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  • Jun 10, 2023
    1 reply

    google the chinese cultural revolution
    google east germany
    google the USSR

    yes i know about these glorious countries that oppressed the people who wear ties and get massages 10 times a week. LOVE THAT. these GLORIOUS countries. where EVERYONE from poor to rich was provided HOUSING. HEALTHCARE. FOOD. WATER. EDUCATION.

    INSANE ACHIEVEMENTS that arent even normal nowadays.

  • Jun 10, 2023

    b**** im a thot
    get me lit

  • Jun 10, 2023

    OP sees 80% of the population slave away in factories and thinks yea man prosperity freedom

  • Jun 10, 2023
    1 reply

    you know whats funny? capitalists are gonna b**** you out anyways. your real wages are going to keep falling. your country is going to go to war. your capitalists are gonna destroy the environment you live in. you are gonna be b****ed out. communists are going to fight it and you are going to stammer in the corner like the little b**** you are.

  • Jun 10, 2023

    muh evil authoritarians who forbid slavers from tying womens feet together

  • Jun 10, 2023

    when millions die and eastern europe becomes a wasteland of human trafficking and gambling :D: DD:D::D:D:DD: <3<3<3<3<3 freedom prosperity

    when eastern europe provides every citizen with housing food healthcare education >:( EVIL EVILL EVILLLLL

  • tripsix 🐍
    Jun 10, 2023


  • Jun 10, 2023

    I am not giving you any reading recommendation.

    Here is a video below 4 minutes(fitting your attention span/ intelligence):

  • Jun 10, 2023

  • Jun 11, 2023
    2 replies
    Hurdle33 dog

    yes i know about these glorious countries that oppressed the people who wear ties and get massages 10 times a week. LOVE THAT. these GLORIOUS countries. where EVERYONE from poor to rich was provided HOUSING. HEALTHCARE. FOOD. WATER. EDUCATION.

    INSANE ACHIEVEMENTS that arent even normal nowadays.

    i am polish

    a lot of people reflexively say bullshit about communism. for most of the regime, life was kinda mid and normal. it was the early stalinist part that was hell

    with that being said, our lives are better now. simple. we are richer, more free, and feel like things are improving

    i’m not saying communist countries were hellish, no need to be hyperbolic- it just wasn’t as good as what we could have had, and have now. which is in itself a good argument against communism

  • Jun 11, 2023
    1 reply

    I love thots !

  • Jun 11, 2023
    Shin Chan

    I love thots !

  • Jun 11, 2023
    1 reply

    i am polish

    a lot of people reflexively say bullshit about communism. for most of the regime, life was kinda mid and normal. it was the early stalinist part that was hell

    with that being said, our lives are better now. simple. we are richer, more free, and feel like things are improving

    i’m not saying communist countries were hellish, no need to be hyperbolic- it just wasn’t as good as what we could have had, and have now. which is in itself a good argument against communism

    It took about 15 years to recover the losses of the 1990 GDP levels. A generation of growth was lost. Poland has PIS now, massive brain drain - is it really that much better?

  • Jun 11, 2023

    Bro communist countries are BAD. They don’t give a f*** about whether their people are okay, pretty much love war, and won’t ever admit that they are doing something wrong. Look at what China and Russia are trying to do in Cuba. Literally they want war, oppress their own people and blame the free world for all of it. F***ing lunatics

  • Jun 11, 2023
    Hurdle33 dog

    you know whats funny? capitalists are gonna b**** you out anyways. your real wages are going to keep falling. your country is going to go to war. your capitalists are gonna destroy the environment you live in. you are gonna be b****ed out. communists are going to fight it and you are going to stammer in the corner like the little b**** you are.

    LOL what about what you just said isn’t true about communist countries? At least we can think for ourselves

  • Jun 11, 2023

    I hope you know that if you’re a communist in said communist countries you are seen as a rat… everyone with a proper conscience doesn’t support it. So why do you, as a young American living as freely as your balls hang, support it? You don’t know

  • Jun 11, 2023
    1 reply

    Those saying capitalism isn’t the answer haven’t come to OBVIOUS REALITY that ALL SYSTEMS SUCK. And capitalism is the only one that WORKS. You heard that right. Capitalism also sucks. But you put it next to communism and it runs laps on it. Oh and you can think freely I don’t think you guys have processed yet how important that part is. Say good bye to ktt communist! No opinions for you pal

  • Jun 11, 2023

    Marxism is outdated but there are aspects worth incorporating in a modern state

    Marx wrote a book that could overturn governments. Seriously, on my first read, I feel like I felt the same fire people from back then felt reading it. Amazing writing, some truly timeless anecdotes for the proletariat, and wise as hell too. It’s just not a realistic answer to the world’s problems but amazing writing none the less

  • Jun 11, 2023
    4 replies

    And with that said I’d say I am communist leaning as far as principal goes. But it’s just undeniable that communism has been an utter failure when applied to the real world. And communist governments have been overwhelmingly evil in their short time existing.
    Is capitalism a farce? Yes. Do they use materialism and entertainment to blind the people? Obviously. But in the end, the capitalist isn’t as evil as the communist. And I think when you’re looking to construct a path for the future, you have to take the lesser of two evils.
    It’s easy for me to agree with communism on a principals basis but I’d be blind if I actually thought it did the world any good. Same with socialism. In principle, great, in reality, the opposite.

  • Jun 11, 2023
    1 reply

    And with that said I’d say I am communist leaning as far as principal goes. But it’s just undeniable that communism has been an utter failure when applied to the real world. And communist governments have been overwhelmingly evil in their short time existing.
    Is capitalism a farce? Yes. Do they use materialism and entertainment to blind the people? Obviously. But in the end, the capitalist isn’t as evil as the communist. And I think when you’re looking to construct a path for the future, you have to take the lesser of two evils.
    It’s easy for me to agree with communism on a principals basis but I’d be blind if I actually thought it did the world any good. Same with socialism. In principle, great, in reality, the opposite.

    Blablabla keep doing your mental gymnastics

  • Jun 11, 2023
    5 replies
    Hurdle33 dog

    Blablabla keep doing your mental gymnastics

    A projection. You know Stalin murdered almost a million people right

  • Jun 11, 2023

    It took about 15 years to recover the losses of the 1990 GDP levels. A generation of growth was lost. Poland has PIS now, massive brain drain - is it really that much better?

    we suffered a drop in GDP, due to the severing of economic ties with other soviet countries and the shock of the shift to a free economy. we didn’t have it as bad as other countries though. what this shows is the whole thing was built on sand and not sustainable. since then our living standards are better and we grew a lot

    we did have brain drain, although many tend to make money in western europe than send remittances and come back home after a while. PiS can get f***ed, however poles voted for them themselves. it’s bad and hopefully they lose next election (not unlikely), but that isn’t enough to make the transition bad

    ask any pole and the vast majority will say life is better now- which is all the proof you will ever need

  • Jun 11, 2023
    1 reply

    i am polish

    a lot of people reflexively say bullshit about communism. for most of the regime, life was kinda mid and normal. it was the early stalinist part that was hell

    with that being said, our lives are better now. simple. we are richer, more free, and feel like things are improving

    i’m not saying communist countries were hellish, no need to be hyperbolic- it just wasn’t as good as what we could have had, and have now. which is in itself a good argument against communism

    Im not going to go into every single government and how they operated and how truly communist or opportunistic they were. Bottom line without communists all of the third world would still be animals that get pushed around for profit.

  • Jun 11, 2023
    2 replies

    Fascists see communists as rats wow bro great insight

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