  • Yeah... urban crime- and I mean urban as in the real meaning of the word and not code for black- was one of the major hot button issues of the 80’s and early 90’s. A lot of cities were in really bad shape and there was a ton of pressure on the government to do something.

  • Aug 12, 2020
    1 reply

    Politics and people are not static.

    Biden did not oppose segregation.

    And why are you acting like Kamala Harris is the first politician to have cultivated an argument to favour their ends at the time?

    Biden doesn't even pretend he's progressive. Stop capping. Taking his campaign at face value is ignorant, and even on face value he's running to the right of Hillary Clinton 4 years ago.

  • Aug 12, 2020
    1 reply

    Biden doesn't even pretend he's progressive. Stop capping. Taking his campaign at face value is ignorant, and even on face value he's running to the right of Hillary Clinton 4 years ago.

    Biden is absolutely not running to the right of Clinton 4 years ago.

    Taking anyone's campaign at face value is ignorant.

    Shifting weight away from facts is also ignorant.

  • Aug 12, 2020
    1 reply

    Biden is absolutely not running to the right of Clinton 4 years ago.

    Taking anyone's campaign at face value is ignorant.

    Shifting weight away from facts is also ignorant.

    The facts of what? Your apologism consists of shifting blame from Biden to everybody who signed the bill, many of who have admitted the it was a mistake. You were taking his campaign at face value until I said that was silly, now you agree. You admitted context should be used instead, and that context isn't favorable to your argument.

    I can't tell if this is just bad faith obfuscating or honest ignorance. Regardless, the Biden presidency will speak for itself. As Trump's did. As Obama's did. As Bush's did. As Clinton's did. Nobody expects any departure from the status quo.

  • Aug 12, 2020
    1 reply

    You’re wasting your time. The Biden hate on this site stems from Trump d*** riders and Bernie fan boys.

    even if you hate Biden your dumb to vote for Trump imo

  • Aug 12, 2020
    1 reply

    The facts of what? Your apologism consists of shifting blame from Biden to everybody who signed the bill, many of who have admitted the it was a mistake. You were taking his campaign at face value until I said that was silly, now you agree. You admitted context should be used instead, and that context isn't favorable to your argument.

    I can't tell if this is just bad faith obfuscating or honest ignorance. Regardless, the Biden presidency will speak for itself. As Trump's did. As Obama's did. As Bush's did. As Clinton's did. Nobody expects any departure from the status quo.

    Facts like no Biden is not running to the right of Clinton.

    Facts like no Biden did not oppose segregation and maybe we shouldn't just take Kamala Harris on the campaign trail as word for it.

    I don't know where your idea stems from that I'm absolving Biden of his role in the Crime Bill. The OP was written months ago simply to divulge context on an issue that the majority on here were discussing in a reductive way.

    And no I never was taking his, or anyone's campaign at face value. Pointing out his platform does not equate to that.

    I don't know of any president that has just waltzed in and comfortably achieved 100% of their policy goals with no pushback. That's why acting like that is some unique stain on Biden from his time with Obama is ridiculous. There's barely unity among the Dems, let alone when it comes to bipartisan measures. Of course we have to infer there will be compromises and there will be disappointments. But the idea that the minute he wins the presidency he's gonna instantly tear up the agreed upon platform is equally absurd. That's essentially what I mean when I say no platform should wholly be taken at face value, of course they are gonna be idealistic in elements and obfuscate goals. But that doesn't negate them and nor does it function as a valid point of contention ahead of a potential presidency.

    And regardless, we're a week away from gaining full clarification on the Democratic platform.

  • Aug 12, 2020
    1 reply

    Facts like no Biden is not running to the right of Clinton.

    Facts like no Biden did not oppose segregation and maybe we shouldn't just take Kamala Harris on the campaign trail as word for it.

    I don't know where your idea stems from that I'm absolving Biden of his role in the Crime Bill. The OP was written months ago simply to divulge context on an issue that the majority on here were discussing in a reductive way.

    And no I never was taking his, or anyone's campaign at face value. Pointing out his platform does not equate to that.

