  • Only if your a bum

  • Nov 27, 2022
    1 reply

    I know it's easier said than done, but understand that this comes and goes. Depression isn't a part of your character, but a temporary phenomenon you can observe just as you would anything else you experience with your senses. The more you attach yourself emotionally to the experience of depression, the more you feed it and let it grow and fester until it bleeds into the other aspects of your life. In time, you can build a habit of observing your thoughts and emotions as they arise and pass without participating in the experience, just as you can build a habit of smoking weed, or going to the gym or any other activity. Eventually, with practice, you'll be able to see this experience more objectively. These thoughts slowly evolve from "I am a depressed person" to "this is happening right now, but it will pass".

    I think that when you approach your 30s, it's natural to feel more pressured to have achieved xyz, which may or may not be contributing to your feelings, but understand that this is not something that exists outside of your own mind. Regardless, I recommend reaching out to a therapist (if possible) or even someone you're close to that you can speak to more deeply about what's going on to help pinpoint the source of these feelings. It may just be that you are biochemically predisposed to depression, it may be seasonal, or it may be something else going on that you aren't able to recognize clearly right now. Just know that it won't last forever.

  • Nov 27, 2022

    It definitely gets worse

    Had depression since 7th grade (13) and I’m 29 now and my depression has definitely gotten much worse over the last 2 years

  • Nov 27, 2022
    1 reply

    buy a longcoat and boots then walk around your local metro area at 4am with a cigarette and shoegaze in your ears.

    Really cathertic

  • Nov 27, 2022


  • Zoobooks

    I know it's easier said than done, but understand that this comes and goes. Depression isn't a part of your character, but a temporary phenomenon you can observe just as you would anything else you experience with your senses. The more you attach yourself emotionally to the experience of depression, the more you feed it and let it grow and fester until it bleeds into the other aspects of your life. In time, you can build a habit of observing your thoughts and emotions as they arise and pass without participating in the experience, just as you can build a habit of smoking weed, or going to the gym or any other activity. Eventually, with practice, you'll be able to see this experience more objectively. These thoughts slowly evolve from "I am a depressed person" to "this is happening right now, but it will pass".

    I think that when you approach your 30s, it's natural to feel more pressured to have achieved xyz, which may or may not be contributing to your feelings, but understand that this is not something that exists outside of your own mind. Regardless, I recommend reaching out to a therapist (if possible) or even someone you're close to that you can speak to more deeply about what's going on to help pinpoint the source of these feelings. It may just be that you are biochemically predisposed to depression, it may be seasonal, or it may be something else going on that you aren't able to recognize clearly right now. Just know that it won't last forever.

    ain’t reading all dat just change difficulty settings

  • Nov 27, 2022
    1 reply

    introduce carrots + raw milk into your diet and take some magnesium that should clear most things right up

  • Nov 27, 2022


  • amiriasshole

    28 and I’d say my mood is either tired or mildly depressed. Nothing new hits and weed only makes me feel good temporarily.

    Winter doesn’t help. Any tips?

    weed is only supposed to help temporarily

    If you are turning to coping mechanisms on a regular basis that means you are not facing your true issues

    even emotional turmoil can help you grow and build a more ideal life if you decide not to run from it

    I would say take time to unplug, detach from substance use, and journal to yourself about what's going on in your life & Mind and then storm up ways to change it. shake your routine up, if not change it entirely. maybe you're unhappy with your profession, romantic partner, family etc but bc you don't express it and try to change those circumstances the negativity is prone to stick to you more often. I say this as a green 21 yr old but also also as someone who's faced depression pretty regularly since I was a kid.
    May not be the perfect advice but just giving my piece on it

  • Nov 27, 2022

    It’s perception OP

  • Nov 27, 2022

    yes your cells at that point have started dying faster than new ones are being created so your death has begun

    Lmao damn

  • Nov 27, 2022

    dude sad that he turning 30 soon

    bro grow up...

  • Nov 28, 2022

    buy a longcoat and boots then walk around your local metro area at 4am with a cigarette and shoegaze in your ears.

    Really cathertic

  • Nov 28, 2022

    introduce carrots + raw milk into your diet and take some magnesium that should clear most things right up

  • Nov 28, 2022

    it's all in your perception, I was excited to turn 30. my twenties were cool but at the same time I had some down years and self doubt that was holding me back

    but I've always believed you improve as you age. you've just got to be honest with yourself, look within for what you want to change, and every year be grateful that you have another chance to do better

    it's a mindset shift that a lot of people on this site will struggle with due to the constant ageism that's so prevalent here

    but a lot of men really find themselves and success in their thirties

  • Aug 16, 2023


  • Aug 16, 2023

    How tf can you have a 9-5 and not be depressed

  • Aug 16, 2023


  • Aug 16, 2023

    My only saving grace is I was a babyface teen so age ain’t hitting me bad

    But at 29 the monotony kills you!

  • Aug 16, 2023

    I did this yesterday man wtf. 😐

    Music usually helps but been listening to the same s*** for 10 years

    All the spontaneity getting sucked outta me

  • Aug 16, 2023
    1 reply


  • Aug 16, 2023
    1 reply


    What’s your secret?

  • Aug 16, 2023
    2 replies

    it shouldn't. you should have way more total control over your life and emotions at that age

  • Aug 16, 2023
    1 reply

    it shouldn't. you should have way more total control over your life and emotions at that age

    My life’s in control, good job, beautiful girlfriend, cat, supportive friends

    But.. but, I literally do the same s*** everyday in an office and have to wake up driven

    I don’t see how depression isn’t possible

  • Aug 16, 2023
    1 reply

    it shouldn't. you should have way more total control over your life and emotions at that age

    real productive comment!