What does the x mean in this case? I don’t even get this one...
When keeping it woke goes wrong
S*** makes no sense but they thought they had one
Latinx is silly in it's execution, and the easiest reason to see why is that "x" in Spanish is said "equis". So whenever you say Latin-ex or La-Teen-ex you're literally using a pronunciation catered to english speakers, which rather defeats the point, eh?
I think y'all are off base here. it's a feminist thing not a white people thing
and as easy as it is to complain about "woke" or "cancel" culture, a lot of Latin America has extreme patriarchy that leads to sexism, femicide, rape and domestic violence. the change in terminology is an attempt, though I find it misguided, to address that patriarchy
It seems like, from my pov, that the people who are for using latinx are also people who are more likely to agree that Speedy is a racist depiction (also more likely to be American). Whereas the argument against using latinx here seems to consist primarily of "Latin person from Latin country doesn't mind it". I'm seeing similar reactions on Twitter such as "I'm from Mexico and me and my family love Speedy".
I think the love for Speedy came from a time where if someone of a minority was depicted in a cartoon it was in a negative tone. Like how that George Lopez episode that showcased a Mexican stereotype of being lazy.
If Speedy came out today I’m sure it wouldn’t be seen in the same light
That s*** is silly. Mfs trying to needless change s*** to something that’s not even appealing.
Never in my life have I heard of anyone getting offended over being called Latino/a. Most mfs literally don’t care. If a mf approach me and call me “Latinx” I’d have to drop them right then and there bc I assume they’re calling me some kind of futuristic sci-fi racial slur.
Not trying to have some boomer take here. I consider myself to be a woke king and never considered something like this as an issue. Latino/a... bro nobody care as long as you’re coming at them with respect.
I think the love for Speedy came from a time where if someone of a minority was depicted in a cartoon it was in a negative tone. Like how that George Lopez episode that showcased a Mexican stereotype of being lazy.
If Speedy came out today I’m sure it wouldn’t be seen in the same light
I totally get that there was no representation, but that shouldn't mean we should be satisfied with racist depictions. It's especially racist, to me, when I picture this Russian orthodox Jewish person doing all those "arriba, arriba"s
So that makes it okay?
Did I ever say that stop tryna make something outta nuthing
It's an academia word. Mostly scholars and activist use the term.
yeah, i think you should just use "latiné" as the conservational gender-neutral descriptor, because latinx just isn't grammatically correct and no one really takes it seriously outside of those spaces
it was also invented by chicano students/professors/activists, so i don't get why some run with the narrative that it was made by "woke white people" when that honestly isn't the case
i think the intention is to get rid of the "man/men" part of the word
this stuff however is idiotic and nobody asked for it
its 100% a white leftist thing
Not just limited to white people I see poc leftists use it all the time