  • Sep 1, 2020
    2 replies

    My final sentiments:

    We can easily protect at-risk people (elderly, fat, immuno compromised, etc) without eliminating small businesses from existence and thus people’s livelihoods, especially when no one on the left nor the right are following lockdown/mask/social distancing guidelines anyway

  • Sep 1, 2020
    1 reply

    My final sentiments:

    We can easily protect at-risk people (elderly, fat, immuno compromised, etc) without eliminating small businesses from existence and thus people’s livelihoods, especially when no one on the left nor the right are following lockdown/mask/social distancing guidelines anyway

    smh so just backtrack on all the bs you said before and present the only good aspect of your argument lol?

  • Sep 1, 2020
    1 reply

    smh so just backtrack on all the bs you said before and present the only good aspect of your argument lol?

  • Sep 1, 2020
    1 reply

    Shameless tbh

  • Sep 1, 2020

    Shameless tbh

    Going to bed and just don’t care that much to talk to you rn man, you have a good rest of your day though

  • Sep 1, 2020

    That's literally not what that article is saying.

    The article is false because it claims that the comorbidities in CDC's dataset are being listed as causes on death certificates alongside COVID-19 — as in "cause of death: COVID, diabetes, and hypertension."

    It's also false because the language used makes it sound like hundreds of 20 year olds would've died in the past 3 months from obesity alone — that is to say, they make it appear as if underlying conditions are the primary causes, rather than it just being a dataset of how COVID potentially interacts with many different conditions.

    The correction in OP is false because it's saying COVID — nothing else — is causing l the comorbidities. The reason the correction looks remotely true at first glance is because it only mentions a select few comorbidities that are also symptomatic of COVID (even that bullshit article at least mentions others), which ignores the other conditions on the chart that are also responsible for those same symptoms, which is a primary reason why comorbidity data sets like that one are even a thing.

    COPD, asthma, sepsis, lung cancer, spinal and brain injuries, stroke, immunodeficiencies, d*** abuse, and genetic history all cause respiratory failure/ARDS/pneumonia as well, and we don't know how C-19 specifically interacts (or doesn't) with a ton of other conditions and medication on top of that.

    (And to the person who gave that "correction" info: This is nothing against you personally or anything of the sort. I've personally known two people who were hospitalized with C-19 in the past month and one of them died. And we very recently found out my husband is in a severe risk 2.0+ comorbidity group and he works at a hospital every day for 12 hours. So seeing false info being corrected with false info is something I'm taking a lot more seriously than I probably would've in March or something.)

    Long story short: Look at the what is the CDC actually says about COVID deaths and comorbidities (linked above) and how neither the article or the OP correction are aligned with it.

    You wanna know what that comorbidities chart is for? It's not for showing which deaths C-19 is a primary factor in. It's not a list made to show you what things C-19 causes. And it's not a list of all the conditions that are included on C-19 death certificates.

    It's just a dataset that helps the CDC determine and tell people this stuff for prevention awareness and better treatment.

    Feel free to @ me next time.

    I understand what you are saying, but my correction stands true. Even just the title of the article is objectively incorrect. "94% of Covid-19 deaths had underlying medical conditions"

    That title is saying that these people had medical conditions prior to and unrelated to Covid. Which, sure, is definitely true for the vast majority. But, literally almost everyone over the age of 40 has some sort of medical condition.

    I'm not saying that people with chronic medical conditions aren't more at risk for fatal events from Covid. They're definitely at a much higher risk, that's just facts. But the article is misrepresenting the CDC data in order to make it seem like you're chillin if you don't currently have a diagnosed medical condition.

    I'm not trying to say that the CDC data is false. I'm literally only talking about the language being used in the article linked in OP.

  • Sep 1, 2020

    My final sentiments:

    We can easily protect at-risk people (elderly, fat, immuno compromised, etc) without eliminating small businesses from existence and thus people’s livelihoods, especially when no one on the left nor the right are following lockdown/mask/social distancing guidelines anyway

    The government don't care about us or small businesses fam. If they did we all would have had ubi this whole lockdown instead $1200 and hope.

