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  • Jun 11, 2023

    Who was a better husband Hitler or Stalin?

    why havent i banned you yet?

  • Jun 11, 2023

    how do you man not know about Katyn

  • Jun 11, 2023

    And with that said I’d say I am communist leaning as far as principal goes. But it’s just undeniable that communism has been an utter failure when applied to the real world. And communist governments have been overwhelmingly evil in their short time existing.
    Is capitalism a farce? Yes. Do they use materialism and entertainment to blind the people? Obviously. But in the end, the capitalist isn’t as evil as the communist. And I think when you’re looking to construct a path for the future, you have to take the lesser of two evils.
    It’s easy for me to agree with communism on a principals basis but I’d be blind if I actually thought it did the world any good. Same with socialism. In principle, great, in reality, the opposite.

    this is the most popular black eyed peas single series of posts on this site most likely

  • Jun 11, 2023
    Hurdle33 dog

    EVERYTHING SUCKS hurr durr you animal. You live in a material reality and things aren't random. How f***ing stupid are you? GOD WILLED IT. EVERYTHING IS RANDOM. EVERYTHING SUCKS. NOTHING CAN CHANGE. How worthless I would feel living like that.

    And that's why social anarchy reigns supreme

  • Jun 11, 2023

    What he says is exactly what happened in China

    At first the communists are envious of the rich and they tear them down with force

    After this we fall into the contradictory philosophy of believing that the ruling class is inherently evil while needing someone to actually run society. Then we either fall into cycles of perpetual civil war, or the communist regime uses tools like fascism to convince people that the government is good and their enemy is evil, generally leading to genocide

    But his point goes deeper into some controversial takes on biology and sex. I don't believe that we can characterize someone based on their s***but I do understand the idea of left brain vs right brain thinking and how in general there are some differences on how men and women generally approach reality. He basically says that when we fall too far in either direction bad s*** happens. He relates facism to extreme masculinity and communism to extreme feminism. I don't think this is sexisf as he makes a point that's feminine traits are only toxic when in excess as is also true with masculinity.

    This is an all timer man lmfao

  • Jun 11, 2023
    Hurdle33 dog

    Fascists see communists as rats wow bro great insight

    No seriously if you’re of the government in China or Cuba you are seen as a rat and not of the people. You cannot be trusted

  • Jun 11, 2023
    Hurdle33 dog

    Fascists see communists as rats wow bro great insight

    Another lame take tbh

  • Jun 11, 2023

    A projection. You know Stalin murdered almost a million people right

    Most western sources on communist deaths are extremely exaggerated if not outright false.

    Which is why you get dumbass comparisons between Stalin and Hitler and who was more evil. Absolutely idiotic

  • Jun 11, 2023

    Yalls desire to engage with Member since 2023s is almost sadomasochistic in nature

  • Jun 11, 2023
    1 reply

    A projection. You know Stalin murdered almost a million people right

    Then the capitalist system murders over nine million a year, as part of an essential facet of its functions

  • Jun 11, 2023
    1 reply

    And with that said I’d say I am communist leaning as far as principal goes. But it’s just undeniable that communism has been an utter failure when applied to the real world. And communist governments have been overwhelmingly evil in their short time existing.
    Is capitalism a farce? Yes. Do they use materialism and entertainment to blind the people? Obviously. But in the end, the capitalist isn’t as evil as the communist. And I think when you’re looking to construct a path for the future, you have to take the lesser of two evils.
    It’s easy for me to agree with communism on a principals basis but I’d be blind if I actually thought it did the world any good. Same with socialism. In principle, great, in reality, the opposite.

    communist leaning

    ends up be milquetoast socdem why does this always happen bros

  • Jun 11, 2023
    1 reply

    Then the capitalist system murders over nine million a year, as part of an essential facet of its functions

    Capitalism has an awful history but in less than a hundred years communism killed about 100 million and if you ignore these facts then you’re gone

  • Jun 11, 2023
    1 reply
    · edited

    communist leaning

    ends up be milquetoast socdem why does this always happen bros

    It’s over

  • Jun 11, 2023
    1 reply
    krishna bound

    It’s over

    Pretending to know what miquetoast socdem means for the bros. True bros only

  • Jun 11, 2023

    Pretending to know what miquetoast socdem means for the bros. True bros only

    It’s pretty self explanatory

  • Jun 11, 2023
    1 reply

    Capitalism has an awful history but in less than a hundred years communism killed about 100 million and if you ignore these facts then you’re gone

    Good troll

  • Jun 11, 2023
    1 reply

    Good troll

    These are facts brethren nothing to run from it. Y’all are like holocaust deniers

  • Jun 11, 2023

    Communism is cut throat and evil why don’t y’all at least admit to that. At least. No cause I have Stalin’s d*** down my throat. Btw none of you have addressed mass killings by these guys you just completellyyyyyy side step that

  • Jun 11, 2023
    1 reply

    These are facts brethren nothing to run from it. Y’all are like holocaust deniers

    The 100 million claim is readily disputed even by those who are heartily anti communist

  • Jun 11, 2023
    2 replies

    The 100 million claim is readily disputed even by those who are heartily anti communist

    60 millions congrats

  • Jun 11, 2023
    1 reply

    60 millions congrats

    Didn’t you just say on the last page we aren’t gonna turn this into a game of who killed more

  • Jun 11, 2023

    60 millions congrats

    Why even quantify it

    The system is a vast improvement over capitalism

  • Jun 11, 2023
    2 replies
    krishna bound

    Didn’t you just say on the last page we aren’t gonna turn this into a game of who killed more

    You can’t deny communism has he awful as well! That is all I am arguing here!

  • Jun 11, 2023
    1 reply

    I’ve never met an anti communist in the third world who wasn’t a wealthy landowner with literal peasants

  • Jun 11, 2023
    1 reply

    You can’t deny communism has he awful as well! That is all I am arguing here!

    Not nearly as awful as capitalism

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