  • Jan 9, 2020
    1 reply

    There isn't any definitive thing to say that the U6 Saiyan's are naturally stronger. It's just a bunch of retcon BS.

    Cabba a SSJ similar to Gohan by making him extremely mad and telling him to focus on that feeling to ever become a stronger.

    The other two just became it from getting tangly backs.

    You know how it isn't true that U6 Saiyans are stronger? Manga Gohan solos SSJ2 Kefla. Kale didn't even master her form in the manga and was beserker Kale. He SOLO'd them. Goku also held his own against both. The U6 saiyans were just handled poorly.

    Vegeta (Anime version) said to Cabba "In my natural state we are evenly matched" when both were in their base forms in the U6 Tournament. This is Vegeta post-God Training as well, so his base form should be far stronger than it was even in the Beerus arc.

    When you put the fact that Caulifla and Kale are both stronger than him, the U6 Saiyans are absolutely naturally stronger than the U7 Saiyans.

    The U7 Saiyans before Goten, Trunks and Pan had to go through all types of godly training and power hacks to get their power. We cant forget that without the special training they got, their power levels would be laughable tbh, especially Goku and Gohan from where they started.

    When I say "U6 Saiyans are naturally stronger than U7 Saiyans", I mean their natural power without any extraordinary training methods (anything that has to do with Magic or Deity based power boosts and training that The U7 Saiyans received).

    With the special training considered the U7 Saiyans are far above them definitely.

  • Jan 9, 2020
    Scott Raiden

    Vegeta (Anime version) said to Cabba "In my natural state we are evenly matched" when both were in their base forms in the U6 Tournament. This is Vegeta post-God Training as well, so his base form should be far stronger than it was even in the Beerus arc.

    When you put the fact that Caulifla and Kale are both stronger than him, the U6 Saiyans are absolutely naturally stronger than the U7 Saiyans.

    The U7 Saiyans before Goten, Trunks and Pan had to go through all types of godly training and power hacks to get their power. We cant forget that without the special training they got, their power levels would be laughable tbh, especially Goku and Gohan from where they started.

    When I say "U6 Saiyans are naturally stronger than U7 Saiyans", I mean their natural power without any extraordinary training methods (anything that has to do with Magic or Deity based power boosts and training that The U7 Saiyans received).

    With the special training considered the U7 Saiyans are far above them definitely.

    No Vegeta said that line in the manga too.
    The thing about that line is we don't know if Vegeta was being modest or not. Because Cabba didn't do ANY damage to vegeta. Meanwhile Vegeta only hit him once and hurt him badly before turning SSJ to torture him.

    But the explanation for Caulifa being stronger than Cabba was that she was a prodigy. She was basically the female Goku that loved fighting. Kale is just U6 Broly.

    You have to remember post Gohan becoming an SSJ has been retcon to death so unless it's definitively said theu're stronger than I just can't think they are because it's been too many contradictions. Like Gohan soloing Kefla.

  • Jan 9, 2020
    1 reply

    It gave Trunks growth. Goten was just a goofy boyfriend.

    Both had terrible power scaling.

    Super 17 being able to fight on par with Goku.

    A random mercenary being stronger than Majin buu after what was said in the original series.

    Cell and Frieza being able to hold their own against Goku.

    Nothing about GT power scaling made sense besides the shadow dragons and even those were a stretch. It shouldn't have been anything in the universe stronger than the pink bubble gum. That's why it was a great idea for super to introduce different universes because it was said that nothing was more powerful or terrifying than Majin buu in the universe. So for a random mercenary to be stronger than Buu is stupid.

    And 17 in Super shouldn’t be as strong as he is. Future Trunks power up is random bs, etc. both series are terrible, one could easily argue GT made more sense (as little sense as the power scaling made).

    As for Goten that’s fine, in fact a perfect way for his character to act. At the end of Z he is already trending that direction, makes perfect sense for him in GT.

  • Jan 9, 2020
    1 reply

    GT had MUCH better ideas than Super. But it didn’t do enough with it or messed up along the way. Granted Super has obvious flaws as well.

    GT has a dope ending. And Goku blue fit 🔥

    Facts best ending ever

  • Jan 9, 2020
    1 reply

    And 17 in Super shouldn’t be as strong as he is. Future Trunks power up is random bs, etc. both series are terrible, one could easily argue GT made more sense (as little sense as the power scaling made).

    As for Goten that’s fine, in fact a perfect way for his character to act. At the end of Z he is already trending that direction, makes perfect sense for him in GT.

