People's jobs aren't gonna magically come back, and that 2nd stimulus won't drop til at least September.
It's gonna be survival time in a minute for a bunch of folks
Once we're gone there is no concept of healing, love, hate etc
S*** just happens without us pointing at it and saying s***
It will still be there. Our collective ego not being there to witness it means nothing.
But an absurdist wouldn’t care about the human race going extinct, yet you clearly want it to happen. And a stoic wants to do whats just, yet you do both things so clearly one of the two is unjust either being vegan or wanting to destroy the planet. I wouldn’t say you are a stoic nor an absurdist.
Anarcho Nihilist fits you more (my opinion)
I yam what I yam
It will still be there. Our collective ego not being there to witness it means nothing.
You have your philosophical position, whether you actually believe it in your bones is another question
You have your philosophical position, whether you actually believe it in your bones is another question
It's cemented truss me daddi
going in an acid trip on Monday to drop another layer of bricks on this b****