  • Jun 15, 2021
    3 replies
    rise zero

    1. Breath of the Wild
    2. Ocarina of Time
    3. Wind Waker

    If you don't say BotW is the best you're either blinded by nostalgia or old

    if Ocarina was fully remade in BOTW art style it would be the best but until then you are 100% correct my guy

    except i got the Zelda Oracle games tied with Wind Waker for 3rd

  • Jun 15, 2021
    1 reply

    i tried my best to get them as HD as possible, enjoy these:

    People losing their minds at links loose hair 😂

  • Jun 15, 2021

    if Ocarina was fully remade in BOTW art style it would be the best but until then you are 100% correct my guy

    except i got the Zelda Oracle games tied with Wind Waker for 3rd

    Nobody ever talks about the Oracle games I feel glad that was one of my few ones I did play

  • Jun 15, 2021

    if Ocarina was fully remade in BOTW art style it would be the best but until then you are 100% correct my guy

    except i got the Zelda Oracle games tied with Wind Waker for 3rd

    I barely played Majora's Mask so I can't fairly rate that one

  • Jun 15, 2021

  • Jun 15, 2021

    That is correct, Skyward Sword is the root from which the whole legend grows, but I was thinking more in the lines of introducing some more direct connections that can tie SS to BotW2 in a more explicit manner, for example by letting you visit the ruins of Skyloft while exploring the sky, or having you connect to Fi, the spirit in the Master Sword that was presented in SS, for example.

    I didn’t think about this Skyloft is DIRECTLY above the ruins of the temple of time (where you see King Rhoam in the beginning).

    That whole general area (great plateau) is VERY important to SS, that’s literally where the final boss battle happens

  • Jun 15, 2021
    Jitney Spearx

    Same. I only played MM and the oracles when I was a kid.

    Then one day my friend at work brought up that he loves playing Zelda with his kids and it just took me down memory lane and then when I realized BOTW was pretty much considered the best Zelda game I immediately copped a switch. I also gotta finish links awakening too which is also amazing

    Really want them to remake OOT & MM for switch. Never even got to play oot.

    Worrrd. I only knew of the Zelda characters through Smash and learned about things passively (Like seeing strange emo fanarts of Deku Scrub Link lol) until a few years back when it became really easy to get an emulator on my phone, then I just jumped in from the beginning.

    It felt really cool cause it was like this stuff is somewhat new to me, but with that extra awareness of how iconic and influential the experience was to so many people. Theres still a few left I gotta play but Link to the Past and Ocarina are too replayable, the modern 3D ones I missed I rather play on console when they’re available.

    Hope you enjoy it when you do. Such a cool game it deserves all the praise it got over the years.

    Feels good to be present for the hype season this time

  • Jun 15, 2021
    5 replies

    Here’s the thing……… Regarding BOTW2… I have a feeling it’ll be related to either SS or the great calamity of 10’000 years ago…
    Did you guys notice that the music vocals are purposely reversed?? They could be insinuating that time-reversal will be a central plot point of BOTW2.
    Which is why you see the castle begin to float upwards… as… that’s where it originally came from in SS it’s not floating due to loss of gravity, ITS FLOATING BECAUSE ITS GOING BACK IN TIME.

    And it’s burning in crimson RED… where have we seen crimson red before??


  • this whole e3 was a personal attack against my wallet

  • Jun 15, 2021

    Here’s the thing……… Regarding BOTW2… I have a feeling it’ll be related to either SS or the great calamity of 10’000 years ago…
    Did you guys notice that the music vocals are purposely reversed?? They could be insinuating that time-reversal will be a central plot point of BOTW2.
    Which is why you see the castle begin to float upwards… as… that’s where it originally came from in SS it’s not floating due to loss of gravity, ITS FLOATING BECAUSE ITS GOING BACK IN TIME.

    And it’s burning in crimson RED… where have we seen crimson red before??


    And that new Rune also looks like time reversal

  • Jun 15, 2021

    LETS F***ING

  • Jun 15, 2021

    Bruh the floating islands look so f***ing cool my switch about to stop collecting dust

  • Jun 15, 2021

    Here’s the thing……… Regarding BOTW2… I have a feeling it’ll be related to either SS or the great calamity of 10’000 years ago…
    Did you guys notice that the music vocals are purposely reversed?? They could be insinuating that time-reversal will be a central plot point of BOTW2.
    Which is why you see the castle begin to float upwards… as… that’s where it originally came from in SS it’s not floating due to loss of gravity, ITS FLOATING BECAUSE ITS GOING BACK IN TIME.

    And it’s burning in crimson RED… where have we seen crimson red before??


    I like this theory

  • JayS 🦄
    Jun 16, 2021
    2 replies

    I really been struggling to get into BOTW1. I’ve picked it up and put it down like 5 times.

  • Jun 16, 2021

    Wow I watched a video on the lava talus, it looks so easy lol

    And I think I said that it’s a shrine, im wrong, I vaguely remember last time I played that I found a shrine somewhere in the area that was underground

  • Jun 16, 2021
  • Jun 16, 2021
    1 reply

    I really been struggling to get into BOTW1. I’ve picked it up and put it down like 5 times.

    How far do you usually get in to it

  • Jun 16, 2021

    I really been struggling to get into BOTW1. I’ve picked it up and put it down like 5 times.

    Maybe go to a different area this time?

    I had a really hard time trying to do the Zora part first, but damn it was rewarding getting through it and I fell in love with this game.

  • JayS 🦄
    Jun 16, 2021
    2 replies

    How far do you usually get in to it

    Last I remember I got to a pet where I had to hike through some sea area or some s***. To some persons castle. Idek lol

  • JayS 🦄
    Jun 16, 2021

    Last I remember I got to a pet where I had to hike through some sea area or some s***. To some persons castle. Idek lol

    I remember there being some electric s*** on the path there

  • Jun 16, 2021

    Here’s the thing……… Regarding BOTW2… I have a feeling it’ll be related to either SS or the great calamity of 10’000 years ago…
    Did you guys notice that the music vocals are purposely reversed?? They could be insinuating that time-reversal will be a central plot point of BOTW2.
    Which is why you see the castle begin to float upwards… as… that’s where it originally came from in SS it’s not floating due to loss of gravity, ITS FLOATING BECAUSE ITS GOING BACK IN TIME.

    And it’s burning in crimson RED… where have we seen crimson red before??


    They said Jesus was a nephew!

  • Jun 16, 2021

    Last I remember I got to a pet where I had to hike through some sea area or some s***. To some persons castle. Idek lol

    And it was raining?

    If it’s the Zora part, try to keep playing

    Cuz there’s so much beautiful landscapes to see!

    I think you’re right by the Akkala region which is my favorite the autumn colors

    Then there’s the volcano area, korok forest, the mazes, the dark area, hebra region with the Ruto village (also one of the coolest areas in the game IMO), the gerudo desert with the sand walrus sledding the beaches and jungle with the amazing waterfalls, watching the dragon fly over lake hylia

    ok I gotta go play it now
