Those saying capitalism isn’t the answer haven’t come to OBVIOUS REALITY that ALL SYSTEMS SUCK. And capitalism is the only one that WORKS. You heard that right. Capitalism also sucks. But you put it next to communism and it runs laps on it. Oh and you can think freely I don’t think you guys have processed yet how important that part is. Say good bye to ktt communist! No opinions for you pal
EVERYTHING SUCKS hurr durr you animal. You live in a material reality and things aren't random. How f***ing stupid are you? GOD WILLED IT. EVERYTHING IS RANDOM. EVERYTHING SUCKS. NOTHING CAN CHANGE. How worthless I would feel living like that.
Im not going to go into every single government and how they operated and how truly communist or opportunistic they were. Bottom line without communists all of the third world would still be animals that get pushed around for profit.
don’t know enough about that to argue with it
EVERYTHING SUCKS hurr durr you animal. You live in a material reality and things aren't random. How f***ing stupid are you? GOD WILLED IT. EVERYTHING IS RANDOM. EVERYTHING SUCKS. NOTHING CAN CHANGE. How worthless I would feel living like that.
Hahahahahaha nerd go fantasize about literal psychopath murderers you lame
EVERYTHING SUCKS hurr durr you animal. You live in a material reality and things aren't random. How f***ing stupid are you? GOD WILLED IT. EVERYTHING IS RANDOM. EVERYTHING SUCKS. NOTHING CAN CHANGE. How worthless I would feel living like that.
Yo this guy honestly believes COMMUNISM is what’ll fix the state of the world. I repeat Stalin (communist king) slaughtered almost 1 million of his OWN PEOPLE
don’t know enough about that to argue with it
Yup without a free market there would be absolutely no hope for those animals period do some research on who’s fixing poverty in this world I promise you it’s not the communists
Is this the game where we add up who killed more people?
EVERYTHING SUCKS hurr durr you animal. You live in a material reality and things aren't random. How f***ing stupid are you? GOD WILLED IT. EVERYTHING IS RANDOM. EVERYTHING SUCKS. NOTHING CAN CHANGE. How worthless I would feel living like that.
You sound so dumb.
Is this the game where we add up who killed more people?
it's just that a good number of the criticisms u have of communism are also true for capitalism
it's just that a good number of the criticisms u have of communism are also true for capitalism
I did say both are awful
I did say both are awful
i noticed u said u didn't like socialism either, do u mean like Bernie/the nordic model?
i noticed u said u didn't like socialism either, do u mean like Bernie/the nordic model?
Of course not, I see a social democracy as being the only way towards actual peace. I love Bernie and the Nordic model
arent people with model pfp supposed to be in p*** section? why is this animal in politics
A projection. You know Stalin murdered almost a million people right
can you prove this
And with that said I’d say I am communist leaning as far as principal goes. But it’s just undeniable that communism has been an utter failure when applied to the real world. And communist governments have been overwhelmingly evil in their short time existing.
Is capitalism a farce? Yes. Do they use materialism and entertainment to blind the people? Obviously. But in the end, the capitalist isn’t as evil as the communist. And I think when you’re looking to construct a path for the future, you have to take the lesser of two evils.
It’s easy for me to agree with communism on a principals basis but I’d be blind if I actually thought it did the world any good. Same with socialism. In principle, great, in reality, the opposite.
so you are an unprincipled clown
Go ahead
Documented homicides and excess deaths: New insights into the scale of killing in the USSR during the 1930s by Rosenfielde