  • Dec 14, 2019

  • Dec 14, 2019

    Where is it

  • Dec 20, 2019


  • Dec 21, 2019

    Good chapter

    I hope the Earth Fighters (Mainly Krillin, Gohan and Piccolo) also did some type of training in the 2 months as well.

    Id also like to see 17 join in on some of this as well. He would be useful against Moro because he never runs out of stamina/energy

  • Dec 24, 2019

    why this thread so dead now

  • Dec 24, 2019

    Life hasn’t been the same since super ended

    Manga slaps though

  • Dec 25, 2019
    1 reply

    i guess trunks has Super Saiyan God now

  • Dec 25, 2019
    1 reply

    My homie said he prefers GT more than super at this point & was greatly pissed about the sayian girls

    I didn’t mind them tbh but how they turned super sayian was weak but Kefla was so dope

  • Dec 25, 2019
    1 reply
    CNA Lov3ly

    i guess trunks has Super Saiyan God now

    The f*** is up with his sword This ain't Dragonball, this is Final Fantasy.

    Trunks used to be the coolest character but as time goes on he just gets more and more lame.

    Z trunks is a badass. GT trunks is lame, Super Trunks is weak. Xeno Trunks/Time Patrol Trunks is super lame and corny. SS God trunks looks like a shampoo model.

  • Most iconic anime ever made

  • Dec 26, 2019
    1 reply
    Chip Skylark

    My homie said he prefers GT more than super at this point & was greatly pissed about the sayian girls

    I didn’t mind them tbh but how they turned super sayian was weak but Kefla was so dope

    The Universe 6 Saiyans are naturally stronger than the Universe 7 Saiyans.

    It took Cabba very little to transform to SSJ the first time. Compare that to the first 4 Universe 7 Super Saiyans.

    Caulifla was introduced as stronger than Cabba iirc and Kale is basically Universe 6 Broly so it makes perfect sense why they accessed SSJ with little effort.

    My only issues with Kale and Caulifla is that Caulifla got SSJ2 without trying and Kale mastered her Legendary SSJ form in too little time.

  • Dec 26, 2019

    The f*** is up with his sword This ain't Dragonball, this is Final Fantasy.

    Trunks used to be the coolest character but as time goes on he just gets more and more lame.

    Z trunks is a badass. GT trunks is lame, Super Trunks is weak. Xeno Trunks/Time Patrol Trunks is super lame and corny. SS God trunks looks like a shampoo model.


    Any Trunks past the Android Saga is almost as lame as Adult Gohan at his worst but Dragonball fans arent ready for that convo.

    That blue hair recolor wasnt it at all.

  • Dec 26, 2019

    Also, I think people gassed the "Kefla = SSB Goku" thing as well as the "Gohan = Kefla" scaling in the manga.

    Kefla was as strong as a Super Saiyan Blue Goku that was just previously depleted of most of his energy and had to regain it.

    Ultimate Gohan in the anime tanked direct shots from SSB Goku and was strong enough to knock him back before Goku used Kaioken to win.

    The scaling of those 2 characters arent too far off when you think of it from that perspective.

  • Jan 3, 2020


  • Jan 3, 2020
    1 reply

    If we being real the whole ToP was disappointing asf

  • Jan 3, 2020

    I wish there was somewhere I could read them all... every site is a pay site or only has the first couple and last couple

  • Jan 3, 2020

    If we being real the whole ToP was disappointing asf

    It turned ass at the end until the last episode tbh

  • Jan 8, 2020
    1 reply

    Gt could use a remake imo

  • Jan 8, 2020
    1 reply

    Gt could use a remake imo

    GT had MUCH better ideas than Super. But it didn’t do enough with it or messed up along the way. Granted Super has obvious flaws as well.

    GT has a dope ending. And Goku blue fit 🔥

  • Jan 8, 2020
    1 reply

    GT wasnt it.

    The Baby idea was good but it regressed to "Vegeta turns evil" and another Goku vs Vegeta rehash that we already had in the Buu Saga.

    The Super 17 idea was decent but the side characters all became fodder, even Majuub who just got his power boost an arc earlier

    I will say the idea around the Black Star Dragon Balls was a great idea bc it can be retconned to Elder Kai warning them to not rely on the DBs too much. But they once again ruined that by the side characters being useless and making Goku decline Adult Gotenks.

    Super is executed far better than GT. There are times in every Arc except the Universe 6 and Beerus Arcs where a character not named Goku or Vegeta looks good. GT was the epitome of "Goku saves the day". In Super we at least had Trunks/Zeno beating Zamasu, 17/Frieza helping Goku eliminate Jiren and Gogeta defeating Broly.

