  • Aug 16, 2023

    Thanks y’all this intellectualising about Earthly struggle made my day go quicker.

    See you again tomorrow.

  • Aug 16, 2023

    No you just get more clarity on life and yourself

  • Aug 16, 2023

    I mean I agree but unless you really got a passion to try to change things or your current situation is too much to continue how it is, I'd prefer to not be a doomer and nihilist and get as much enjoyment out of my life while I'm here, my family is my priority at this time in my life.

    Its not like OP is working 20 hrs a day in factory, he got an office job, it cant be THAT bad. And if it is, try to find something else or work towards the change you want in the world.

    I'm not saying that you should give into nihilism, but simply accepting a 9-5 for a job you don't care about that is making you unhappy because that's just how things are seems kinds nihilistic to me as well

  • AR15 💯
    Aug 16, 2023
    1 reply

    Used to be diagnosed with major depressive disorder, got 5150d for a month after my suicide attempt. Got off hard d**** (coke, addy, xans, percs) i was on everyday.

    Havent had suicidal thoughts in like 2 or 3 years since then.

  • Aug 16, 2023

    Used to be diagnosed with major depressive disorder, got 5150d for a month after my suicide attempt. Got off hard d**** (coke, addy, xans, percs) i was on everyday.

    Havent had suicidal thoughts in like 2 or 3 years since then.

    🫡🫡 keep going

  • Aug 16, 2023


  • plants 🌻
    Aug 16, 2023
    1 reply

    @Gabrieljesus i see ppl in the deepest of trenches at my 9-5 (homeless shelter) so the monotony of it just does not hit me in a negative way. yeah it's the same client files being entered into the same online portal and the same reports being ran for the same programs again and again and again but I see just how blessed I am to be IN that monotony

    it puts it all in to perspective for my 30 year old ass

    and besides at work I also exercise, read, study, journal, and listen to new music (there's so much good new music out there bro)

    the framing of your situation holds so much power over your happiness. so much.

    and like Lisa said, you have some degree sof control over said situation. not only do you control your perspective but you also control parts of the situation itself.

    since you said you spend 40% of your day somewhere you hate I'd focus on that, either through your perspective or through your actions in the physical world ie dust off the resume

  • Aug 16, 2023

    Yeah I feel like it’s the set in his ways grumpy old man syndrome kicking in

    Especially with a 9-5

    Prolly gonna get worse.

    Do I smoke one?

    F*** it

    Matter fact im bout to smoke one w you

  • Aug 16, 2023
    1 reply
    Scratchin Mamba

    Definitely but there's a lot of BULLSHYT office jobs that basically have no positive benefit to society at all or are actually even actively harmful

    And even the s***ty labor that needs to be done can be made less s***ty as well

    But anyway im a changed man and wont derail this to capitalism vs communism

    It's funny because I deadass nearly added something about capitalism in that post

  • Aug 16, 2023

    @Gabrieljesus i see ppl in the deepest of trenches at my 9-5 (homeless shelter) so the monotony of it just does not hit me in a negative way. yeah it's the same client files being entered into the same online portal and the same reports being ran for the same programs again and again and again but I see just how blessed I am to be IN that monotony

    it puts it all in to perspective for my 30 year old ass

    and besides at work I also exercise, read, study, journal, and listen to new music (there's so much good new music out there bro)

    the framing of your situation holds so much power over your happiness. so much.

    and like Lisa said, you have some degree sof control over said situation. not only do you control your perspective but you also control parts of the situation itself.

    since you said you spend 40% of your day somewhere you hate I'd focus on that, either through your perspective or through your actions in the physical world ie dust off the resume

    🫡 I guess I’m in a rut and it’s a sign to change some s*** in my life.

    Tryna take back control I don’t like feeling like this

    You’re blessed to be in a profession where you get to see the help you give people so directly

  • Aug 16, 2023
    1 reply

    Get married and have kids wont have time to be depressed 😂

  • Aug 16, 2023
    codeine crazy

    Get married and have kids wont have time to be depressed 😂

    Yeah I wanted to vent to my moms but she’s been a mother since 21 knew she wouldn’t relate 😂

  • Gabrieljesus

    Nail on the head.

    It’s the monotony, that’s the correlation with age

    I can’t be distracted by the same things I was in my youth because I’ve done them before

    Monotony IS depressing

    learn to find peace in the monotony, that's my suggestion. maybe try picking up meditation?

  • Aug 16, 2023


  • Aug 16, 2023

    It's funny because I deadass nearly added something about capitalism in that post

    Truth is pretty much all our problems are in some way related to capitalism if not the primary cause so it's hard not to yk

  • Aug 16, 2023

    Idk it's way less as I get older tbh because everything is in perspective