  • Jun 21, 2020
    2 replies

    will biden stop sanctions, wars, bombing, aggression?

    will biden defund police?

    moderates are useless

    Performative progressives are the useless ones here

    I swear yall would rather get nothing that you want and watch the world descend into neofascism but preserve your 'ideological purity' rather than get half of what you want with a centrist.

  • Jun 21, 2020

    Yikes. I respect the other two guys I was having a discussion with but this nigga is a weirdo

  • Jun 21, 2020
    1 reply

    Performative progressives are the useless ones here

    I swear yall would rather get nothing that you want and watch the world descend into neofascism but preserve your 'ideological purity' rather than get half of what you want with a centrist.

    Moderates aren't giving progressives half of what they want tho lol

  • Jun 21, 2020
    2 replies

    There's a rape accusation as well relating to an underage girl. Well multiple rape accusations actually

    Link to the underage age accusation? I found this from May and I think it should be noted the article says 8 women are accusing him of misconduct, but 7 of the women said the behavior did not amount to secure harassment

  • Jun 21, 2020

    Performative progressives are the useless ones here

    I swear yall would rather get nothing that you want and watch the world descend into neofascism but preserve your 'ideological purity' rather than get half of what you want with a centrist.

    It's weird that he even posted that, like who was gonna get that done?

    Meme "X4Congress" twitter users priming themselves to get utterly blown the f*** out in local elections?

  • Jun 21, 2020
    1 reply
    Zach LaBeam

    Link to the underage age accusation? I found this from May and I think it should be noted the article says 8 women are accusing him of misconduct, but 7 of the women said the behavior did not amount to secure harassment

    He's talking about Trump's rape accusation from '016 regarding Epstein

  • Jun 21, 2020
    1 reply

    If Biden is your definition of good idk what to tell you

    go start your utopia bro. The rest of us will be living in the real world, where people can be both flawed and our best option.

  • Jun 21, 2020
    2 replies

    Well the issue of reparations has been brought up recently, in light of everything. Biden has expressed openness towards it, I don't believe he has yet made an official campaign pledge however.

    He has mentioned in the meantime the importance of increasing access to the house market for African Americans, as well as some other stuff I can't quite recall.

    On the flipside, McConnell has flat out said no.

    What other policies are important to you?

    Education for minorities

  • Jun 21, 2020

    He's talking about Trump's rape accusation from '016 regarding Epstein

    ahhh, ok

  • Jun 21, 2020
    1 reply
    Zach LaBeam

    Link to the underage age accusation? I found this from May and I think it should be noted the article says 8 women are accusing him of misconduct, but 7 of the women said the behavior did not amount to secure harassment

  • Jun 21, 2020
    1 reply

    Education for minorities

    Bro is still asking, just go on the man's site lmao

    Bro is going to go through asking about each position as if the Biden platform isn't posted online

  • Jun 21, 2020
    1 reply

    My bad b, thought you were talking about Joe haha

  • Jun 21, 2020
    Zach LaBeam

    My bad b, thought you were talking about Joe haha

    Ah no worries. The accusation from Carroll on Trump is the most credible imo

  • Jun 21, 2020
    1 reply

    Moderates aren't giving progressives half of what they want tho lol

    Depends who you mean by progressives.

    If you're talking about the Bernie Sanders crowd, Biden is open towards/supports a Green New Deal, supports a $15 dollar minimum wage, wants to add a public option to the ACA, and is adding lots of Bernie-crowd people to his campaign. He's generally been a lot more open to the progressive wing than Hillary was in 2016.

    Obviously Biden isn't going to abolish the police or start beheading capitalists if that's what you're referring to, but he represents the middle of the current Democratic Party coalition pretty well

  • Jun 21, 2020
    Zach LaBeam

    go start your utopia bro. The rest of us will be living in the real world, where people can be both flawed and our best option.

    Good is not some difficult to understand concept lol. Just want yall to be honest. You're voting for Biden cuz he's not trump. Not because hes some drastically better candidate who will get this country on the proper track. Which is fine. But dont be trying to sell his bullshit

  • Jun 21, 2020
    1 reply

    Biden fondling young girls

  • Jun 21, 2020
    1 reply

    Depends who you mean by progressives.