    I don't know of any president that has just waltzed in and comfortably achieved 100% of their policy goals with no pushback. That's why acting like that is some unique stain on Biden from his time with Obama is ridiculous. There's barely unity among the Dems, let alone when it comes to bipartisan measures. Of course we have to infer there will be compromises and there will be disappointments. But the idea that the minute he wins the presidency he's gonna instantly tear up the agreed upon platform is equally absurd. That's essentially what I mean when I say no platform should wholly be taken at face value, of course they are gonna be idealistic in elements and obfuscate goals. But that doesn't negate them and nor does it function as a valid point of contention ahead of a potential presidency.

    And regardless, we're a week away from gaining full clarification on the Democratic platform.

    This is excruciating lol.

    Your entire thread is taking a fact (Biden supporting the crime bill) and attaching as many "yeah buts" as you can.

    Biden is going to be great. Can't wait. Glad you're on the winning team my man! That's what matters.

  • MrIndigo96

    even if you hate Biden your dumb to vote for Trump imo

    Even if you hate Biden, you’re dumb to vote for Kanye, another third party candidate, or not vote at all unless you live in a definite blue state.

  • Aug 12, 2020
    1 reply

    This is excruciating lol.

    Your entire thread is taking a fact (Biden supporting the crime bill) and attaching as many "yeah buts" as you can.

    Biden is going to be great. Can't wait. Glad you're on the winning team my man! That's what matters.

    It really doesn't. I don't know why you've picked this argument.

    Literally it just expands on what the crime bill actually was and entailed.

    Things are a bit more nuanced than 'Biden Crime Bill Bad!'

  • Aug 12, 2020

    Easy to say the 1994 crime bill was a mistake in 2020. But given the context of the time, and the situation they were dealing with, and lack of knowledge equipped to handle it, it is what it is at this point. A lot of black people supported the bill at the time. Hell even today in 2020, just the other day in Englewood (Chicago) BLM tried organizing a protest, but the actual people from the neighborhood called them out n told them to leave. They were upset at them 1. Not being from the actual neighborhood, 2. Only caring about killings when it concerns police. (should be noted that the people who stopped the protest were relatively older black males). As oppose to all the gang violence affecting the area.

  • Aug 12, 2020
    1 reply

    It really doesn't. I don't know why you've picked this argument.

    Literally it just expands on what the crime bill actually was and entailed.

    Things are a bit more nuanced than 'Biden Crime Bill Bad!'

    It was bad, and it also didn't work. There's your nuance. The only people capping for it are punitive psychos and Biden supporters. Most people want to fix problems, not expand the carceral state and ruin more lives. Nuance is a nice Trojan Horse for apologism. It's also a double edged sword when you actually look at who crafted the bill in question (the police) and the results of the bill. The entire philosophy of the approach is clearly misguided and remains Biden's approach to this day. There's a reason many people who signed it call it a mistake.

  • Aug 12, 2020
    1 reply

    It was bad, and it also didn't work. There's your nuance. The only people capping for it are punitive psychos and Biden supporters. Most people want to fix problems, not expand the carceral state and ruin more lives. Nuance is a nice Trojan Horse for apologism. It's also a double edged sword when you actually look at who crafted the bill in question (the police) and the results of the bill. The entire philosophy of the approach is clearly misguided and remains Biden's approach to this day. There's a reason many people who signed it call it a mistake.

    Brilliant, go grab your time machine.

    I'm not sure what you think you're expounding upon that hasn't already been acknowledged. Literally your first comment included 'The results were disastrous, as OP admits.'

  • Aug 12, 2020
    1 reply

    Brilliant, go grab your time machine.

    I'm not sure what you think you're expounding upon that hasn't already been acknowledged. Literally your first comment included 'The results were disastrous, as OP admits.'

    Wow, so crime bill was bad! And Biden bad!

  • Aug 12, 2020
    1 reply

    Wow, so crime bill was bad! And Biden bad!

    You're doing my head in

  • Aug 12, 2020

    You're doing my head in

    This is the most tedious thread ever made. You deserve it.

  • Aug 12, 2020
    1 reply

    I'm gonna say the same thing about the Crime Bill that I've always said.

    Intentions mean f*** all if their execution is riddled in malice.