  • Sep 1, 2020

    Fools would rather just respond with “smooth brain” or a dismissive smiley instead of facing the possibility that the media lied to them about this being way more deadly to the average young healthy person than it actually is

  • Sep 1, 2020
    5 replies

    183k deaths and niggas still tryin to say this s*** is "blown out of proportion" or an "old people disease" and think we need to open s*** up again

    Like dog, yall niggas are the problem stay the f*** home

    half a million people die from cigarettes every year
    poor diet kills nearly 700,000 ppl each year but we still promote fast food
    alcohol kills about 100,000 ppl annually
    the flu kills about 50 something thousand ppl each year

    but we "blow those out of proportion" too right? :word:

  • Sep 1, 2020
    Stan Smith

    I think it’s funny how normalized just editing someone’s take is. Then hiding behind “medical professionals”.

  • Sep 1, 2020
    1 reply
    CNA Lov3ly

    half a million people die from cigarettes every year
    poor diet kills nearly 700,000 ppl each year but we still promote fast food
    alcohol kills about 100,000 ppl annually
    the flu kills about 50 something thousand ppl each year

    but we "blow those out of proportion" too right? :word:

    I wonder if people who post s*** like this know how dumb it is

  • Sep 1, 2020
    1 reply

    "Because these other things that kill people have been normalized in our society we should also just normalize this new thing that kills people"

  • Sep 1, 2020
    1 reply

    I wonder if people who post s*** like this know how dumb it is

    hey man i know its dangerous. i see niggas die every time i go into work.

    and i STILL say its overblown

  • Sep 1, 2020
    1 reply
    CNA Lov3ly

    hey man i know its dangerous. i see niggas die every time i go into work.

    and i STILL say its overblown

    And you're still wrong lmfao.

  • Sep 1, 2020

    And you're still wrong lmfao.


  • Sep 1, 2020

    it does suck seeing my niggas die tho

  • RASIE 🦦
    Sep 1, 2020


    That title is saying that these people had medical conditions prior to and unrelated to Covid. Which, sure, is definitely true for the vast majority. But, literally almost everyone over the age of 40 has some sort of medical condition.

    And that's accurate to say — for the comorbidity chart data. It's why such a chart exists.

    It also includes intentional injuries as a comorbidity. Does that mean C-19 loses credibility because comorbidity data shows people who died by their own hand while they had the virus? Of course not, because that chart data isn't used to make sweeping judgments about the virus' singular baseline effects — just patterns of interaction with other conditions.

    That's also why i said the article was wrong for using "comorbidity" as "appears as cause on death certificate", when obviously a lot comorbidities don't because it's rare for them to be labeled a cause of death in the first place.

    But the article is misrepresenting the CDC data in order to make it seem like you're chillin if you don't currently have a diagnosed medical condition

    This is the other thing I said the article was wrong about exactly.

  • RASIE 🦦
    Sep 1, 2020


    But then your correction post takes 3 from the list of top risk conditions which is straight from the CDC chart, and says: "It lists underlying conditions like resp failure, ARDS, and pneumonia — these are caused by Covid — Covid is causing the deaths from these conditions."

    Which is just a different misuse of comorbidity data like my post said, because...

    it ignores the other conditions on the chart that are also responsible for those same symptoms, which is a primary reason why comorbidity data sets like that one are even a thing. COPD, asthma, sepsis, lung cancer, spinal and brain injuries, stroke, immunodeficiencies, d*** abuse, and genetic history all cause respiratory failure/ARDS/pneumonia as well, and we don't know how C-19 specifically interacts (or doesn't) with a ton of other conditions and medication on top of that.

    Look at the very bottom of that CDC Comorbidity chart at the notes. Look at the third one that starts with "1 Conditions..."

    "Deaths involving more than one condition (e.g., deaths involving both diabetes and respiratory arrest) were counted in both totals. To avoid counting the same death multiple times, the numbers for different conditions should not be summated."