    If you're talking about the Bernie Sanders crowd, Biden is open towards/supports a Green New Deal, supports a $15 dollar minimum wage, wants to add a public option to the ACA, and is adding lots of Bernie-crowd people to his campaign. He's generally been a lot more open to the progressive wing than Hillary was in 2016.

    Obviously Biden isn't going to abolish the police or start beheading capitalists if that's what you're referring to, but he represents the middle of the current Democratic Party coalition pretty well

    A public option is not half of universal health care, nothing I'm seeing shows him to have any semblance of how serious the climate crisis is. Idc about task forces either lol. That's performative bs. 15$ is cool or whatever. Should be higher but it's not like Biden started t that campaign so I'm not faulting him for it

  • Jun 21, 2020
    1 reply

    Bro is still asking, just go on the man's site lmao

    Bro is going to go through asking about each position as if the Biden platform isn't posted online

    I’ll check it out. Stop calling me your bro when you just jokingly tried to call me a rapist weird ass nigga

  • Jun 21, 2020

    I’ll check it out. Stop calling me your bro when you just jokingly tried to call me a rapist weird ass nigga

    I wasn't joking!?!

  • Jun 21, 2020
    2 replies

    Education for minorities

    Ok so on education his main policies relating to that are:

    • Universal pre K
    • Tuition free college for 8-10 families who's incoming falls below $125
    • Tuition free community college for all for two years
    • Investing $70 billion in HBCU's (This is massive)
    • Forgiving student loan payments after 20 years, as well as placing a cap on it
    • Tripling Title 1 funding to eliminate the gap between white and non-white school districts

    Is this the kinda thing that you were thinking? A step in the right direction at least?

    What else is important to you?

  • Jun 21, 2020
    1 reply

    Tell dismantle the white supremacy apparent in the education system including the curriculum

  • Jun 21, 2020

    Never thought I’d be blocking somebody on this site but buddy deserved that s*** lmfao. What a wacko

  • Jun 21, 2020
    1 reply

    Ok so on education his main policies relating to that are:

    • Universal pre K
    • Tuition free college for 8-10 families who's incoming falls below $125
    • Tuition free community college for all for two years
    • Investing $70 billion in HBCU's (This is massive)
    • Forgiving student loan payments after 20 years, as well as placing a cap on it
    • Tripling Title 1 funding to eliminate the gap between white and non-white school districts

    Is this the kinda thing that you were thinking? A step in the right direction at least?

    What else is important to you?

    Fixing poverty

  • Jun 21, 2020

    Ok so on education his main policies relating to that are:

    • Universal pre K
    • Tuition free college for 8-10 families who's incoming falls below $125
    • Tuition free community college for all for two years
    • Investing $70 billion in HBCU's (This is massive)
    • Forgiving student loan payments after 20 years, as well as placing a cap on it
    • Tripling Title 1 funding to eliminate the gap between white and non-white school districts

    Is this the kinda thing that you were thinking? A step in the right direction at least?

    What else is important to you?

    Bro you gotta stop. The dude is sealioning you, he doesn't really care about learning what Biden's policy positions.

    He's just going to keep drip feeding topics until he can just go "So he aint gonna do that?"

    If he cared this much, he would just go on the man's site.

    He doesn't even reply to your questions with proper responses, he just moves onto the next topic

  • Jun 21, 2020
    1 reply

    Fixing poverty

    Ok, well of course thats a broad thing, and any fix is likely to require multiple administrations sustaining the same courses of action.

    But in terms of some policies that should have a positive effect that have been pledged there are:

    • Doubling the minimum wage
    • Formulating a new Homeowner and Renter Bill of Rights, aim to protect from abusive landlords
    • Ending redlining (Again a huge deal)
    • Raising taxes on the wealthy + corporatations, and capping their tax deductions
    • Capital Gains Tax, and taxes on foreign profits (evening the playing field in the long term)
    • make healthcare a right for all and ban surprise billing
    • Investing in unions
    • Investing in public defenders offices
    • Expunging weed convictions

    Sound decent? More positive than Trump?