Where you from
Used to stay out in Brandon
Tampa g I love heading out to Brandon every once in a while its a nice escape from here
wait I'm confused, are you saying that use of the term latinx is racist or that the term is necessary due to issues of LGBT rights in Latin America?
Completely different issues, but in the speedy Gonzalez debate, it seems like people from Mexico or other Latin American countries don't find him racist, much like how it seems this debate is going.
Males and females, and even non binary people are covered by "Americans" though. No gendered difference in English when describing ethnicities: Mexican, German, French etc
Edit: apparently it is a thing in French
But like said, technically speaking America is female, Lady Liberty. Meaning American is either female or just a broad term for both male and female (but still in female tense like Latino)
And no doubt that non-binary and LGBTQ have suffered. Not that to take away from there struggle but I haven’t seen other terms coined like Mexicanx(mexicano/a) Columbianx (columbiano/a) etc.
the term LatinX is more American then actual Latin. Just answering the question asked in OP
American mean North America bruh Latinx mean any Latin area round da globe s*** diffrent relaxdamn yall so offended over everything
Around the globe? Latin America is the Western Hemisphere lol.
And I’m sure most whites in the US describe themselves as American. Even Mexicans call them Americano/a
It's definitely a white people thing.
You can call it a 1st world thing or an American thing, but to call it a white thing invalidates the experience of people who undoubtedly refer to themselves by this
You can call it a 1st world thing or an American thing, but to call it a white thing invalidates the experience of people who undoubtedly refer to themselves by this
Also kinda true
It’s not exclusive to Latin America, Eastern Europe and Africa and Asia all don’t like the LGBT people
So that makes it okay?
Completely different issues, but in the speedy Gonzalez debate, it seems like people from Mexico or other Latin American countries don't find him racist, much like how it seems this debate is going.
sorry if I'm slow but I still don't get the comparison. do you mean people accepting the usage of latinx is comparable to saying speedy gonzalez isn't racist? or that people overlook homophobia and transphobia the same way they overlook racism? I just want to understand your point
tf is this
man wtf is that
whats wrong with the letter E or A in that
sorry if I'm slow but I still don't get the comparison. do you mean people accepting the usage of latinx is comparable to saying speedy gonzalez isn't racist? or that people overlook homophobia and transphobia the same way they overlook racism? I just want to understand your point
It seems like, from my pov, that the people who are for using latinx are also people who are more likely to agree that Speedy is a racist depiction (also more likely to be American). Whereas the argument against using latinx here seems to consist primarily of "Latin person from Latin country doesn't mind it". I'm seeing similar reactions on Twitter such as "I'm from Mexico and me and my family love Speedy".
What does the x mean in this case? I don’t even get this one...
What does the x mean in this case? I don’t even get this one...
i think the intention is to get rid of the "man/men" part of the word