maybe you were wrong about The Move after all eh
He was wrong. The Move rules. There’s a reason my boys the Lemon Twigs are Roy Wood stans.
Edit: I’ve heard them mention him multiple times in interviews, but was really happy to discover this…
“Brian cited Roy Wood's mid-1970s albums Boulders and Mustard as inspiration to perform his own horn and string arrangements on A Dream Is All We Know.”
He was wrong. The Move rules. There’s a reason my boys the Lemon Twigs are Roy Wood stans.
Edit: I’ve heard them mention him multiple times in interviews, but was really happy to discover this…
“Brian cited Roy Wood's mid-1970s albums Boulders and Mustard as inspiration to perform his own horn and string arrangements on A Dream Is All We Know.”
I thought Aerosmith’s debut was mostly just a bunch of mediocre wannabe Stones tracks (Mama Kin is solid) outside of Dream On, but their 2nd record has some gems.
real for Trower
I recently realized Slade had another album from this year. It’s not as consistent and doesn’t have as high of highs as Slade in Flame, but damn are they never not impressive. Even the b-sides are stellar.
I recently realized Slade had another album from this year. It’s not as consistent and doesn’t have as high of highs as Slade in Flame, but damn are they never not impressive. Even the b-sides are stellar.
!!! haircuts
Crazy haircuts
70’s might be the worst decade for stylish male haircuts. Look at these freaks.
Crazy haircuts
Dave Hill wisely invented TERF bangs to accentuate his gargantuan buck teeth
70’s might be the worst decade for stylish male haircuts. Look at these freaks.
!! seen this early Mike Meyers classic?
ever seen this early Mike Meyers classic?
! years ago
anyone discover new s*** for the year?
yeah some but have you heard this album yet
yeah some but have you heard this album yet
! were talking
but nah, i'll check it out tho. can't listen at the moment, what's it like?
I jumped ahead to 75 to revisit Toys in The Attic and I’m finding that I’m honestly really not that into any of their albums. There’s around 4 songs that stick with me. You See Me Crying might be my favorite Aerosmith song in general, but the overall mid 70’s hard rock sound is just rarely appealing to me. It feels like so much personality or unique aesthetic qualities (that you’ll find in any other decade or subgenre) got sanded off of core mainstream rock by then. It’s all about swagger.
now were talking
but nah, i'll check it out tho. can't listen at the moment, what's it like?
transcendent spiritual roots reggae that somehow doesnt employ any of the usual rhythms you associate with the genre. almost feels more like some later Motown funk grooves from Whats Going On and Norman Whitfields work with The Temps now that I think about it. minus the strings.
I jumped ahead to 75 to revisit Toys in The Attic and I’m finding that I’m honestly really not that into any of their albums. There’s around 4 songs that stick with me. You See Me Crying might be my favorite Aerosmith song in general, but the overall mid 70’s hard rock sound is just rarely appealing to me. It feels like so much personality or unique aesthetic qualities (that you’ll find in any other decade or subgenre) got sanded off of core mainstream rock by then. It’s all about swagger.
I jumped ahead to 75 to revisit Toys in The Attic and I’m finding that I’m honestly really not that into any of their albums. There’s around 4 songs that stick with me. You See Me Crying might be my favorite Aerosmith song in general, but the overall mid 70’s hard rock sound is just rarely appealing to me. It feels like so much personality or unique aesthetic qualities (that you’ll find in any other decade or subgenre) got sanded off of core mainstream rock by then. It’s all about swagger.
Rocks is the only amazing one for me. total hard rock masterpiece
transcendent spiritual roots reggae that somehow doesnt employ any of the usual rhythms you associate with the genre. almost feels more like some later Motown funk grooves from Whats Going On and Norman Whitfields work with The Temps now that I think about it. minus the strings.
you had me at transcendent
@op i put you onto Bedemon already some time ago right? forgot if i posted the 1973 ones from last year but these are from 1974 as are most of the archival album songs
!! thing heavier than this at this point was some Sabbath songs
also closely associated and much more famous doom band Pentagram released this amazing one in 1974. like half the same members as Bedemon or something. also a cool Stones cover
!! how you can directly see the line from 60s US garage-psych to doom metal with this stuff. they really might be the first true USA metal band, complete with the darkness and satanism in the aesthetics
also Old Man Going but yeah these are brutal
Randy really flipped the script on Rednecks
Rocks is the only amazing one for me. total hard rock masterpiece
I’ll give that one a try. The straight forward hard rock of it all probably is why I’ve been hesitant. I tend to like when they diverge a little from their core sound. Songs like Kings & Queens and Remember (Walking In The Sand) always stuck out to me.
I’ll give that one a try. The straight forward hard rock of it all probably is why I’ve been hesitant. I tend to like when they diverge a little from their core sound. Songs like Kings & Queens and Remember (Walking In The Sand) always stuck out to me.
you might at least like a few songs from it then like the closer