    Android 17 in Super ran off the fact that Androids have high potiental. It was stated by Toriyama that with training they can become even stronger. Android 17 never stopped training since the cell games. Android 17 in GT did and then fused with a copy of himself to become stronger.

    Future Trunks finishing move in the anime was an asspull. The power ups was to showcase the abuse of Zenkai boosts and how it can become a problem if a Saiyan ever got his/her body hijacked. It wasn't random it actually had story elements for it.

    But him trending that way doesn't show growth. People in fact complained for years that Goten was done wrong in GT because he barely got any screen time compared to Trunks.

    The only thing in Super that was a mess was the tournament of power. That was because it was rushed to the finished with little development. It was even worst in the manga where it was rushed to get to the next major story arc that was Toyotarou first solo arc that setup the anime in the future.

  • Jan 9, 2020
    1 reply

    There isn't any definitive thing to say that the U6 Saiyan's are naturally stronger. It's just a bunch of retcon BS.

    Cabba a SSJ similar to Gohan by making him extremely mad and telling him to focus on that feeling to ever become a stronger.

    The other two just became it from getting tangly backs.

    You know how it isn't true that U6 Saiyans are stronger? Manga Gohan solos SSJ2 Kefla. Kale didn't even master her form in the manga and was beserker Kale. He SOLO'd them. Goku also held his own against both. The U6 saiyans were just handled poorly.

    Using the manga as your argument

  • Jan 9, 2020
    1 reply
    Maga Law

    Using the manga as your argument

    I wasn't using the manga as the basis of my argument. Both the anime and manga have a branched canon that both show Kefla being solo'd by someone stronger than Kale and Caulifa. In the Anime it was Goku, in the manga Toyo had Gohan do it.

    Even in the anime there is nothing stated that definitively say they're stronger than U7 saiyans.

  • Jan 9, 2020

    I wasn't using the manga as the basis of my argument. Both the anime and manga have a branched canon that both show Kefla being solo'd by someone stronger than Kale and Caulifa. In the Anime it was Goku, in the manga Toyo had Gohan do it.

    Even in the anime there is nothing stated that definitively say they're stronger than U7 saiyans.


    Hopefully we get a U6 arc with Vegeta visiting the Saiyan planet

  • Jan 9, 2020
    2 replies

    But Caulifla was definitely a prodigy and was already powerful from what they showed

    Kale is a straight ass pull

  • Jan 9, 2020
    1 reply

    Facts best ending ever

    brought tears to my eyes

  • Jan 9, 2020
    1 reply

    Yall gotta understand that yea sure, going super saiyan felt like it was a emotional reaction when they introduced it

    But that was only the 1st time

    Like they don't have a emotional reaction every time they go super saiyan lmao

    Once they did it once they realized, oh, the power comes from your back lol

    Cabba just explained it stupidly

  • Jan 9, 2020
    1 reply
    Maga Law

    Yall gotta understand that yea sure, going super saiyan felt like it was a emotional reaction when they introduced it

    But that was only the 1st time

    Like they don't have a emotional reaction every time they go super saiyan lmao

    Once they did it once they realized, oh, the power comes from your back lol

    Cabba just explained it stupidly

    That isn't true and is explained by Vegeta to Cabba that the emotional reaction is suppose to be a footprint to remember when you go SSJ. How can you retcon that into it being a tangly back feeling.

    No that's legit the Canon reason. It was explained by Toriyama that it was S-cells and a tangly feeling in your back during an interview.

  • Jan 9, 2020
    1 reply
    Maga Law

    But Caulifla was definitely a prodigy and was already powerful from what they showed

    Kale is a straight ass pull

    It was mentioned that she was a prodigy that's why she was so strong. She never trained ever and has zero martial arts experience. She just fights like a brawler. Thats why Goku was able to easily beat her around.

  • Jan 9, 2020
    1 reply
    · edited

    Android 17 in Super ran off the fact that Androids have high potiental. It was stated by Toriyama that with training they can become even stronger. Android 17 never stopped training since the cell games. Android 17 in GT did and then fused with a copy of himself to become stronger.

    Future Trunks finishing move in the anime was an asspull. The power ups was to showcase the abuse of Zenkai boosts and how it can become a problem if a Saiyan ever got his/her body hijacked. It wasn't random it actually had story elements for it.

    But him trending that way doesn't show growth. People in fact complained for years that Goten was done wrong in GT because he barely got any screen time compared to Trunks.