  • Jan 8, 2020
    1 reply

    The worst part of GTs beginning was the way they went about finding the BSDBs

    Goku, Trunks and Pan was a dumb trio. They should've had multiple groups finding the DBs. Get Bulla, Goten, Gohan, Vegeta, Uub and Piccolo involved at least.

  • Jan 8, 2020
    1 reply
    Scott Raiden

    GT wasnt it.

    The Baby idea was good but it regressed to "Vegeta turns evil" and another Goku vs Vegeta rehash that we already had in the Buu Saga.

    The Super 17 idea was decent but the side characters all became fodder, even Majuub who just got his power boost an arc earlier

    I will say the idea around the Black Star Dragon Balls was a great idea bc it can be retconned to Elder Kai warning them to not rely on the DBs too much. But they once again ruined that by the side characters being useless and making Goku decline Adult Gotenks.

    Super is executed far better than GT. There are times in every Arc except the Universe 6 and Beerus Arcs where a character not named Goku or Vegeta looks good. GT was the epitome of "Goku saves the day". In Super we at least had Trunks/Zeno beating Zamasu, 17/Frieza helping Goku eliminate Jiren and Gogeta defeating Broly.

    Fair criticisms although I never felt Bebi arc became “evil Vegeta” again in general I viewed it more as a Tuffle taking that last step to revenge and getting the strongest saiyan outside of Goku. To me the Tuffle revenge aspect is easily the best idea, followed by the shadow dragons which is a perfect final arc to the series imo. The execution is poor. Super had no ideas near as good as those two, but as you said better execution.

    Granted the atrocious power scaling and ass pulls are debatably worse in Super.

    GT also benefited from actually aging Goten & Trunks & giving them some growth.

  • Jan 9, 2020
    2 replies
    Scott Raiden

    The Universe 6 Saiyans are naturally stronger than the Universe 7 Saiyans.

    It took Cabba very little to transform to SSJ the first time. Compare that to the first 4 Universe 7 Super Saiyans.

    Caulifla was introduced as stronger than Cabba iirc and Kale is basically Universe 6 Broly so it makes perfect sense why they accessed SSJ with little effort.

    My only issues with Kale and Caulifla is that Caulifla got SSJ2 without trying and Kale mastered her Legendary SSJ form in too little time.

    There isn't any definitive thing to say that the U6 Saiyan's are naturally stronger. It's just a bunch of retcon BS.

    Cabba a SSJ similar to Gohan by making him extremely mad and telling him to focus on that feeling to ever become a stronger.

    The other two just became it from getting tangly backs.

    You know how it isn't true that U6 Saiyans are stronger? Manga Gohan solos SSJ2 Kefla. Kale didn't even master her form in the manga and was beserker Kale. He SOLO'd them. Goku also held his own against both. The U6 saiyans were just handled poorly.

  • Jan 9, 2020
    Scott Raiden

    The worst part of GTs beginning was the way they went about finding the BSDBs

    Goku, Trunks and Pan was a dumb trio. They should've had multiple groups finding the DBs. Get Bulla, Goten, Gohan, Vegeta, Uub and Piccolo involved at least.

    It's because they tried to recreate the original DB adventure style but it didn't work because Pan wasn't a likeable character as Bulma. She also couldn't be used in the same way as Bulma was in the 80s. It failed miserably.

  • Jan 9, 2020
    1 reply

    Fair criticisms although I never felt Bebi arc became “evil Vegeta” again in general I viewed it more as a Tuffle taking that last step to revenge and getting the strongest saiyan outside of Goku. To me the Tuffle revenge aspect is easily the best idea, followed by the shadow dragons which is a perfect final arc to the series imo. The execution is poor. Super had no ideas near as good as those two, but as you said better execution.

    Granted the atrocious power scaling and ass pulls are debatably worse in Super.

    GT also benefited from actually aging Goten & Trunks & giving them some growth.

    It gave Trunks growth. Goten was just a goofy boyfriend.

    Both had terrible power scaling.

    Super 17 being able to fight on par with Goku.

    A random mercenary being stronger than Majin buu after what was said in the original series.

    Cell and Frieza being able to hold their own against Goku.

    Nothing about GT power scaling made sense besides the shadow dragons and even those were a stretch. It shouldn't have been anything in the universe stronger than the pink bubble gum. That's why it was a great idea for super to introduce different universes because it was said that nothing was more powerful or terrifying than Majin buu in the universe. So for a random mercenary to be stronger than Buu is stupid.