    Y'all keep going with this bUt aChKuAlLy ThE cRiMe BiLl sTaRtEd OfF gOoD s***. After all these years we've seen the negative impact that it has had on blacks and Latinos. It's time for y'all to admit that it did more harm than good to groups of people it was supposedly going to benefit.

  • Aug 12, 2020
    1 reply

    Y'all tryna retroactively defend the Crime Bill when in present times we see the damage it has done. What sense does that f***in make

  • Aug 12, 2020

    Tell dismantle the white supremacy apparent in the education system including the curriculum

  • Aug 12, 2020

    I do think it's important to account for context and shifts like this. 94 was nearly 30 years ago. IIRC Obama was against gay marriage when he ran in 08. People's ideals and understandings change. I think it's important to judge people based on the person they currently are and the views they currently hold instead of those they once held. Just make sure you keep that same energy universally


    that being said biden is much older than obama and kamala so he's much more set in his ways imo, but hopefully he's open to more youthful perspectives on policy

  • Aug 12, 2020
    Buckleys Angel

    You found another buddy to post right wing talking points to own the libs

  • Aug 12, 2020

    I love Bernie, still voting for Biden though, while I become more educated on how progressivism can evolve in the next four years,

    Bernie definitely helped the nation a lot as far as making many progressive ideas MUCH more popular across the board, making sure democrats have to talk about the issues

    Anyone who considers them selves a progressive, can not afford to relax if Biden becomes president (or obv if Tr*** remains),

    If Biden becomes president, that means a few locks on the door will be unlocked, imo, but that means we got a greater opportunity to break it down.
    It's either vote, activism, and do what you can, or strap up and we planning some other s\*\*\*

    (Disclaimer: The above sentence is satire and if issue is taken with the sentence it's not serious so don't worry bout that last one )

  • Aug 12, 2020
    1 reply
    Smacked Voodoo

    I'm gonna say the same thing about the Crime Bill that I've always said.

    Intentions mean f*** all if their execution is riddled in malice.

    Y'all keep going with this bUt aChKuAlLy ThE cRiMe BiLl sTaRtEd OfF gOoD s***. After all these years we've seen the negative impact that it has had on blacks and Latinos. It's time for y'all to admit that it did more harm than good to groups of people it was supposedly going to benefit.

    Youre an idiot.

    Absolutely no one is saying the Crime Bill started good.

    We're saying it was widely supported, a product to peoples attitude toward criminality, and arose in a period of high crime.

    Absolutely none of us think the crime bill was good outside of the VAWA because most of us disagree with harsh punishmenrs as a way of solving criminality in communities. So I dont know what you mean by execution.

    A lot of us are just posting to correct misonceptions that everyone seems to have in maligning one boomer for proposing a poor solution to what was at the time a serious issue in a context where everyone is vehemently riding a wave of "Fuck these criminal b******s" energy in an election with a crypto facist.

    We're moreso defending against misinformation and poorly drawn out conclusions than the actual Crime Bill. It cant even be directly attributed with lowering crime. You guys are just genuinely too stupid to read anyones posts so you tune into these automatic dot phrases

  • Aug 12, 2020
    1 reply

    Youre an idiot.

    Absolutely no one is saying the Crime Bill started good.

    We're saying it was widely supported, a product to peoples attitude toward criminality, and arose in a period of high crime.

    Absolutely none of us think the crime bill was good outside of the VAWA because most of us disagree with harsh punishmenrs as a way of solving criminality in communities. So I dont know what you mean by execution.

    A lot of us are just posting to correct misonceptions that everyone seems to have in maligning one boomer for proposing a poor solution to what was at the time a serious issue in a context where everyone is vehemently riding a wave of "Fuck these criminal b******s" energy in an election with a crypto facist.

    We're moreso defending against misinformation and poorly drawn out conclusions than the actual Crime Bill. It cant even be directly attributed with lowering crime. You guys are just genuinely too stupid to read anyones posts so you tune into these automatic dot phrases

    Boy eat a d***.

  • Aug 12, 2020

    isnt the game in your avi made by vocal communists

  • Aug 12, 2020
    1 reply
    Smacked Voodoo

    Boy eat a d***.

    Nice response.
    I'll do just that, dw
