  • Jan 11, 2022
    eel eye

    Never finished Dorian Grey

    that book isnt even long just read it

  • Jan 11, 2022
    1 reply

    Yes, literary fiction. It doesn't really encompass a genre, maybe mystery if you're really pushing it-- the concept of the book is very abstract.

    that's cool. heard it's long as hell, but I'm gonna mentally prepare myself a bit before tackling it.

  • Jan 11, 2022
    1 reply
    eel eye

    Never finished Dorian Grey

    If anything I thought it started off super super great and then fell off a little towards the end so if you don’t even like the start it just might not be your thing

  • Jan 11, 2022
    3 replies

    If anything I thought it started off super super great and then fell off a little towards the end so if you don’t even like the start it just might not be your thing

    Heard its like gay p*** is that true

  • Jan 11, 2022

    Heard its like gay p*** is that true

    Not at all. There’s like some flattery between 2 guys at the start that I thought would lead to gay stuff but it doesn’t.

  • Jan 11, 2022
    1 reply


    This is one of my favorite books of all time.

    I know it's a tough read, but I would put it down and come back to it later with a fresh mind, and really take the time to read.

    The first part is boring but the meta-criticism makes a lot of sense when you really look at the lines and finish reading the book-- it also became one of my favorite parts of the book, and this is coming from someone who read the first 10 pages initially and dropped it in my backpack for a year collecting dust.

    The Part About the Crimes and The Part About Spoiler are some of the most incredible chapters of literature I've ever read.

    im boutta push thru it. f*** it. first part seems like theres something bubbling under thre surface and theres been fire moments in it.

    i just randomly picked this book but this post motivated to give it another chance

  • Jan 11, 2022

    im boutta push thru it. f*** it. first part seems like theres something bubbling under thre surface and theres been fire moments in it.

    i just randomly picked this book but this post motivated to give it another chance

    I'd do what Bolaño originally envisioned and complete it in chunks. Finish the first chapter, let it mesh in your mind and reflect about what you read, then continue on.

    Slogging through 900 pages straight is torture and you will feel empty as f*** because of the content of the book. Take your time 👍

  • Jan 11, 2022

    that's cool. heard it's long as hell, but I'm gonna mentally prepare myself a bit before tackling it.

    The book was originally supposed to be released in volumes. Highly recommend reading it that way if you decide to pick it up.

    I read through the entire thing in a week, and I still love it a ton, but it takes a toll on you.

  • Jan 11, 2022

    Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy

    I've been 48% into the book since 2019

    Beloved by Toni Morrison

    Just got busy and never picked it up again

    The spy who came in from the Cold by John Le Carré

    Might end up finishing (i'm at 50%) but s*** is currently boring my socks off, even though it's short.

    I think I had to restart it once or twice because I would put it down for too long and forget what was going on but I really liked Blood Meridian. Actually re-reading All the Pretty Horses right now. I like all of what I’ve read of McCarthy’s (the other being The Road).

  • Jan 11, 2022

    Heard its like gay p*** is that true

    Yah that’s why I stopped

  • Jan 11, 2022
    1 reply


    Bruh the first part is i heard it gets good after but i cant find the motivation to keep going

    juust finished it Dec. 31. it took 2 months but definitely a rewarding novel. Part 1 was actually my favorite part tho ... well after Part 5

  • Jan 11, 2022
    1 reply

    Infinite Jest. Not bc I didn't like it but the flipping back and forth between the annotations was getting on my f***ing nerves.

