having a gun for peace of mind is literally the stupidest myth the US of A has ever produced
I suppose
even then I'm not a very strong person
I just know I'm at a high risk of being assaulted so this is a real fear of mine
So you telling me it is a good thing everyone got guns over there?
Yes because quite literally less than 1% of legal gun owners break the law and kill someone.
Vast majority murders are done by criminals with illegally acquired weapons
thank you stuff 💖 I'll save this and try and look into a lot of it sometime next year when I have more free time
i am not American but i see zero reason a civilian should hold weapons
needs to be at least controlled a lot
Having a gun for defense is fine, but wanting to ‘master’ a gun is weird bro. Pistols are boring, you literally just point them and shoot
You don’t see people trying to ‘master’ other basic defense items like pepper spray, that’s because people fetishize guns especially
Naw, there's a lot more that goes into it than pointing and shooting.
Sight alignment speed, trigger control, recoil control, grip, draw speed, accuracy, coniatancy, reload speed, speed of clearing malfunctions etc
There's a difference between going to the range to point and shoot with no sense of urgency or desire to improve vs someone striving to be the best they can be.
Getting sharp gun skills WILL allow you to take those less lethal leg/arm shots if need be.
Shooting at the range is fun af. The problem with op is he sounds excited about the chance to actually use it outside the range
No, I don't want to use it on anyone, l just want to be a well trained and proficient as possible god forbid I have to use.
Being good with your gun =/= being trigger happy.
Because most criminals are HORRIBLE with their weapons but are extremely trigger happy, they pretty just sneak up on who they want to kill.
But when they face a cop 95% of the time they get smoked.
Nah target shooting is fun and a lot of people compete too
I want to compete when I get good enough, probably 2 or 3 years from now
Tbh honest, the only way a girl is going to out do a guy is if she is #1 jacked and built seasoned wrestler or #2 a jacked and built seasoned MMA fighter.
It would take YEARS for a woman to get at that level and INSANE amounts of training.
Small framed women are best off learning how to use a gun tbh
Tbh honest, the only way a girl is going to out do a guy is if she is #1 jacked and built seasoned wrestler or #2 a jacked and built seasoned MMA fighter.
It would take YEARS for a woman to get at that level and INSANE amounts of training.
Small framed women are best off learning how to use a gun tbh
dude shut the f*** UP
Gun talk and gun support triggers majority of KTT.
Also to KTT standards I guess the guy in the vdeo of the OP is a psycho weirdo because he wanted to be the best he could be right?
The logic and bias in here is insane.