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  • Jun 10, 2023

    Just let the commies have their fun man, it’s not a big deal

  • Jun 10, 2023
    1 reply

    If this is true why are most communist countries authoritarian

    Because that's how poorer countries function. Thailand and so on are authoritarian too. South Korea was a damn dictatorship until the late 1980s. It's just that these countries are Western allies so they don't catch flack for it

  • Jun 10, 2023
    krishna bound

    jesus f***ing christ man

  • Jun 10, 2023

    for the record i don’t like communism because my family lived under it. the ideas were good, but it wasn’t fun and we’re better offf without it

    with that being said, bad critiques often do more harm , like what’s on first page

  • Jun 10, 2023
    krishna bound


  • Jun 10, 2023

    What he says is exactly what happened in China

    At first the communists are envious of the rich and they tear them down with force

    After this we fall into the contradictory philosophy of believing that the ruling class is inherently evil while needing someone to actually run society. Then we either fall into cycles of perpetual civil war, or the communist regime uses tools like fascism to convince people that the government is good and their enemy is evil, generally leading to genocide

    But his point goes deeper into some controversial takes on biology and sex. I don't believe that we can characterize someone based on their s***but I do understand the idea of left brain vs right brain thinking and how in general there are some differences on how men and women generally approach reality. He basically says that when we fall too far in either direction bad s*** happens. He relates facism to extreme masculinity and communism to extreme feminism. I don't think this is sexisf as he makes a point that's feminine traits are only toxic when in excess as is also true with masculinity.

    we found camile paglias account

  • Jun 10, 2023
    1 reply

    If this is true why are most communist countries authoritarian

    this is something that you need to contend with yourself if you are a communist. communism isnt "oh great leaders help us uwu". its violent protection of your freedom as a human being. how can you have an organisation that can 1. defend itself from the most violent most ruthless most greedy nations in human existence 2. have a authority structure that doesnt attract careerists who will eventually follow their own class interests(intellectuals and oligarchs).

    these are hards questions with no definite answer but as americanski said, thats why marxism is inherently dialectical. There is no one size fits all, you have to be curious and honest and most importantly actually talk to people. touch grass.

  • Jun 10, 2023

    best critique of communism is that for many normal people it didn’t deliver superior living standards compared to a different route

    see my country, poland

  • Jun 10, 2023
    1 reply

    Because that's how poorer countries function. Thailand and so on are authoritarian too. South Korea was a damn dictatorship until the late 1980s. It's just that these countries are Western allies so they don't catch flack for it

    poor = authoritarian is such a hilariously smoothbrained take

    Also without defining what authoritarian is starts off bad, because that in itself isn’t a bad thing.

    Who is the state being authoritarian for? In capitalist countries, it’s a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. Why do you think neither Democrats or Republicans can truly solve the issues of that plague both sides of the working class (inflation, housing crisis.m, mental health crisis, job loss) yet they always find a way to give concessions to corporations, or an extra billion to the military, or raise taxes here. In what way is that not authoritarian for the working class? Because you could walk in a voting booth and choose (the pre-chosen corporate picks) for president 😂?

    Yeah since capitalism is the predominant economic system, they can afford to have more liberal and relaxed governments as far as the illusion of political choice

    Like the two party system fools Americans into thinking they aren’t like those dirty commies with one party, when both parties effectively work on behalf of the capitalists and not the working class

    Americans admit this all the time “the system never works, both parties are the same, we need a third party”

    However most don’t read, and so any alternative to this is met with bourgeois propaganda stating how we just need to elect this or that person or tweak this thing to achieve that perfect capitalism.

  • Jun 10, 2023
    3 replies

    poor = authoritarian is such a hilariously smoothbrained take

    Also without defining what authoritarian is starts off bad, because that in itself isn’t a bad thing.

    Who is the state being authoritarian for? In capitalist countries, it’s a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. Why do you think neither Democrats or Republicans can truly solve the issues of that plague both sides of the working class (inflation, housing crisis.m, mental health crisis, job loss) yet they always find a way to give concessions to corporations, or an extra billion to the military, or raise taxes here. In what way is that not authoritarian for the working class? Because you could walk in a voting booth and choose (the pre-chosen corporate picks) for president 😂?