  • Jan 12, 2022
    1 reply

    juust finished it Dec. 31. it took 2 months but definitely a rewarding novel. Part 1 was actually my favorite part tho ... well after Part 5

    is 2666 a hard read only because of its length or does it have a lot of tangents (Pynchon) and/or difficult prose (Blood Meridian)?

    might try to read it in spanish which would force me to slow down but be much more challenging too depending on the prose

  • Jan 12, 2022
    1 reply

    is 2666 a hard read only because of its length or does it have a lot of tangents (Pynchon) and/or difficult prose (Blood Meridian)?

    might try to read it in spanish which would force me to slow down but be much more challenging too depending on the prose

    the book is split into 5 parts, i'd say some parts are easier to follow than others. it's probably the most difficult book i've read yet but i've only read like 10-12 books in the past couple years so that ain't saying much. the vocabulary and the tangents are what tripped me up the most while reading

  • Jan 12, 2022

    working on having as many unfinished books as I have finished ones, real stupid s*** 🥴🥴🥴 so many books I loved but never got past 60/100 pages or worse was actually 2/3rds of the way through with some

    I did finish Infinite Jest tho so lol

  • Jan 12, 2022
    1 reply

    Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep

    Super boring imo. Ironically I bought it the same time I bought Infinite Jest about a month ago and I have like 150 pages left in IJ and I don’t know if I’ll finish Androids. Feels super pulpy and not in a fun way.

    interesting that's one of like five books I did finish last year love both

  • Jan 12, 2022
    1 reply

    the book is split into 5 parts, i'd say some parts are easier to follow than others. it's probably the most difficult book i've read yet but i've only read like 10-12 books in the past couple years so that ain't saying much. the vocabulary and the tangents are what tripped me up the most while reading



    Tangents. But this last part of chapter 1 im reading is amazing. Im glad u persuaded me to keep going. Like 30 pages after where i left off i was like lol. but yeah, they be having a convo and then a character jus goes on a super dreamlike tangent for like 5 pages

    Oh it was @asaki lol. But u too man

  • Jan 12, 2022
    1 reply



    Tangents. But this last part of chapter 1 im reading is amazing. Im glad u persuaded me to keep going. Like 30 pages after where i left off i was like lol. but yeah, they be having a convo and then a character jus goes on a super dreamlike tangent for like 5 pages

    Oh it was @asaki lol. But u too man

    dreamlike tangents

    I'm interested in reading some of Bolaños work but the more I hear about it the less appealing it sounds to me. I really dislike that tangential style of writing that so many people seem to love, especially in this section

    just want a story that moves along with interesting characters and events lol

    maybe I'll try The Savage Detectives by Bolaño, anybody know if that is less tangential?

  • Jan 12, 2022
    1 reply
    ranch dubois

    Infinite Jest. Not bc I didn't like it but the flipping back and forth between the annotations was getting on my f***ing nerves.

    you just need 2/3 bookmarks

  • Jan 12, 2022

    I never really stopped a novel but I buy just about everything I read so it’s a commitment at that point

  • Jan 12, 2022

    dreamlike tangents

    I'm interested in reading some of Bolaños work but the more I hear about it the less appealing it sounds to me. I really dislike that tangential style of writing that so many people seem to love, especially in this section

    just want a story that moves along with interesting characters and events lol

    maybe I'll try The Savage Detectives by Bolaño, anybody know if that is less tangential?

    I don’t know if 2666 was the best Bolaño book to start with. This feels like him trying to write at full capacity. The story is pretty straightforward but the approach is abstract.

  • Jan 12, 2022

    tbh i rarely finish books

  • Jan 12, 2022
    1 reply

    you just need 2/3 bookmarks

    I've heard I should just rip the annotations out and have it separate but idw destroy the book. I'll prob pick it back up after I finish what im reading now & try the bookmarks

  • Jan 13, 2022
    ranch dubois

    I've heard I should just rip the annotations out and have it separate but idw destroy the book. I'll prob pick it back up after I finish what im reading now & try the bookmarks

    That is horrible advice but it’d be cool if there was a version of the book w a separate text for annotations

  • Jan 13, 2022

    I finished 11 whole of last year starting from May. This year I’m aiming to hit 25. Really need to finish neo colonialism by kwame nkrumah and all about love by bell hooks