  • Dec 26, 2019
    Felix Mandarin

    I been thinking about cutting my dreads off for 2020. Would be nice to have a nice low temp fade. I feel like my dreads have a weird energy of negativity that I picked up from all the bad things that’s happened to me. I feel like cutting them will give me a sense of new found confidence and life. But I don’t wanna regret cutting them off and be like f***k. I think the novelty of having dreads has ran its course for me personally. Idk I’m thinking still thinking about it

    would be a nice fresh start into the new decade but yeah you do run the risk of hating the low cut. hard decision to make

  • Dec 26, 2019
    Felix Mandarin

    I been thinking about cutting my dreads off for 2020. Would be nice to have a nice low temp fade. I feel like my dreads have a weird energy of negativity that I picked up from all the bad things that’s happened to me. I feel like cutting them will give me a sense of new found confidence and life. But I don’t wanna regret cutting them off and be like f***k. I think the novelty of having dreads has ran its course for me personally. Idk I’m thinking still thinking about it

    I feel like locs are too absolute, it’s just one style and there’s not much variation you can add to it. But people aren’t static like that, personalities change, styles change, how you want to present yourself change and sometimes you just want to try something new. But with locs you spend so much time and effort getting it how you want so there’s so much uncertainty and guilt about cutting it. Like you spent years getting it just right. Guaranteed if you cut it there’s going to be some point where you miss it and feel like it’s a mistake regardless of you like your new style. But you’ll get over that and the good news is hair is always growing so you can always go back to that. It’s better to explore and regret instead of always wondering.

  • Dec 26, 2019

    wave gang

  • Dec 26, 2019
    1 reply

    I swear this always happens to me but I've been growing out my hair after cutting it due to damage in April and I got ill and had to spend a lot of time in bed and my routine fell off. It's starting to dread up a bit and I favor my right side when I sleep and there's a small spot where a mini dread is kind of hanging and there's breakage and I can feel down to bed of hair and there are other breakage spots elsewhere as well.

    @throwawayokay I saw in OP that you advised leave in and moisturizing 4c hair daily, do you/the thread think I should do that and just double down on the rest of the routine?

    I wash weekly which includes a weekly ACV wash
    Aiming to use the hair growth oil twice weekly and then up to three times weekly after a while

    How often should I use the jojoba oil?

    Also, have been taking Biotin, Vitamin D and a multi

    if you trynna loc your hair up you need to stop doing all this and just be patient and let your hair do its own thing

    a weekly acv rinse is def overkill thats something you do every few months as needed and you dont use conditioner as its a detangler and doesnt promote your hair knotting up

    all u should be doing is washing with some sort of residue free shampoo and then moisturizing it maybe once or twice a week depending on how dry your hair gets with some kind of oil- i use a mix of tea tree, jojoba, and black castor oil.

    only way you could make this process faster is going ahead and getting your hair actually twisted professionally but idk if thats the kind of look you want/

  • Dec 26, 2019

    if you trynna loc your hair up you need to stop doing all this and just be patient and let your hair do its own thing

    a weekly acv rinse is def overkill thats something you do every few months as needed and you dont use conditioner as its a detangler and doesnt promote your hair knotting up

    all u should be doing is washing with some sort of residue free shampoo and then moisturizing it maybe once or twice a week depending on how dry your hair gets with some kind of oil- i use a mix of tea tree, jojoba, and black castor oil.

    only way you could make this process faster is going ahead and getting your hair actually twisted professionally but idk if thats the kind of look you want/

    Preciate this

    I was recommended a weekly ACV rinse because I struggle with dandruff but maybe I'll just rock with the weekly shampoo. I think I got my oil rotation down tho.

  • Dec 26, 2019

    The girls seem to love the mop I carry above my head

  • Dec 26, 2019
    2 replies

    When the sunshine hits

  • Dec 27, 2019
    Slade Wilson

    When the sunshine hits

    let me touch it papi

  • Dec 27, 2019
    Slade Wilson

    When the sunshine hits

    Dope fam I be rocking a similar hairstyle the s*** just a lil more nappy lol

  • Dec 27, 2019
    1 reply

    when I used to have waves back in HS I used carrot oil to help bring my waves out

    I never use it before is it good with 4c hair ?

  • Dec 27, 2019

    Keep your hair moisturized. The healthier you hair, the more of that shine will come. Doesn’t matter what texture you have

    It's hard to keep my s*** moisturized tho, I got that African 4c hair this s*** dont want to stay moisturized

  • Dec 27, 2019
    Oblivion X

    I never use it before is it good with 4c hair ?

    yea i have 4c hair. this is what i used

    It's intended purpose isn't for waves but it helped my texture and shine. Main thing it did was help all my hair lay flat evenly

  • Dec 28, 2019
    1 reply

    My hair grows mad slow so this is like a year and 6/7 months of freeforming

    I think I have 4c hair. I chopped my hair off completely back in February/Early March last year

    Wheres bracelet from

  • Dec 28, 2019

    Wheres bracelet from

    bought it on etsy a while back i forgot the seller

  • Dec 28, 2019
    2 replies

    Anyone else have curly 3c hair? If so what’s your regimen for taking care of it.

    Mine curls up and gets straight and hangs down when it’s wet then naps up lol weird

  • Dec 28, 2019

    @Nightmares do you have any recommendations on how often you should incorporate an ACV rinse into your wash routine esp if you struggle with dandruff?

  • Dec 29, 2019
    RX Nigerian Pastor

    Anyone else have curly 3c hair? If so what’s your regimen for taking care of it.

    Mine curls up and gets straight and hangs down when it’s wet then naps up lol weird

    Mine is 3c as you can see few posts above

    I shampoo with Shea Moisture and condition with TGIN (both rinse out and leave-in) once a week and thats pretty much it

  • Dec 29, 2019
    1 reply
    RX Nigerian Pastor

    Anyone else have curly 3c hair? If so what’s your regimen for taking care of it.

    Mine curls up and gets straight and hangs down when it’s wet then naps up lol weird

    If your s*** naps up when dry, you're probably a 4A

    Unless you're drying your s*** out and not adding moisture

  • Slade Wilson

    If your s*** naps up when dry, you're probably a 4A

    Unless you're drying your s*** out and not adding moisture

    I used to think that but when my s*** is moisturized it looks like this:

    But then when it dries up I can kinda pick it out into a curly/nappy afro

    It might be a mix of both cause my dads hair is straight and my mom has 4c for a fact.

  • Dec 29, 2019

    So this finna get stickied or what?

  • Dec 30, 2019

    Ok party ppl gonna grown an Afro. Possibly dreads we’ll see. Any tips ?

  • Dec 30, 2019
    1 reply

    Fam I've reached that dangerous stage where I'm thinking about cutting em off - what style do yall think I should rock? Tired of this style lowkey

    Thinking about doing what Joey did here:

  • Dec 31, 2019
    1 reply

    Fam I've reached that dangerous stage where I'm thinking about cutting em off - what style do yall think I should rock? Tired of this style lowkey

    Thinking about doing what Joey did here:

    2 strand dreads always looked better imo. that's the move

    and yeah i'd maintain that length you got rn tbh. never liked long dreads like that but the length you're at rn is perfect

  • Jan 1, 2020
    1 reply

    fam why u going at us