    When someone with Covid dies, every condition they have from the comorbidity pool gets an additional death added to its total, and the overall total Covid deaths gets increased by 1. So if somebody has Covid and any of those conditions I named above that cause respiratory failure, they add a death tick to each of them. (Along with any conditions they had that have no effect on respiratory failure.)

    But saying "Covid caused these resp failure deaths" without any mention of the other related comorbidities (and the many thousands of people in the data who had them), is just as misleading as the article in question. It can lead young and/or less knowledgeable people to use that argument whenever they hear the phrases "Covid deaths" and "underlying conditions" used together, which is not good at all.

  • RASIE 🦦
    Sep 1, 2020
    1 reply
    CNA Lov3ly

    half a million people die from cigarettes every year
    poor diet kills nearly 700,000 ppl each year but we still promote fast food
    alcohol kills about 100,000 ppl annually
    the flu kills about 50 something thousand ppl each year

    but we "blow those out of proportion" too right? :word:

    This is one of the worst comparisons ive seen in a mind

    "Yeah lemme get a pack of coronaviruses please" head ass

  • sonyatv 😽
    Sep 1, 2020
    1 reply

    i think thats the whole point. those 94% would not have died if not for covid

  • sonyatv 😽
    Sep 1, 2020

  • Sep 1, 2020
    1 reply

    This is one of the worst comparisons ive seen in a mind

    "Yeah lemme get a pack of coronaviruses please" head ass

    How is that a bad comparison?

    I think we have every right to question this thing.

    This whole "if you voice any opinion that questions the pushed narrative then you're a stupid piece of s*** that deserves to die" mindset that is grossly prevalent in today's culture is ridiculous.

    He said "187k deaths from coronavirus is nothing??"

    And then I said "well the half a million ppl who die from cigarettes seems to be nothing. The 700,000 ppl who die from bad diet is nothing. The 100,000 ppl die from alcohol related events is nothing. "

    I think it's a valid point

    "No that's apples and oranges"

    How? Death is death. How come we care about death sometimes but not other times?

    How come we give so much of a f*** about this one (which was grossly exaggerated) and not about the other major causes of death in this country?

  • Sep 1, 2020

    i think thats the whole point. those 94% would not have died if not for covid

    I can definitely see that

    Working in a living facility I've seen a lot of ppl die as of late that have been perfectly fine up until the pandemic

    Very sad thing to see

  • Sep 1, 2020
    1 reply
    CNA Lov3ly

    half a million people die from cigarettes every year
    poor diet kills nearly 700,000 ppl each year but we still promote fast food
    alcohol kills about 100,000 ppl annually
    the flu kills about 50 something thousand ppl each year

    but we "blow those out of proportion" too right? :word:

    Most importantly 183k people have died WITH an unprecedented shut down of large parts of society to limit the possibility of deaths.

    How many people would have died from smoking if 90% of current cigarette retailers were banned from selling them, and the remaining 10% couldn’t increase stock beyond what they sell now? (assuming no black market sprung up to fill the gap)

  • RASIE 🦦
    Sep 1, 2020
    2 replies
    CNA Lov3ly

    How is that a bad comparison?

    I think we have every right to question this thing.

    This whole "if you voice any opinion that questions the pushed narrative then you're a stupid piece of s*** that deserves to die" mindset that is grossly prevalent in today's culture is ridiculous.

    He said "187k deaths from coronavirus is nothing??"

    And then I said "well the half a million ppl who die from cigarettes seems to be nothing. The 700,000 ppl who die from bad diet is nothing. The 100,000 ppl die from alcohol related events is nothing. "

    I think it's a valid point

    "No that's apples and oranges"

    How? Death is death. How come we care about death sometimes but not other times?

    How come we give so much of a f*** about this one (which was grossly exaggerated) and not about the other major causes of death in this country?

    Your examples are all things that people pay money to physically put in their system.

    Or are you using those examples cause you're one of the dudes on the corner of main street yelling at people to come cough in your face?