Still have to play the first
Game felt like a Alejandro G. Iñárritu experience
Damn. I loved the first one but idk what else they can add.
I was kinda hoping he’d do something new
I felt like the game itself was testing the waters with the fanbase to see if they absolutely hate it or it will grow on them and now 2+ years after og release + the enhancements couple months ago, he could just make death stranding 2 have more gameplay variety & a better MGSV approach in terms of combat
That alone would make it more interesting for more people to try the game
Yeah the gameplay will probably be like an evolution of MGSV
In the directors cut they added more stuff like that so it makes sense it’s the direction he’ll take
not even sure what we'd be doin in a sequel didn't we like solve everything
no room for single player experiences tf
In fact, our source says it was that single-player nature of the game that led Google to cancel Stadia’s collaboration with Kojima, with the company believing there was no longer a market for solo experiences. Reportedly, the game had gotten initial approval from Google and had begun the early stages of development. However, shortly after the first mockups were shown in mid 2020, Google scrapped the project entirely.
no room for single player experiences tf
In fact, our source says it was that single-player nature of the game that led Google to cancel Stadia’s collaboration with Kojima, with the company believing there was no longer a market for solo experiences. Reportedly, the game had gotten initial approval from Google and had begun the early stages of development. However, shortly after the first mockups were shown in mid 2020, Google scrapped the project entirely.
im glad Stadia ate s***
I’m conflicted cuz I’d love a DS2 but I also want Kojima to give us something completely fresh
no room for single player experiences tf
In fact, our source says it was that single-player nature of the game that led Google to cancel Stadia’s collaboration with Kojima, with the company believing there was no longer a market for solo experiences. Reportedly, the game had gotten initial approval from Google and had begun the early stages of development. However, shortly after the first mockups were shown in mid 2020, Google scrapped the project entirely.
Smh. This is why I only rely on Sony to keep delivering those single player focused experiences
no room for single player experiences tf
In fact, our source says it was that single-player nature of the game that led Google to cancel Stadia’s collaboration with Kojima, with the company believing there was no longer a market for solo experiences. Reportedly, the game had gotten initial approval from Google and had begun the early stages of development. However, shortly after the first mockups were shown in mid 2020, Google scrapped the project entirely.
maybe if they had single player experience they would have had players without relying on 2+ friends to also get the service + games LMAO
no room for single player experiences tf
In fact, our source says it was that single-player nature of the game that led Google to cancel Stadia’s collaboration with Kojima, with the company believing there was no longer a market for solo experiences. Reportedly, the game had gotten initial approval from Google and had begun the early stages of development. However, shortly after the first mockups were shown in mid 2020, Google scrapped the project entirely.
When will they learn (never)
I’m conflicted cuz I’d love a DS2 but I also want Kojima to give us something completely fresh
Same for both
no room for single player experiences tf
In fact, our source says it was that single-player nature of the game that led Google to cancel Stadia’s collaboration with Kojima, with the company believing there was no longer a market for solo experiences. Reportedly, the game had gotten initial approval from Google and had begun the early stages of development. However, shortly after the first mockups were shown in mid 2020, Google scrapped the project entirely.
Thank god they scrapped it in 2020 if this had gone through he probably wouldn’t have been in talks with Sony to create a sequel
no room for single player experiences tf
In fact, our source says it was that single-player nature of the game that led Google to cancel Stadia’s collaboration with Kojima, with the company believing there was no longer a market for solo experiences. Reportedly, the game had gotten initial approval from Google and had begun the early stages of development. However, shortly after the first mockups were shown in mid 2020, Google scrapped the project entirely.
Idiots I tell ya
no room for single player experiences tf
In fact, our source says it was that single-player nature of the game that led Google to cancel Stadia’s collaboration with Kojima, with the company believing there was no longer a market for solo experiences. Reportedly, the game had gotten initial approval from Google and had begun the early stages of development. However, shortly after the first mockups were shown in mid 2020, Google scrapped the project entirely.
Google Gaming
This could be death stranding 2 or the Xbox horror game
Honestly think it’s death stranding 2 but could go either way
Y’all think that’s Lou?