  • Aug 15, 2020

    If so, I have some questions:

    1. How big is each meal, and what do you eat?

    2. How often do you eat 3 meals a day?

    3. How do you afford this?

    I personally eat one actual meal and then surround it with tinier things, but people on Twitter are saying it's triggering to question eating 3 meals

  • Aug 15, 2020

    i do the same as u lol

  • Aug 15, 2020
    2 replies

    no, probably why I never gain any weight

  • Only when I was in county

  • Aug 15, 2020


  • Aug 15, 2020

    usually 1 and maybe some snacks

  • Aug 15, 2020

    F*** whatever triggers “people on Twitter”

    Eat what you want when you want

  • Aug 15, 2020

    no, probably why I never gain any weight

  • definitely not, i prolly have breakfast 1-2 times a week

  • Aug 15, 2020


    One around 10am
    One around 3-5pm depending on how hungry i am
    Then one again at 7-9pm

    Aim for 1000 calories each

  • Aug 15, 2020


  • Aug 15, 2020

    Twitter is the last place I would want to get my opinions validated from

  • Aug 15, 2020

    I eat a small lunch and big ass dinner with some healthy snacks in between

  • Aug 15, 2020

    2 meals plus snacks

  • On weekends I do

    Weekdays no

  • Aug 15, 2020
    3 replies

    If you count eating ass as a meal then ya

  • Aug 15, 2020

    If you count eating ass as a meal then ya

  • plants 🌻
    Aug 15, 2020
    2 replies

    2 slices PBJ toast for breakfast with a protein shake, then a sandwich with half cup nuts and shake for lunch. Dinner is usually some pasta or lentil or rice n bean dish. Hitting 3k+ calories and 150g protein every day. It's max 10 bucks a day and that's if I throw some faux meat in my dinner. Usually 7.50 a day.

  • Tadow 🥀
    Aug 15, 2020
    Him Possible

    If so, I have some questions:

    1. How big is each meal, and what do you eat?

    2. How often do you eat 3 meals a day?

    3. How do you afford this?

    I personally eat one actual meal and then surround it with tinier things, but people on Twitter are saying it's triggering to question eating 3 meals

    1. During the week ~700 -800 calories each

    2. M-F

    3. Cooking my own s*** for breakfast & lunch. I get Hello Fresh for dinner because I'm lazy and not imaginative when it comes towards thinking of new meal ideas.

  • Aug 15, 2020

    Depends. Some days might just be one. Some days might be like 4 lol

  • Hi-C 🦌
    Aug 15, 2020

    I wish. I genuinely am so lazy about food or am not hungry. I wanna gain weight but like my b**** ass can’t manage to eat that much consistently

  • Aug 15, 2020


  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Aug 15, 2020

    Yes I eat 3 meals a day.

    Breakfast. I personallly need to eat at the same time every day to set the time when I wake up. It’s natural hunter instinct to wake up when you’re hungry, so to eat the same time every morning will set your internal clock to help you wake up in the morning.

    Lunch. At work I eat lunch.

    Dinner. It’s been mad long since lunch so I eat a couple hours before bed.

    If I were to skip one it could be breakfast as I believe I could hammer through to lunch... but I need to wake up for work and without breakfast I’m a monster

  • Aug 15, 2020

    1. Breakfast - 3pm
    2. Lunch - 9pm
    3. Dinner - 12pm(sometimes as a treat)

  • Aug 15, 2020