  • Dec 19, 2019
    1 reply

    @Toppanorris you got any insight on this

    Idk about the softening up part but I do know that it’s recommended not to use conditioners with locs because it’s heavy and you won’t be able to completely wash it out of your locs,so it will help to create buildup. Especially if you lay around in bed without covering up your head, it will combine with the lint or whatever from your sheets as well as whatever your use to moisturize your hair. In fact you gotta even be careful what kinda shampoos you use for that same reason. But the softening thing does sound valid, because my hair gets way kinkier without conditioner.

  • Dec 19, 2019

    Idk about the softening up part but I do know that it’s recommended not to use conditioners with locs because it’s heavy and you won’t be able to completely wash it out of your locs,so it will help to create buildup. Especially if you lay around in bed without covering up your head, it will combine with the lint or whatever from your sheets as well as whatever your use to moisturize your hair. In fact you gotta even be careful what kinda shampoos you use for that same reason. But the softening thing does sound valid, because my hair gets way kinkier without conditioner.

    word, I'll ditch the conditioner for a bit then
    preciate this

  • Dec 20, 2019

    Late but in.

  • Dec 20, 2019

    All around fade and waves forever

  • Dec 20, 2019
    1 reply

    But I always needed help when it comes to what do I do once the du rag is off like do I brush with a light brush and add conditioner or just keep it how it is idk I always overthink when it comes to that lol

  • Dec 20, 2019
    1 reply

    Wetline > Eco. We are off that now + Wetline is cheaper.

    Get it, study it. learn your hair beyond curl type. Density, thickness & porosity are more important than the curl pattern.

    Check the ingredients of what you're using. For instance, coconut oil & jojoba oil are better for low porosity hair than high porosity hair.

    Cantu sucks OP. Eden Bodyworks curling cream is superior and a better purchase.

    Gonna list some things out, the products are cheap but curly girl approved; aka no parabens or sulfates or other bad ingredients that would f*** up your hair.

    Best shampoos:

    • Personally I need my hair and scalp CLEAN, I use products and gel so I use liquid black soap and add tea tree oil & peppermint oil to it.
    • Trader Joe's Tea Tree Tingle Shampoo
    • Alikay Naturals Caribbean Coconut Milk Shampoo
    • J.R. Liggets Shampoo Bars
    • Taliah Waajid Green Apple And Aloe Nutrition Shampoo

    Best daily conditioners (no silicones, so your deep conditioner & follow up products can actually penetrate your hair; best for detangling after shampooing)

    • Renpure Originals Argan Oil Conditioner
    • Long Aid Naturals Manuka Honey & Bergamot Daily Conditioner
    • ORS Olive Oil Strengthen & Nourish Replenishing Conditioner

    Deep Conditioners/Hair Mask (use with heat)

    • Texture ID Deep Treatment Masque
    • EDEN BodyWorks Coconut Shea Hair Masque Treatment
    • Obia Naturals Babassu Deep Conditioner
    • Taliah Waajid Repair And Restore Hair Strengthening Masque
    • True by Made Beautiful Intense Treatment Masque

    Moisturizing oils (best to mix with deep conditioners or perform hot oil treatments with)

    • Macadamia
    • Kukui
    • Sweet Almond
    • Olive

    Sealant oils (best used for styling steps/sealing in moisture)

    • Jojoba
    • JBCO


    • SheaMoisture Raw Shea Butter Extra-Moisture Detangler
    • Alikay Naturals Knots Be Gone Hair Detangler
    • Taliah Waajid The Great Detangler

    Physical detangling tools

    • Tangle Teaser (they also have one for fine hair)
    • Felicia Leatherwood Detangler Brush
    • Wide Tooth Comb

    If you have locs, you should be transferring your shampoos to applicator bottles: so you can apply it directly to your scalp.

    Clean scalps + moisture = hair growth.

  • Dec 20, 2019
    1 reply

    I cut my own hair, my hair was down my back as a child and I have no recent racial admixture. Now it's bra strap length when straight (got a pixie cut in 2017)

    It's a myth we can't grow our hair.

    If you can't find oils around the way there's legit Etsy shops to get pure oils.

    There's also a lot of black owned all-natural hair care lines on Etsy so support when you can.

    The best deep conditioner I have used was from a sister on Etsy lol didn't have any ingredients I couldn't pronounce and works like a charm.

  • Dec 20, 2019
    1 reply

    I cut my own hair, my hair was down my back as a child and I have no recent racial admixture. Now it's bra strap length when straight (got a pixie cut in 2017)

    It's a myth we can't grow our hair.

    If you can't find oils around the way there's legit Etsy shops to get pure oils.

    There's also a lot of black owned all-natural hair care lines on Etsy so support when you can.

    The best deep conditioner I have used was from a sister on Etsy lol didn't have any ingredients I couldn't pronounce and works like a charm.

