  • Feb 15
    1 reply

    This was much better than Deadpool & Wolverine imo. Lots of potential for leader & red hulk in the future which I’m sure they’ll never utilize but I loved leader, mackie was a solid lead though people hating for no reason

  • Pretty solid movie

  • Feb 15
    1 reply

    Absolute ASS

  • OwO

    Absolute ASS

    Damn that really needs to be a smiley

  • Feb 15
    5 replies


  • I was expecting this to be Love & Thunder tier due to the reviews online but it was surprisingly decent. Had me wondering if I saw a different movie. I thought the movie did a decent job showing how Sam making up for all his short comings with his new tech. However I will say my least favorite parts of this was the Hulk stuff although I thought Ford was great.

  • Feb 15
    2 replies

    wonder what they'll do going forward cause Sam will never lead a film again after this

  • Antidote


    Very strange!

  • Antidote


    Also lower than any DCEU movie.

  • Feb 15
    1 reply


    How are these determined? Cuz it sounds like absolute horseshit

  • Feb 15
    1 reply

    They didn’t use mocap for Red Hulk did they

  • Feb 15
    Mac Foley

    wonder what they'll do going forward cause Sam will never lead a film again after this

    The way Markus & McFeely just KNEW how to write for Anthony Mackie and make Falcon fun as hell to watch every time he was on screen man…smh

  • Mac Foley

    wonder what they'll do going forward cause Sam will never lead a film again after this

    I don't thin they were ever planning to make multiple captain america movies with Sam as the lead

  • Primate

    How are these determined? Cuz it sounds like absolute horseshit

    They hand out ballots to people exiting the theater on opening night, asking them to rank the movie on a A+-F scale. Then they take the average.

  • Everything in this movie could’ve been communicated in 1 hour

  • Feb 15
    1 reply

    This was much better than Deadpool & Wolverine imo. Lots of potential for leader & red hulk in the future which I’m sure they’ll never utilize but I loved leader, mackie was a solid lead though people hating for no reason

    Dvw was just slop

    This is just boring

  • Thunderbolts will redeem them for sure right


    They didn’t use mocap for Red Hulk did they

    They had Harrison in a mocap suit apparently, yes

  • Feb 15
    1 reply


    How did the marvels/quantumania have higher scores than that, I can't believe that

  • Feb 15
    1 reply

    Dvw was just slop

    This is just boring

    Lots of unnecessary dialogue for sure it could’ve definitely been trimmed down a decent amount

  • It's decent for Marvel standards but that's not saying much

  • treeman

    Lots of unnecessary dialogue for sure it could’ve definitely been trimmed down a decent amount

    I don't really get the "too much dialogue"/slow pacing comments I keep seeing, I feel like the 2 modern cap movies were the same way. Spacing out the couple of action scenes with political intrigue throughout the whole runtime

    Not to say this was as interesting as those but still

  • Feb 15
    1 reply

    @Kr0niic Did bluray drop 2 hours ago (Captain America Brave New World 2025.BluRay 1080p DD 5 1 x264-BHDStudio) or is it just telesync?

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Feb 15
    1 reply

    @Kr0niic Did bluray drop 2 hours ago (Captain America Brave New World 2025.BluRay 1080p DD 5 1 x264-BHDStudio) or is it just telesync?

    Not on my site so it’s unofficial

  • Feb 15

    Not on my site so it’s unofficial

    Look like virus lol nvm