    Yeah since capitalism is the predominant economic system, they can afford to have more liberal and relaxed governments as far as the illusion of political choice

    Like the two party system fools Americans into thinking they aren’t like those dirty commies with one party, when both parties effectively work on behalf of the capitalists and not the working class

    Americans admit this all the time “the system never works, both parties are the same, we need a third party”

    However most don’t read, and so any alternative to this is met with bourgeois propaganda stating how we just need to elect this or that person or tweak this thing to achieve that perfect capitalism.

    I didn't say authoritarianism was bad. China killed off the d*** dealers and landlords which I support

  • Nort 💫
    Jun 10, 2023

    a lot to unpack here

  • Jun 10, 2023

    Crying imagine watching an hour of this nonsense for talking points you could get delivered the same from google image memes.

  • Jun 10, 2023
    1 reply

    I didn't say authoritarianism was bad. China killed off the d*** dealers and landlords which I support

    How is death appropriate punishment for being one of those

  • Jun 10, 2023
    1 reply

    How is death appropriate punishment for being one of those

    Half of Shanghai used to be opium addicted

    Now illicit d**** are very rare in China and almost only exist in border regions

    If it works, it works!

  • Jun 10, 2023
    1 reply

    I didn't say authoritarianism was bad. China killed off the d*** dealers and landlords which I support


    you said “that’s how poorer countries function” which is what I was criticizing, which is again applying western ideals to the entire world.

    Concepts of authoritarianism and totalitarianism are very often one of those biased words that Western historians use to discredit socialism and communism - much like forced labor camps

  • Jun 10, 2023


    you said “that’s how poorer countries function” which is what I was criticizing, which is again applying western ideals to the entire world.

    Concepts of authoritarianism and totalitarianism are very often one of those biased words that Western historians use to discredit socialism and communism - much like forced labor camps

    I will say: Yes they were authoritarian, but that's because they couldn't afford to be liberal when they are under constant siege and attack from colonialists

  • Jun 10, 2023
    2 replies

    Half of Shanghai used to be opium addicted

    Now illicit d**** are very rare in China and almost only exist in border regions

    If it works, it works!

    Sources? And what about the landlords

    I think landlord is inherently a negative concept in society but I don't see why you think its justified to slaughter all of them.

    People aren't inherently landlords, they somehow become one as their job. If they stop owning land, they stop being a landlord.

  • Jun 10, 2023

    Sources? And what about the landlords

    I think landlord is inherently a negative concept in society but I don't see why you think its justified to slaughter all of them.

    People aren't inherently landlords, they somehow become one as their job. If they stop owning land, they stop being a landlord.

    Comparing Chinese landlords from the warlord era to modern landlords whether positive or negatively is midwit behaviour

  • Jun 10, 2023
    1 reply

    I didn't say authoritarianism was bad. China killed off the d*** dealers and landlords which I support

    Landlords in mao’s era were more like mini feudal lords with private armies. Not comparable to today

    Even then only the most reactionary and violent landlords were killed at the discretion of the peasants, after refusal to self criticize. They were not just killing every landlord like a movie

  • Jun 10, 2023
    2 replies

    Landlords in mao’s era were more like mini feudal lords with private armies. Not comparable to today

    Even then only the most reactionary and violent landlords were killed at the discretion of the peasants, after refusal to self criticize. They were not just killing every landlord like a movie

    Some landlords have more power than feudal lords

    Im not talkijg about the granny renting out her second home

  • Jun 10, 2023

    Some landlords have more power than feudal lords

    Im not talkijg about the granny renting out her second home

  • Jun 10, 2023

    Send @op to labor camp

  • Jun 10, 2023
    4 replies

    Sources? And what about the landlords

    I think landlord is inherently a negative concept in society but I don't see why you think its justified to slaughter all of them.

    People aren't inherently landlords, they somehow become one as their job. If they stop owning land, they stop being a landlord.

    Communism = kill everyone you don’t like

    It’s not that difficult of a concept

  • Jun 10, 2023
    1 reply

    Communism = kill everyone you don’t like

    It’s not that difficult of a concept

    No because this really how they be

    Personally I like states that don't kill their citizens

  • Jun 10, 2023

    Communism = kill everyone you don’t like

    It’s not that difficult of a concept

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