    I posted a picture of where I'm at right now on the previous page - can you make any suggestions off that?

    I know part of my slow hair growth is inconsistency with routine but even when I've been on it, it feels mad slow and I'm trying to figure out anything I can do to change that.

    Thank you for this

  • Dec 20, 2019
    1 reply

    I posted a picture of where I'm at right now on the previous page - can you make any suggestions off that?

    I know part of my slow hair growth is inconsistency with routine but even when I've been on it, it feels mad slow and I'm trying to figure out anything I can do to change that.

    Thank you for this

    You have to also consider with 4C hair there's a lot of shrinkage because of how tight your coils are; you most likely are making progress but can't see it right now.

    TGIN hair masks have silicones, which coat the hair and even after rinsing it out it's more difficult for the products you apply afterwards to penetrate. Try one of the deep conditioners I listed they're on the cheap end but no bad ingredients. Also try adding heat and oils to the deep conditioner.

    I would also suggest adding a thick hair butter into the mix for moisture and adapting the LOC method. Leave in > oil > creme (the butter would be that) on wash days. midway through the week you could spray your hair with water and add more of the butter if you feel you need a touch up.

    AVC rinse is good that gets your scalp clean af.

  • Dec 20, 2019

    I use a hair growth oil for hot oil treatments. My scalp dry as s*** so I have to do a hot oil treatment once a month.

    If you wanna make it yourself:
    Macadamia Oil, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Avocado Oil, Jamaican Black Castor Oil, Bhringaraj Powder, Aloe Vera Powder, Amla Powder, Green Tea Ginger, Peppermint Essential Oil, Rosemary Essential Oil, Lavender Essential Oil

    I warm it up in a bowl of hot water while it's in the applicator bottle, apply it to my scalp, do a scalp massage then comb my hair through + sit under my hooded dryer for 15 minutes.

  • Dec 21, 2019
    1 reply

    How ya'll feel about loc jewelry? Heard they can cause dents in your loc if left in too long.

  • Dec 21, 2019
    Chip Skylark

    But I always needed help when it comes to what do I do once the du rag is off like do I brush with a light brush and add conditioner or just keep it how it is idk I always overthink when it comes to that lol

    For me I usually take some moisturizer with some water and lightly moisturize my hair and do a quick brush session with a soft brush then put slight oil on it and soft brush it again and use the plastic bag method and rag up for a lil and then take it off and go on

    But my hair is 4c and I need to moisture a lot or it gets hella dry

  • Dec 21, 2019
    2 replies

    What I need help with is getting my waves to really look glossy shiny and wavy. I have them but my 4c coarse hair make it hard to really even see them smh

  • Dec 22, 2019
    1 reply
    Oblivion X

    What I need help with is getting my waves to really look glossy shiny and wavy. I have them but my 4c coarse hair make it hard to really even see them smh

    when I used to have waves back in HS I used carrot oil to help bring my waves out

  • Dec 22, 2019

    Novex Mystic Black is a great line that falls on the cheaper side.

    No silicones, sulfates, petroleum or other bad s*** in the ingredients.

  • Dec 22, 2019
    1 reply

    You have to also consider with 4C hair there's a lot of shrinkage because of how tight your coils are; you most likely are making progress but can't see it right now.

    TGIN hair masks have silicones, which coat the hair and even after rinsing it out it's more difficult for the products you apply afterwards to penetrate. Try one of the deep conditioners I listed they're on the cheap end but no bad ingredients. Also try adding heat and oils to the deep conditioner.

    I would also suggest adding a thick hair butter into the mix for moisture and adapting the LOC method. Leave in > oil > creme (the butter would be that) on wash days. midway through the week you could spray your hair with water and add more of the butter if you feel you need a touch up.

    AVC rinse is good that gets your scalp clean af.

    Thank you for all of this - I'm sorry for taking a while to respond and will have questions later. I'm going to look into all of this later but it might be a few weeks before I can buy anything new due to some stuff that I'm dealing with so in the meantime I want to do my best to look after my hair with what's available.

    It sounds like I should ditch the TGIN hair mask but is the shampoo bad as well?

    Also, I have spots in the back and sides where I can feel stuff locking up already and a few spots where I can feel straight down to the bed of the hair/almost like there's a hole in the coverage. Should this worry me - I have a satin pillowcase that I sleep with but should start using a satin bonnet as well?

    I also have some olive oil and these are the ingredients on the hair growth oil:

    Again thank you so much!

  • Dec 22, 2019
    1 reply

    Thank you for all of this - I'm sorry for taking a while to respond and will have questions later. I'm going to look into all of this later but it might be a few weeks before I can buy anything new due to some stuff that I'm dealing with so in the meantime I want to do my best to look after my hair with what's available.

    It sounds like I should ditch the TGIN hair mask but is the shampoo bad as well?