    The only thing in Super that was a mess was the tournament of power. That was because it was rushed to the finished with little development. It was even worst in the manga where it was rushed to get to the next major story arc that was Toyotarou first solo arc that setup the anime in the future.

    It’s still insanely illogical that 17 is that powerful. Dudes been on an island protecting animals. This is widely criticized as is plenty of Super’s atrocious power scaling.

    Future Trunks random anger form was stupid as hell, I didn’t mind Black being that strong.

    Screentime & him developing naturally (the way he was shown at end of Z) are two different things. He definitely didn’t get enough screentime, but hell I’ll take GT Goten over Super‘s treatment of Goten any day of the week.

    Black arc is cool but a mess at the end. ToP as u said is a mess. Both heavily flawed shows. Super has a huge issue in that the space between Buu arc and end of Z needs to end, we know how this story ends lol.

  • Jan 9, 2020

    That isn't true and is explained by Vegeta to Cabba that the emotional reaction is suppose to be a footprint to remember when you go SSJ. How can you retcon that into it being a tangly back feeling.

    No that's legit the Canon reason. It was explained by Toriyama that it was S-cells and a tangly feeling in your back during an interview.

    I don't remember him saying it's the footprint

    I'd have to go back in watch that

    Doesn't make sense because he saw Trunks go SSJ without that lmao

  • Jan 9, 2020
    1 reply

    It was mentioned that she was a prodigy that's why she was so strong. She never trained ever and has zero martial arts experience. She just fights like a brawler. Thats why Goku was able to easily beat her around.

    Well again I would like them to go into a more in-depth look at the U6 saiyans

    And yes of course Goku gonna beat her easily

    But still, Caulifla's skills looked way too polished to not have any training

  • Jan 9, 2020

    Then again Tory always changing s*** so to try to keep up with it is pointless at this point lol

    Man pretty much changed the whole origin of Goku and Vegeta with the Broly movie lol

  • Jan 9, 2020
    1 reply

    brought tears to my eyes

    The 100 year time skip have me chills. Still has me thinking

  • Jan 9, 2020

    The 100 year time skip have me chills. Still has me thinking

    Would love a series going over what happened in those 100 years or even a series of Goku & Vegeta Jr 😌

  • Jan 9, 2020
    1 reply

    the back and forth discussing of which ass pulls are worse from which successor to DB is why this series dead lol

  • Jan 9, 2020
    1 reply

    It’s still insanely illogical that 17 is that powerful. Dudes been on an island protecting animals. This is widely criticized as is plenty of Super’s atrocious power scaling.

    Future Trunks random anger form was stupid as hell, I didn’t mind Black being that strong.

    Screentime & him developing naturally (the way he was shown at end of Z) are two different things. He definitely didn’t get enough screentime, but hell I’ll take GT Goten over Super‘s treatment of Goten any day of the week.

    Black arc is cool but a mess at the end. ToP as u said is a mess. Both heavily flawed shows. Super has a huge issue in that the space between Buu arc and end of Z needs to end, we know how this story ends lol.

    What lol? Nobody complains about 17 in Super because it was said he uses the poachers as training fodder and that he uses the animals as training too. He never stopped training for 10+ years.

    Again that was the anime adding a form for merchandise. It's technically not a new form just Trucks rage Personified.

    Goten in Super was at least used! Goten in GT wasn't and when he was it was because he got infected by Baby.

    We don't know if the ending will be changed.

  • Jan 9, 2020
    1 reply
    Maga Law

    Well again I would like them to go into a more in-depth look at the U6 saiyans

    And yes of course Goku gonna beat her easily

    But still, Caulifla's skills looked way too polished to not have any training

    No her skills didn't look polished lol. Go look at the episode when Goku toyed with her. Whis even mentions that Caulifa is no match for Goku because she doesn't know Martial arts, she's just out there throwing punches lol.

  • Jan 9, 2020
    1 reply

    I need to watch Dragon Ball Super haven't started watching yet is it good ?

  • Jan 9, 2020

    I need to watch Dragon Ball Super haven't started watching yet is it good ?

    Yeah it's a good watch.

  • Jan 9, 2020
    1 reply
    Maga Law

    But Caulifla was definitely a prodigy and was already powerful from what they showed

    Kale is a straight ass pull

    Kales power is no less of an asspull than Broly.

    She's basically set up to be the Hulk/Berzerker/LSSJ of Universe 6.
    Now what is a true asspull is her gaining control of her Super Saiyan form so quickly in the TOP.
