Ya ive been working in fintech for a couple yrs
If ur still in school u shld def apply for internships—a lot of ppl have paused hiring due to the upcoming recession but still will hire paid interns to then convert to full time after the internship
Like goldman sachs for instance is probably in a hiring freeze but im sure theyre still looking for interns for the summer
Look for “Summer a***yst”
Cool what is your role? Do you work at gs?
My school has a coop program so I’m in the middle of interviews to start in Jan/feb and work through July/august
Hiring freeze doesn’t seem like an issue for swe I’ve been seeing plenty of summer internships posted recently, might apply to some but I’d rather do a coop
This is more or less what I do at my job rn (more security focused though). Hell of a lot better than sitting in a SOC
yeah i'm not trying to do any kind of a***yst work or push paperwork at this stage, and a lot of the cool cyber work requires years of experience so gotta wait it out.
Anyone ever get hit up on LinkedIn
Like I got my current job from there and haven’t got any job messages since
Yes. Are you still listed as open for work?
Cool what is your role? Do you work at gs?
My school has a coop program so I’m in the middle of interviews to start in Jan/feb and work through July/august
Hiring freeze doesn’t seem like an issue for swe I’ve been seeing plenty of summer internships posted recently, might apply to some but I’d rather do a coop
No not at gs, a different firm, didnt rly want to drop it here
Yeah we start intern hunting in jan so u have time to hear back from ur coops first i think
Im a software engineer, full stack. Our team handles several investor facing applications/web sites
We r react and c#
Terraform for our aws infra
If u end up interested in applying i can tell u more abt our program over messages
I wanna try working at a RIA
Fair. We’re a franchise so we have a lot more freedom than most.
Fair. We’re a franchise so we have a lot more freedom than most.
Ah okay
Granted I’m not an “advisor” yet. I’m more of a support role with no commissions. Pretty annoying role
Ah okay
Granted I’m not an “advisor” yet. I’m more of a support role with no commissions. Pretty annoying role
Did that for 9 months and stepped into an advisor role. Are you licensed?
Did that for 9 months and stepped into an advisor role. Are you licensed?
Health and life
Yup. I don’t see the opp coming where I am I just wanna try out RIA even as an associate
No not at gs, a different firm, didnt rly want to drop it here
Yeah we start intern hunting in jan so u have time to hear back from ur coops first i think
Im a software engineer, full stack. Our team handles several investor facing applications/web sites
We r react and c#
Terraform for our aws infra
If u end up interested in applying i can tell u more abt our program over messages
followed u feel free to dm id love to learn more idrk much about software development, i switched to cs this year so ive learned a lot about coding but idk how things work in the real world, hoping i get a coop this spring so i can get some actual experience
Year 4 of a Chemistry degree. Don't have a clue
youll have a better idea once u get a job, and im guessing youll be able to do pretty much anything if u have a chem degree
have u done any internships?
Been on the railroad about a year now, I’m an electrician. Work is pretty easy. A lot of inspections and PM’s. Only sucky part is being the low man in terms of seniority, sometimes I have to fill in on every shift, but it’s rare. I just recently got my locomotive engineering license so I can move trains and test drive em after repairs.
One days I’ll look into moving into management once I get some years under my belt.
Where my blue collar Trade family at 💪🏼💯
Been a software engineer for 3 years now. I just need two more industry experience years (total of 5 years) and I can become a university teacher in Ontario, Canada
Been a software engineer for 3 years now. I just need two more industry experience years (total of 5 years) and I can become a university teacher in Ontario, Canada
That’s awesome man
That’s awesome man
Ya the 5 years industry experience is a loophole per se where you can skip teachers college and even having a degree and u can just do the tests to become a certified teacher for ur industry. I plan on teaching programming in college.
I have three diplomas though, one from bootcamp, one from private college, and one from certified college (the harder one). The harder one I could of done a transfer to do 2 years uni to get a degree but f*** that.