  • Mar 3
    1 reply

    And if you don't mind me asking, how old are you, f*** nigga?

    Officially in my 30s now

    Which is why I'm trying to leave behind my toxic dating mindset in the past

    Had a lot of fun in my 20s but now want to focus on settling down and starting a family and living a wholesome life

  • Mar 3
    1 reply

    Officially in my 30s now

    Which is why I'm trying to leave behind my toxic dating mindset in the past

    Had a lot of fun in my 20s but now want to focus on settling down and starting a family and living a wholesome life

    Cool. You're very relatable, OP. I hope we both figure it out, f*** nigga!

  • Mar 3
    1 reply

    Thanks so much for the words of wisdom and your insight on all of this

    I’m definitely at the age and point in life where I’m no longer dating for fun but dating with intention and really want to find someone real and genuine to be with forever

    I just fear that my standards are so high that nobody exists out there that would check every box

    Every girl I’ve dated in the past few years it’s been emotionally draining so I hope to be patient enough to wait for the right person where we can be a team together and uplift each other

    The real question is what are your standards or 10 things that describe ur dream woman BESIDES LOOKS?

    You dont even have to tell us but maybe be more cognizant of that as u date and meet women. So u have a stronger compass than “shes bad let me ask her out”

  • Dying2Live

    Cool. You're very relatable, OP. I hope we both figure it out, f*** nigga!

    Thanks bro!! I really appreciate it and wish you all the best too

  • Mar 3
    1 reply

    Well all i can say is if u rly think about it s***is like a few minutes of pleasure vs a good relationship is constant pleasure of being in each others prescence, its obvious to me which is more valuable

  • Flyghost

    The real question is what are your standards or 10 things that describe ur dream woman BESIDES LOOKS?

    You dont even have to tell us but maybe be more cognizant of that as u date and meet women. So u have a stronger compass than “shes bad let me ask her out”

    Ideally someone who has model-level beauty who is also family oriented and has wholesome values and a silly personality that dresses well and is willing to go to church and bible study with me

    Only met 1 girl who fits this description and I fumbled her

  • Mar 3
    1 reply

    Well all i can say is if u rly think about it s***is like a few minutes of pleasure vs a good relationship is constant pleasure of being in each others prescence, its obvious to me which is more valuable

    My physical attraction isn't even about s***
    It's more so I can't find someone attractive in general if they aren't beautiful

    Even if s***didn't exist I'd still rather choose someone pretty over someone not

  • DOGE Employee 🇺🇸
    Mar 3
    2 replies

    Oh dear...My support for OP is waning. He might just be a f*** nigga!

    @op, how much do you relate to Drake's lyrics and perspective on relationships?

  • lil ufo 🛸
    Mar 3

    Actually, your heart and brain fades, too. Even physically.

    you take what's in those within your soul

  • Mar 3
    1 reply
    DOGE Employee

    Post literally made me LIRL haha

  • DOGE Employee 🇺🇸
    Mar 3
    1 reply

    Post literally made me LIRL haha

    Sorry for being a d***head in here but I feel sometimes harsh judgement is needed

  • Mar 3
    1 reply

    My physical attraction isn't even about s***
    It's more so I can't find someone attractive in general if they aren't beautiful

    Even if s***didn't exist I'd still rather choose someone pretty over someone not

    U jus gotta adjust ur standards. Everyone has beautiful aspects, u jus gotta find em and appreciate them

  • Mar 3
    1 reply

    Yea I definitely consider myself lucky I think also being successful in my field is a gift and a curse because I never know if someone is just trying to network with me or if it’s a genuine connection

    Also the problem that I’ve found is that post-college outside of the fashion industry it’s super hard to naturally meet new people especially considering I don’t drink so I rarely go to bars

    I hear you on that last part
    Very hard to make new friends
    Thank God ive met some cool people lately.

    What do you actually do btw

  • DOGE Employee

    Sorry for being a d***head in here but I feel sometimes harsh judgement is needed

    All good bro!! It's totally fine and I completely understand

    Harsh judgement is definitely needed sometimes for sure and I appreciate you keeping it real with me

  • Mar 3
    1 reply
    DOGE Employee

    It was important for me to establish a psychological profile on the OP, so that I didn't enable bad behavior.

  • Mar 3
    1 reply

    U jus gotta adjust ur standards. Everyone has beautiful aspects, u jus gotta find em and appreciate them

    I just can't seem to adjust my standards no matter how hard I try to

    I definitely recognize the beauty inside everyone's spirit it's just that I end up friend-zoning them if they aren't pretty

    My brain is just wired to always be attracted to model-level beauty

    Like I physically can't get turned on if they aren't hot regardless if they're a wonderful person

  • rather late

    I hear you on that last part
    Very hard to make new friends
    Thank God ive met some cool people lately.

    What do you actually do btw

    Happy to hear you've crossed paths with cool peeps!!

    I'm a creative director/product designer

    I'm basically like a freelance Rick Rubin but for fashion related projects instead of music

  • Mar 3
    1 reply

    It was important for me to establish a psychological profile on the OP, so that I didn't enable bad behavior.

    You forgot the "F.N." part of this post

  • Mar 3
    1 reply

    You forgot the "F.N." part of this post

    LMAO, not every post gets a f*** nigga, f*** nigga!

  • Dying2Live

    LMAO, not every post gets a f*** nigga, f*** nigga!


  • Mar 3
    1 reply

    I've never been told I'm annoying tbh

    Probably cause they say it behind your back.

  • Knx

    Probably cause they say it behind your back.

    Nah one thing I've been very blessed with in life is a solid friend group

    Some of my friends we've been super close for 20+ years

    My friends actually get pissed at me if I don't spend enough quality time with them and blow up my phone every week to hang out

  • Mar 3
    2 replies

    This thread has been very therapeutic.

    If I make a thread about my life, I hope you f*** niggas will help me the way we have helped @op.

  • Dying2Live

    This thread has been very therapeutic.

    If I make a thread about my life, I hope you f*** niggas will help me the way we have helped @op.

    Do it bro!! I'll be supportive

  • Mar 3
    1 reply

    I just can't seem to adjust my standards no matter how hard I try to

    I definitely recognize the beauty inside everyone's spirit it's just that I end up friend-zoning them if they aren't pretty

    My brain is just wired to always be attracted to model-level beauty

    Like I physically can't get turned on if they aren't hot regardless if they're a wonderful person

    Maybe thats all good. U tryna change things that dont need to change. Its not like u lone
