  • RICH 💸
    Jan 26, 2020

    Basically title. Do you read multiple books at once or do you get invested in one book and read that till you're finished and move on to the next one?

    If you read multiple, do you go for just one genre, so multiple self help books/multiple novels/multiple non fiction, etc., or do you vary your genres?

    People watch more than one tv show at a time and it's such a normal thing, but I feel like reading more than one book at a time is less common?

    I'd like to hear what people think and why. I think this could be a good discussion tbh

  • nah one and done. but I mostly read stories and s***.
    maybe I should try this to just keep information going but
    it's a thrill reading a book from cover to cover.

    i do take notes and go back but never reading 2 or more at a time.
    just clutters my mental space when it comes to leisure reading.

  • I guess I've never really tried to read more than one, but generally I get so invested in one I don't have any interest in starting one until I finish it

    If I start another one and like it more chances are I didn't really like the first one and won't finish it

  • Jan 26, 2020

    I’ve tried to read multiples at a time but it just didn’t work for me. I always found myself gravitating towards the book I enjoyed most, and would never end up finishing the others lol

  • Jan 26, 2020
    1 reply

    I've read three books at the same time. Only downside is you can come across a book that's a slog to get through and it can disrupt your flow

  • Jan 26, 2020

    Sometimes really depends on what I'm reading I am reading handmaid's tale since my girlfriend loved it but was reading iron gold from the red Riding series so now I'm doing both at the same time

  • Jan 27, 2020

    I try and do everything at one time it’s an issue :(

  • Jan 27, 2020
    2 replies

    Like this?

  • Jan 27, 2020

    Like this?

  • Jan 27, 2020
    2 replies

    People who do this must actually hate themselves

    Directing your focus to one good book is so much better

  • Jan 27, 2020
    2 replies

    People who do this must actually hate themselves

    Directing your focus to one good book is so much better

    I find it eaiser to read some harder books when doing some leisure reading at the same time.

    Breaks difficult reading into enjoyable chunks

  • Jan 27, 2020
    1 reply
    Dankmustard Mobile

    I find it eaiser to read some harder books when doing some leisure reading at the same time.

    Breaks difficult reading into enjoyable chunks

    I recently read Selected Dialogues of Plato and can see where you're coming from. Usually I just don't read books when they become too tedious to actually enjoy. Finished that book by taking days worth of breaks between reading

  • Skywalker

    I recently read Selected Dialogues of Plato and can see where you're coming from. Usually I just don't read books when they become too tedious to actually enjoy. Finished that book by taking days worth of breaks between reading

    Same thing happened when i started reading ulysses.

    Got about 100 pages in before it became just too damn difficult to do alongside uni

  • Jan 27, 2020
    2 replies

    I was forced to do that as a child with that Scholastic Reading Counts! program where you had to read multiple books on a point system for a grade.

  • Jan 28, 2020
    1 reply

  • Jan 28, 2020
    2 replies

    I was born when Captain Underpants came out...

  • Jan 28, 2020
    1 reply

    Nope, way different
    But I'm wired different

  • Jan 28, 2020

    i've tried but it's too hard