutually exclusive also they were all seeing other dudes at the same time too

    If they had asked me if I was currently seeing anyone else I would have been totally honest and transparent with them

  • Mar 3
    1 reply

    Ok lemme explain myself haha

    I was casually going on dates with 6 girls around the same time

    All of them were in the early talking stages and none of them asked to be mutually exclusive also they were all seeing other dudes at the same time too

    If they had asked me if I was currently seeing anyone else I would have been totally honest and transparent with them

    That sounds ethical, so that's fine.

    But my question still remains, f*** nigga...

  • Mar 3
    1 reply

    That sounds ethical, so that's fine.

    But my question still remains, f*** nigga...

    What is your question bro haha

  • Mar 3
    1 reply

    What is your question bro haha

    How much do you relate to Drake's lyrics and perspective on relationships?

    I will explain why I asked after your response, f*** nigga.

  • Mar 3
    1 reply

    How much do you relate to Drake's lyrics and perspective on relationships?

    I will explain why I asked after your response, f*** nigga.

    Tbh I don't really listen to Drake that much

    If there's a specific song/lyric you want to know my opinion on I can give one

  • Mar 3
    1 reply

    Tbh I don't really listen to Drake that much

    If there's a specific song/lyric you want to know my opinion on I can give one

    And if you don't mind me asking, how old are you, f*** nigga?


    Seek therapy man, respectfully. This is beyond ktt's purview

    No its not KTT is #1 support group for all of us.

    We shall use this to aid the self we show the world or our shadow self.