    Also, I have spots in the back and sides where I can feel stuff locking up already and a few spots where I can feel straight down to the bed of the hair/almost like there's a hole in the coverage. Should this worry me - I have a satin pillowcase that I sleep with but should start using a satin bonnet as well?

    I also have some olive oil and these are the ingredients on the hair growth oil:

    Again thank you so much!

    The TGIN shampoo is straight.

    Yeah everyone should go the bonnet + pillowcase route for extra protection.

    Wild Growth's oil is great, you're good on that end. I know I typed a lot but really it doesn't take too much to keep up with your hair. Other than perhaps adding in a hair butter, switching the mask + adding bonnet you're already on point. With 4C hair I do know you guys have to add moisture more than once a week though, but you would know your hair best when it's time to do that.

  • Dec 23, 2019

    My hair grows really flat. I used to be able to grow it well, not anymore. I want the F boy cut

  • Dec 25, 2019

    The TGIN shampoo is straight.

    Yeah everyone should go the bonnet + pillowcase route for extra protection.

    Wild Growth's oil is great, you're good on that end. I know I typed a lot but really it doesn't take too much to keep up with your hair. Other than perhaps adding in a hair butter, switching the mask + adding bonnet you're already on point. With 4C hair I do know you guys have to add moisture more than once a week though, but you would know your hair best when it's time to do that.

    Really appreciate how detailed you are with all of this, just grabbed a bonnet too - will probably have more questions for you later

  • Dec 25, 2019
    1 reply
    Oblivion X

    What I need help with is getting my waves to really look glossy shiny and wavy. I have them but my 4c coarse hair make it hard to really even see them smh

    Keep your hair moisturized. The healthier you hair, the more of that shine will come. Doesn’t matter what texture you have

  • Dec 25, 2019

    Wetline > Eco. We are off that now + Wetline is cheaper.

    Get it, study it. learn your hair beyond curl type. Density, thickness & porosity are more important than the curl pattern.

    Check the ingredients of what you're using. For instance, coconut oil & jojoba oil are better for low porosity hair than high porosity hair.

    Cantu sucks OP. Eden Bodyworks curling cream is superior and a better purchase.

    Gonna list some things out, the products are cheap but curly girl approved; aka no parabens or sulfates or other bad ingredients that would f*** up your hair.

    Best shampoos:

    • Personally I need my hair and scalp CLEAN, I use products and gel so I use liquid black soap and add tea tree oil & peppermint oil to it.
    • Trader Joe's Tea Tree Tingle Shampoo
    • Alikay Naturals Caribbean Coconut Milk Shampoo
    • J.R. Liggets Shampoo Bars
    • Taliah Waajid Green Apple And Aloe Nutrition Shampoo

    Best daily conditioners (no silicones, so your deep conditioner & follow up products can actually penetrate your hair; best for detangling after shampooing)

    • Renpure Originals Argan Oil Conditioner
    • Long Aid Naturals Manuka Honey & Bergamot Daily Conditioner
    • ORS Olive Oil Strengthen & Nourish Replenishing Conditioner

    Deep Conditioners/Hair Mask (use with heat)

    • Texture ID Deep Treatment Masque
    • EDEN BodyWorks Coconut Shea Hair Masque Treatment
    • Obia Naturals Babassu Deep Conditioner
    • Taliah Waajid Repair And Restore Hair Strengthening Masque
    • True by Made Beautiful Intense Treatment Masque

    Moisturizing oils (best to mix with deep conditioners or perform hot oil treatments with)

    • Macadamia
    • Kukui
    • Sweet Almond
    • Olive

    Sealant oils (best used for styling steps/sealing in moisture)

    • Jojoba
    • JBCO


    • SheaMoisture Raw Shea Butter Extra-Moisture Detangler
    • Alikay Naturals Knots Be Gone Hair Detangler
    • Taliah Waajid The Great Detangler

    Physical detangling tools

    • Tangle Teaser (they also have one for fine hair)
    • Felicia Leatherwood Detangler Brush
    • Wide Tooth Comb

    If you have locs, you should be transferring your shampoos to applicator bottles: so you can apply it directly to your scalp.

    Clean scalps + moisture = hair growth.

    preciate this
    will add to first page

  • Dec 25, 2019

    How ya'll feel about loc jewelry? Heard they can cause dents in your loc if left in too long.

    i think it looks cool af. would for sure do it if i had some locs
    also heard about the dents thing but as long as you don't keep em in too long you should be aight

  • Dec 25, 2019
    2 replies

    I been thinking about cutting my dreads off for 2020. Would be nice to have a nice low temp fade. I feel like my dreads have a weird energy of negativity that I picked up from all the bad things that’s happened to me. I feel like cutting them will give me a sense of new found confidence and life. But I don’t wanna regret cutting them off and be like f***k. I think the novelty of having dreads has ran its course for me personally. Idk I’m thinking still thinking about it

  • Dec 25, 2019

    Tight fade. One on the top. Keep the goatee
